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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第35章

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past failures over and over again。 As long as they persist in 
believing that others are the cause of their problem; they 
cannot be successful (because; of course; you can never 
successfully change anyone but yourself)。 Therefore; to the 
extent that these people hold onto their false beliefs; they will 
continue to 〃Think in Reverse;〃 and it goes without saying; you 
cannot move ahead while your mind is traveling in the 
opposite direction。 

Take a good look at yourself。 Could you be one of the 
individuals whom I have just portrayed? 

If you are; I would strongly suggest that you bring your 
mind to a 〃screeching halt。〃 Then reevaluate your present 
position and reexamine your future goal。 Look straight ahead 
and fill your consciousness with great and grand thoughts of 
what you ultimately could do and what you eventually can be。 
Bee acutely aware of the direction your mind is traveling; 
because ultimately; that is the way your life is going to unfold。 

Polaroid Camera Analogy 

I have often likened the human mind and the material 
world to a polaroid camera and a photograph。 For once you 

have 〃snapped〃 a picture; the course for that photograph has 
been incontrovertibly set。 There is a short gestation period 
which must elapse; but then the photograph must begin to 
appear; and it will do so; exactly as it had originally been 

To carry our analogy one step further; I would suggest 
that the shutter of the camera is quite like the conscious 
mind; in that it is responsible for 〃snapping〃 the picture。 
Similarly; the camera itself may be likened to the 
subconscious mind; because it is responsible for 〃doing the 
work。〃 Finally; the photograph is analogous to your results; as 
it merely shows the world the physical replica of the picture 
which you have already taken; 〃with your mind。〃 

Clearly; if you were to take a picture of the same object
over and over againyou would do nothing more than 
reproduce the same photograph; over and over again。 Yet this 
is precisely the course; which many people set; for their own 
lives。 Therefore; you must constantly be reminding yourself; 
that if you persist in 〃thinking in reverse;〃 you will only 
reproduce the same results in your life; over and over again。 If 
you wish to change this pattern; on the other hand; you must 
look bravely into the bright future; which lies ahead; and see 
yourself already doing what you now only dream about doing; 

Patti's Cruise 

Patti Moir first came to my seminar; with her parents; 
when she was only eleven years old。 By the age of fifteen she 
was already speaking in the seminars and sharing with the 
audience the manner in which a concept in the seminar had 
moved her from failing miserably in Frenchat schoolto 
honor's grades (and in a relatively short period of time; to 

Five years later she was working with me in the seminar 
business。 One day I noticed her attitude seemed to be slipping 
badly and it appeared to me that she was not enjoying herself 

one iota (note that these are the first telltale symptoms of an 
individual who is without a goal)。 So I asked her what it was 
she really wanted and her immediate response was; 〃What do 
you mean by that?〃 I explained to her; that since she wasn't 
working toward anything; she didn't have anything to look 
forward to; and this made life extremely difficult; to say the 
least。 Then she said; 〃But I don't have any money; so I can't do 
anything。〃 I reminded her; however; that it doesn't cost even 
one penny to want or to dream。 A radiant smile suddenly came 
across Patti's face; and she told me that what she wanted; 
more than anything else; was to go on a south sea cruise。 I 
said to her; 〃That would probably be a lot of fun。〃 I told her I 
had done it a number of times myself; and I described to her 
how beautiful it was。 I also expressed my expectation; that she 
would have a truly marvelous time。 I pointed out; moreover; 
that she would retain the memories from the trip for the rest of 
her life and she could then relive them; over and over again; 
whenever she desired it。 

At this juncture; I asked her what was holding her back。 
Again; the same response was forthing from Patti; 〃I don't 
have any money。〃 This type of negative thinking had been 
crippling her; by preventing her from undertaking something 
in her life which she felt was very important。 

But the real reason I bring this story up here; is to 
illustrate that even though Patti was mature; had no ties and 
had no real reason not to go on the trip; her own thinking was 
holding her back from doing so。 Clearly; she was a young lady 
who was 〃thinking in reverse。〃 She had thoroughly convinced 
herself it was a lack of finances which thwarted her desire; but 
of course; that just wasn't the case。 Nevertheless; whatever the 
source of her real frustration may have been; it was certainly 
holding her back from realizing her dream。 

Understand; that untold numbers of people are making 
the same error Patti madedailyand it is a great tragedy。 
Perhaps you have been making this same error in your own 

life。 If you have; I hope 〃Patti's story〃 will be the inspiration 
you need to get you moving in the direction you wish to go。 

In any case; one day Patti and I went to lunch together 
and we had a very serious discussion。 I said; 〃Listen Patti; if 
you really want to go on a cruise; you must quit looking back 
or looking at 〃what is;〃 because looking at present results is a 
very mon form of thinking in reverse。 You must mence 
to look ahead and you must start applying what we profess in 
the seminars。 So go ahead and book your tripmake definite 
plansand don't give one thought to anything going wrong。 
Know that whatever you need for your goal to materialize; will 
begin to be attracted to you; as soon as you accept the idea 
that you are going; and make definite plans to do so。 If it is 
money that you need; you will have it。 It might not all be in 
place until the very last moment; but if you see it; and you 
believe it; and you expect it; you most certainly will receive it。〃 

I won't bore you with the details of how things all came 
together; but I will tell you they came together in wondrous 
and unexpected ways。 Eventually; Patti actually attracted 
more money than she required for her trip。 I was at the airport 
at approximately 6 a。m。 with Patti's parentson the morning 
that she left; and it was a tremendously gratifying experience 
for me; to see her face aglow with nervous excitement。 Suffice 
it to say; she went on her cruise。 She had enough courage to 
travel alone and she enjoyed a trip which she will surely 
remember all the days of her life。 But what is even more 
important than the trip itself is the awareness Patti gained 
from the experience。 For she now knows; through her own 
personal experience; that if you think in reverse; you will only 
see reasons why you can't。 However; if you will but look into 
the future with a positive; even expectant attitude; you will see 
that you 〃can do。〃 Patti will be able to apply this awareness 
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