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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第85章

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…his great friend; Captain Gordon; had got a ship; and hoped to be
able to take him; and this might lead to Harry's going with him。
Then Norman applied himself to the capture of cray…fish; and Larkins
grew so full of fun and drollery; that the hours of recreation passed
off less gloomily than they had begun。

If only his own brother would have been his adherent!  But he saw
almost nothing of Tom。  Day after day he missed him; he was off
before him in going and returning from school; and when he caught a
sight of his face; it looked harassed; pale; and miserable; stealing
anxious glances after him; yet shrinking from his eye。  But; at the
same time; Norman did not see him mingling with his former friends;
and could not make out how he disposed of himself。  To be thus
continually shunned by his own brother; even when the general mass
were returning to ordinary terms; became so painful; that Norman was
always on the watch to seek for one more conversation with him。

He caught him at last in the evening; just as they were going home。
〃Tom; why are you running away?  Come with me;〃 said he
authoritatively; and Tom obeyed in trembling。

Norman led the way to the meads。 〃Tom;〃 said he; 〃do not let this go
on。  Why do you serve me in this way?  You surely need not turn
against me;〃 he said; with pleading melancholy in his voice。

It was not needed。  Tom had flung himself upon the grass; and was in
an agony of crying; even before he had finished the words。

〃Tom; Tom! what is the matter?  Have they been bullying you again?
Look up; and tell mewhat is it?  You know I can stand by you still;
if you'll only let me;〃 and Norman sat by him on the grass; and
raised his face by a sort of force; but the kind words only brought
more piteous sobs。  It was a long time before they diminished enough
to let him utter a word; but Norman went on patiently consoling and
inquiring; sure; at least; that here had broken down the sullenness
that had always repelled him。

At last came the words;  〃Oh! I cannot bear it。  It is all my doing!〃

〃Whathowyou don't mean this happening to me?  It is not your
doing; Augustwhat fancy is this?〃

〃Oh; yes; it is;〃 said Tom; his voice cut short by gasps; the remains
of the sobs。  〃They would not hear me!  I tried to tell them how you
told them not; and sent them home。  I tried to tell about
Ballhatchetbutbut they wouldn'tthey said if it had been Harry;
they would have attendedbut they would not believe me。  Oh! if
Harry was but here!〃

〃I wish he was;〃 said Norman; from the bottom of his heart; 〃but you
see; Tom; if this sets you on always telling truth; I shan't think
any great harm done。〃

A fresh burst; 〃Oh; they are all so glad!  They say such things!  And
the Mays were never in disgrace before。  Oh; Norman; Norman!〃

〃Never mind about that〃began Norman。

〃But you would mind;〃 broke in the boy passionately; 〃if you knew
what Anderson junior and Axworthy say!  They say it serves you right;
and they were going to send me to old Ballhatchet's to get some of
his stuff to drink confusion to the mouth of June; and all
pragmatical meddlers; and when I said I could not go; they vowed if I
did not; I should eat the corks for them!  And Anderson junior called
me names; and licked me。  Look there。〃  He showed a dark blue…and…red
stripe raised on the palm of his hand。  〃I could not write well for
it these three days; and Hawes gave me double copies!〃

〃The cowardly fellows!〃 exclaimed Norman indignantly。  〃But
you did not go?〃

〃No; Anderson senior stopped them。  He said he would not have the
Ballhatchet business begin again。〃

〃That is one comfort;〃 said Norman。 〃I see he does not dare not to
keep order。  But if you'll only stay with me; August; I'll take care
they don't hurt you。〃

〃Oh; June! June!〃 and he threw himself across his kind brother。  〃I
am so very sorry!  Oh! to see you put downand hear them!  And you
to lose the scholarship!  Oh; dear! oh; dear! and be in disgrace with
them all!〃

〃But; Tom; do cheer up。  It is nothing to be in such distress at。
Papa knows all about it; and while he does; I don't care half so

〃Oh; I wishI wish〃

〃You see; Tom;〃 said Norman; 〃after all; though it is very kind of
you to be sorry for not being able to get me out of this scrape; the
thing one wants you to be sorry about is your own affair。〃

〃I wish I had never come to school!  I wish Anderson would leave me
alone!  It is all his fault!  A mean…spirited; skulking; bullying〃

〃Hush; hush; Tom; he is bad enough; but now you know what he is; you
can keep clear of him for the future。  Now listen。  You and I will
make a fresh start; and try if we can't get the Mays to be looked on
as they were when Harry was here。  Let us mind the rules; and get
into no more mischief。〃

〃You'll keep me from Ned Anderson and Axworthy?〃 whispered

〃Yes; that I will。  And you'll try and speak the truth; and be

〃I will; I will;〃 said Tom; worn out in spirits by his long bondage;
and glad to catch at the hope of relief and protection。

〃Then let us come home;〃 and Tom put his hand into his brother's; as
a few weeks back would have seemed most unworthy of schoolboy

Thenceforth Tom was devoted to Norman; and kept close to him; sure
that the instant he was from under his wing his former companions
would fall on him to revenge his defection; but clinging to him also
from real affection and gratitude。  Indolence and timidity were the
true root of what had for a time seemed like a positively bad
disposition; beneath; there was a warm heart; and sense of right;
which had been almost stifled for the time; in the desire; from
moment to moment; to avoid present trouble or fear。  Under Norman's
care his better self had freer scope; he was guarded from immediate
terror; and kept from the suggestions of the worse sort of boys; as
much as was in his brother's power; and the looks they cast towards
him; and the sly torments they attempted to inflict; by no means
invited him back to them。  The lessons; where he had a long
inveterate habit of shuffling; came under Norman's eye at the same
time。  He always prepared them in his presence; instead of in the
most secret manner possible; and with all Anderson's expeditious
modes of avoiding the making them of any use。  Norman sat by; and
gave such help as was fair and just; showed him how to learn; and
explained difficulties; and the ingenuity hitherto spent in eluding
learning being now directed to gaining it; he began to make real
progress and find satisfaction in it。  The comfort of being good
dawned upon him once more; but still there was much to contend with;
he had acquired such a habit of prevarication that; if by any means
taken by surprise; his impulse was to avoid giving a straightforward
answer; and when he recollected his sincerity; the truth came with
the air of falsehood。  Moreover; he was an arrant coward; and
provoked tricks by his manifest and unreasonable terrors。  It was no
slight exercise of patience that Norman underwent; but this was the
interest he had made for himself; and the recovery of the boy's
attachment; and his improvement
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