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魔兽争霸官方小说:仇恨之轮-Cycle of Hatred(英文版)-第44章

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About the Author 

Keith R。A。 DeCandido is the author of over two dozen novels; plus whole bunches of novellas; short stories;
eBooks; ic books; and nonfiction; in a wide variety of media universes。 In addition to Warcraft; he s played in
the worlds of Star Trek (in all its incarnations; plus some new ones); StarCraft; SpiderMan; the XMen; Buffy the
Vampire Slayer; Serenity; Farscape; Andromeda; Resident Evil; Xena; and a whole lot more。 He is also the author
of the highfantasy police procedural Dragon Precinct; and the editor of many anthologies; most recently the award
nominated Imaginings and the Star Trek anthologies Tales of the Dominion War and Tales from the Captain s
Table。 His work has journeyed to several bestseller lists; and has received critical acclaim from Entertainment
Weekly; Publishers Weekly; TV Zone; Starburst; Dreamwatch; Library Journal; and Cinescape; among others。 He 
lives in New York City with his girlfriend and two lunatic cats。 Find out too much about Keith at his official
website at DeCandido。; keep up with his ramblings on LiveJournal under the rather goofy user name of 
kradical;  or just send him silly emails at keith@decandido。。 


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