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The Library-第15章

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esold; three years later; for 780 pounds。

Any person desirous of making a collection of illuminated MSS。; should study seriously for some time at the British Museum; or some such place; until he is thoroughly acquainted (1) with the styles of writing in use in the Middle Ages; so that he can at a glance make a fairly accurate estimate of the age of the book submitted to him; and (2) with the proper means of collating the several kinds of servicebooks; which; in nine cases out of ten; were those chosen for illumination。

A knowledge of the styles of writing can be acquired at second hand in a book lately published by Mr。 Charles Trice Martin; F。S。A。; being a new edition of 〃Astle's Progress of Writing。〃  Still better; of course; is the actual inspection and parison of books to which a date can be with some degree of certainty assigned。

It is very mon for the age of a book to be misstated in the catalogues of sales; for the simple reason that the older the writing; the plainer; in all probability; it is。  Let the student pare writing of the twelfth century with that of the sixteenth; and he will be able to judge at once of the truth of this assertion。 I had once the good fortune to 〃pick up〃 a small Testament of the early part of the twelfth century; if not older; which was catalogued as belonging to the fifteenth; a date which would have made it of very moderate value。

With regard to the second point; the collation of MSS。; I fear there is no royal road to knowing whether a book is perfect or imperfect。 In some cases the catchwords remain at the foot of the pages。  It is then of course easy to see if a page is lost; but where no such clue is given the student's only chance is to be fully acquainted with what a book OUGHT to contain。  He can only do this when he has a knowledge of the different kinds of servicebooks which were in use; and of their most usual contents。

I am indebted to a paper; read by the late Sir William Tite at a meeting of the Society of Antiquaries; for the collation of 〃Books of Hours;〃 but there are many kinds of MSS。 besides these; and it is well to know something of them。  The Horae; or Books of Hours; were the latest development of the servicebooks used at an earlier period。  They cannot; in fact; be strictly called servicebooks; being intended only for private devotion。  But in the thirteenth century and before it; Psalters were in use for this purpose; and the collation of a Psalter is in truth more important than that of a Book of Hours。  It will be well for a student; therefore; to begin with Psalters; as he can then get up the Hours in their elementary form。  I subjoin a bibliographical account of both kinds of MSS。  In the famous Exhibition at the Burlington Club in 1874; a number of volumes was arranged to show how persistent one type of the age could be。  The form of the decorations; and the arrangement of the figures in borders; once invented; was fixed for generations。  In a Psalter of the thirteenth century there was; under the month of January in the calendar; a picture of a grotesque little figure warming himself at a stove。  The hearth below; the chimneypot above; on which a stork was feeding her brood; with the intermediate chimney shaft used as a border; looked like a scientific preparation from the interior anatomy of a house of the period。  In one of the latest of the MSS。 exhibited on that occasion was the selfsame design again。  The little man was no longer a grotesque; and the picture had all the high finish and pleteness in drawing that we might expect in the workmanship of a contemporary of Van Eyck。 There was a full series of intermediate books; showing the gradual growth of the picture。

With regard to chronology; it may be roughly asserted that the earliest books which occur are Psalters of the thirteenth century。 Next to them e Bibles; of which an enormous issue took place before the middle of the fourteenth century。  These are followed by an endless series of books of Hours; which; as the sixteenth century is reached; appear in several vernacular languages。  Those in English; being both very rare and of great importance in liturgical history; are of a value altogether out of proportion to the beauty of their illuminations。  Side by side with this succession are the Evangelistina; which; like the example mentioned above; are of the highest merit; beauty; and value; followed by sermons and homilies; and the Breviary; which itself shows signs of growth as the years go on。  The real Missal; with which all illuminated books used to be confounded; is of rare occurrence; but I have given a collation of it also。  Besides these devotional or religious books; I must mention chronicles and romances; and the semireligious and moral allegories; such as the 〃Pelerinage de l'Ame;〃 which is said to have given Bunyan the machinery of the 〃Pilgrim's Progress。〃  Chaucer's and Gower's poetry exists in many MSS。; as does the 〃Polychronicon〃 of Higden; but; as a rule; the mediaeval chronicles are of single origin; and were not copied。  To collate MSS。 of these kinds is quite impossible; unless by carefully reading them; and seeing that the pages run on without break。

I should advise the young collector who wishes to make sure of success not to be too catholic in his tastes at first; but to confine his attention to a single period and a single school。  I should also advise him to make from time to time a careful catalogue of what he buys; and to preserve it even after he has weeded out certain items。  He will then be able to make a clear parative estimate of the importance and value of his collection; and by studying one species at a time; to bee thoroughly conversant with what it can teach him。  When he has; so to speak; burnt his fingers once or twice; he will find himself able to distinguish at sight what no amount of teaching by word of mouth or by writing could ever possibly impart to any advantage。

One thing I should like if possible to impress very strongly upon the reader。  That is the fact that a MS。 which is not absolutely perfect; if it is in a genuine state; is of much more value than one which has been made perfect by the skill of a modern restorer。  The more skilful he is; that is to say the better he can fe the style of the original; the more worthless he renders the volume。

Printing seems to have superseded the art of the illuminator more promptly and pletely in England than on the Continent。  The dames galantes of Brantome's memoirs took pleasure in illuminated Books of Hours; suited to the nature of their devotions。  As late as the time of Louis XIV。; Bussy Rabutin had a volume of the same kind; illuminated with portraits of 〃saints;〃 of his own canonisation。 The most famous of these modern examples of costly MSS。 was 〃La Guirlande de Julie;〃 a collection of madrigals by various courtly hands; presented to the illustrious Julie; daughter of the Marquise de Rambouillet; most distinguished of the Precieuses; and wife of the Duc de Montausier; the supposed original of Moliere's Alceste。 The MS。 was copied on vellum by Nicholas Jarry; the great calligraph of his time。  The flowers on the margin were painted by Robert。  Not long ago a French amateur was so lucky as
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