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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第89章

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She had missed one Sunday's school on account of her aunt's visit;
but the resolution made beside Margaret's sofa had not been
forgotten。  She spent her Saturday afternoon in a call on Mrs。
Wilmot; ending with a walk through the village; she confessed her
ignorance; apologised for her blunders; and put herself under the
direction which once she had fancied too strict and harsh to be

And on Sunday she was content to teach the stupid girls; and abstain
from making much of the smooth…faced engaging set。  She thought it
very dull work; but she could feel that it was something not done to
please herself; and whereas her father had feared she would be dull
when her cousins were gone; he found her more joyous than ever。

There certainly was a peculiar happiness about Margaret Rivers; her
vexations were but ripples; rendering the sunny course of her life
more sparkling; and each exertion in the way of goodness was
productive of so much present joy that the steps of her ladder
seemed; indeed; to be of diamonds。

Her ladderfor she was; indeed; mounting upwards。  She was very
earnest in her Confirmation preparation; most anxious to do right and
to contend with her failings; but the struggle at present was easy;
and the hopes; joys; and incentives shone out more and more upon her
in this blithe stage of her life。

She knew there was a dark side; but hope and love were more present
to her than was fear。  Happy those to whom such young days are


It is the generous spirit; who; when brought
Among the tasks of real life; hath wrought
Upon the plan that pleased his childish thought;
Whose high endeavours are an inward light;
Making the path before him always bright。

The holidays had commenced about a week when Harry; now duly
appointed to H。 M。 S。 Alcestis; was to come home on leave; as he
proudly expressed it。

A glad troop of brothers and sisters; with the doctor himself; walked
up to the station to meet him; and who was happiest when; from the
window; was thrust out the rosy face; with the gold band?  Mary gave
such a shriek and leap; that two passengers and one guard turned
round to look at her; to the extreme discomfiture of Flora and
Norman; evidenced by one by a grave 〃Mary! Mary!〃 by the other; by
walking off to the extreme end of the platform; and trying to look as
if he did not belong to them; in which he was imitated by his shadow;

Sailor already; rather than schoolboy; Harry cared not for
spectators; his bound from the carriage; and the hug between him; and
Mary would have been worthy of the return from the voyage。  The next
greeting was for his father; and the sisters had had their share by
the time the two brothers thought fit to return from their calm walk
on the platform。

Grand was it to see that party return to the townthe naval cadet;
with his arm linked in Mary's; and Aubrey clinging to his hand; and
the others walking behind; admiring him as he turned his bright face
every moment with some glad question or answer; 〃How was Margaret?〃
Oh; so much better; she had been able to walk across the room; with
Norman's arm round herthey hoped she would soon use crutchesand
she sat up more。  〃And the baby?〃 More charming than everfour
teethwould soon walksuch a darling!  Then came 〃my dirk; the
ship; our berth。〃  〃Papa; do ask Mr。 Ernescliffe to come here。  I
know he could get leave。〃

〃Mr。 Ernescliffe!  You used to call him Alan!〃 said Mary。

〃Yes; but that is all over now。  You forget what we do on board。
Captain Gordon himself calls me Mr。 May!〃

Some laughed; others were extremely impressed。

〃Ha! There's Ned Anderson coming;〃 cried Mary。  〃Now! Let him see
you; Harry。〃

〃What matters Ned Anderson to me?〃 said Harry; and; with an odd
mixture of shamefacedness and cordiality; he marched full up to his
old school…fellow; and shook hands with him; as if able; in the
plenitude of his officership; to afford plenty of good…humoured
superiority。  Tom had meantime subsided out of all view。  But poor
Harry's exultation had a fall。

〃Well!〃 graciously inquired 'Mr。 May'; 〃and how is Harvey?〃

〃Oh; very well。  We are expecting him home to…morrow。〃

〃Where has he been?〃

〃To Oxford; about the Randall。〃

Harry gave a disturbed; wondering look round; on seeing Edward's air
of malignant satisfaction。  He saw nothing that reassured him; except
the quietness of Norman's own face; but even that altered as their
eyes met。  Before another word could be said; however; the doctor's
hand was on Harry's shoulder。

〃You must not keep him now; Ned;〃 said he〃his sister has not seen
him yet。〃

And he moved his little procession onwards; still resting on Harry's
shoulder; while a silence had fallen on all; and even the young
sailor ventured no question。  Only Tom's lips were quivering; and
Ethel had squeezed Norman's hand。  〃Poor Harry!〃 he muttered; 〃this
is worst of all!  I wish we had written it to him。〃

〃So do I now; but we always trusted it would come right。  Oh! if I
were but a boy to flog that Edward!〃

〃Hush; Ethel; remember what we resolved。〃

They were entering their own garden; where; beneath the shade of the
tulip…tree; Margaret lay on her couch。  Her arms were held out; and
Harry threw himself upon her; but when he rose from her caress;
Norman and Tom were gone。

〃What is this?〃 he now first ventured to ask。

〃Come with me;〃 said Dr。 May; leading the way to his study; where he
related the whole history of the suspicion that Norman had incurred。
He was glad that he had done so in private; for Harry's indignation
and grief went beyond his expectations; and when at last it appeared
that Harvey Anderson was actually Randall…scholar; after opening his
eyes with the utmost incredulity; and causing it to be a second time
repeated; he gave a gulp or two; turned very red; and ended by laying
his head on the table; and fairly sobbing and crying aloud; in spite
of dirk; uniform; and manhood。

〃Harry! why; Harry; my boy!  We should have prepared you for this;〃
said the doctor affectionately。  〃We have left off breaking our
hearts about it。  I don't want any comfort now for having gold
instead of glitter; though at first I was as bad as you。〃

〃Oh; if I had but been there!〃 said Harry; combating unsuccessfully
with his tears。

〃Ah! so we all said; Norman and all。  Your word would have cleared
himthat is; if you had not been in the thick of the mischief。  Ha!
July; should not you have been on the top of the wall?〃

〃I would have stood by him; at least。  Would not I have given
Axworthy and Anderson two such black eyes as they could not have
shown in school for a week?  They had better look out!〃 cried Harry

〃What!  An officer in her Majesty's service!  Eh; Mr。 May?〃

〃Don't; papa; don't。  Oh!  I thought it would have been so happy;
when I came home; to see Norman Randall…scholar。  Oh! now I don't
care for the ship; nor anything。〃  Again Harry's face went down on
the table。

〃Come; come; Harry;〃 said Dr。 May; pulling off the spectacles that
had become very dewy; 〃don't let us make fools of ourse
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