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wer for Gnea) the flare was getting dim behind them; but the current of air was stronger。 〃How long will it burn?〃 she asked。

〃Fifteen minutes; anyway。 Let's keep goin'。〃

〃Yes; but drop another flare。〃

He did; not that there was much to go back to。 Another thirty paces and the air had a distinct cold tinge to it。

〃An exit; maybe;〃 Angelo muttered; striking a third flare。 Before he had to reach for a fourth; something loomed up in the mist before them。 With scale so tough to judge; he thought at first that it was a city or at least a building。

They drew close enough to make out details。 When they finally had a clear look at it; they stopped in their tracks。 Angie's jaw was hanging open。 〃Well; tug my gearshift and call me Five…Speed。〃

Gnea shouldered her halberd: 〃I think you might as well got your weapon up; Sergeant。 Whatever did this; I doubt a leer means much to it; and we definitely don't want to offend it。〃

Angelo had never been very enthusiastic about taking orders from women except when they made overwhelming sense。 Like now。 He slung his piece; and they continued on; walking side by side。

〃Y' know; this qualifies as theft of gov'ment property;〃 it occurred to him to observe。

Gnea smiled unexpectedly。 〃And have you brought proof of ownership?〃

That one gave him pause。 〃I don't think they put serial numbers on spacefold drives。〃

The Protoculture drives…or rather; the casing that held them; what the engineers called the housing…bulked before them; big as a building。 Somehow; out in the open likethat; they were less overpowering than in the SDF…3's drive section。 Nevertheless; the two could not see the far end from where they stood。

Of course; the trillion…dollar question was how the hell the drives had gotten there…wherever 〃there〃 was…and who or what had done it。 Angelo figured the answer to that one would go a long way toward explaining what had happened to the SDF…3 and what the newspace stuff was all about。

〃They're ours; all right;〃 Gnea said。 〃You see that multiphaser? Doctor Lang's work。〃

Hot for the first time since they had gone on…line; the fold drives were pletely dark; inert。 Like so many other Robotech devices; the housing had had all Protoculture drained from it。 Only unlike the rest; the physical structure had been stolen; too。

〃Maybe there's another around here someplace;〃 Angelo mused as he and Gnea began a slow tour around the huge drives housing。 To him it resembled a great sealed city of domes; megablocks; and manifold roadways。

〃Another fold drive array?〃

He clicked his tongue。 〃Yeah。 The one the old SDF…1 lost back in 'oh…nine; near Pluto。 Maybe something around here collects 'em。〃

They pleted a cautious circuit of the fold drives housing without finding anything else。 Gnea pointed to a stairway leading to the service catwalks。 〃We might be able to see something from up there。〃

〃Worth a try。〃

They made their way to the little mesa that was the top of the primary containment casing。 But there was nothing to see; they could not even spot the flares。 Angelo yelled into the wintry mist through cupped hands; and Gnea fired three spaced shots; but there was no response of any kind。

〃I suppose we could reconnoiter further;〃 Gnea ventured。 〃Huh uh;〃 Angie said firmly; seating himself tailor fashion with his rifle across his thighs。 He dug for his canteen。 〃Now that we found 'em; I'm sittin' my butt right here on top of 'em till they take us home。〃

〃Yes; I thought you might feel that way。〃

Oh; yes; la…de…da。 Like she's got everything doped out。 He stopped himself before taking the swig of water; though; automatically offering her the first drink。 〃Thirsty?〃

Gnea canted her head at him。 〃I have water of my own; thank you。〃 She swiveled her hip around to show him the canteen on her belt。 It was an exquisite hip; in keeping with the rest of her。 〃Did you think a Praxian would be unequipped? 〃

〃No。 Who cares? Suit yourself。〃 He slugged at the canteen in an evil temper。

She hunkered down; holding her halberd upright。 Males were so difficult to understand; especially human males。 She recalled the infatuation between Jack Baker and herself。 Of course; that had had a lot to do with the pulsion Tesla had worked on them both。 But it had taught her something of the confusing; unsettling; and not always controllable; nature of relationships between the sexes。

〃If I've offended you somehow; Sergeant; I ask your forgiveness。〃

Sweet Baby Jesus cookies on Christmas! Now he really felt like dirt! 〃Naw; y' didn't do anything wrong ma'am…uh; Gnea。 〃

She nodded sagely。 〃I'd heard you were heartsick over the officer Dana Sterling。 Such things can be troublesome。〃 Angelo's face turned purple。 〃What'd they do; announce it over the PA?〃

Actually; he had made some inroads with his former CO on the trip out from Earth。 They had always had a sort of feuding friendship; and when Zor Prime died in the final explosion that released the Flower of Life across the planet; Dana and her senior NCO seemed to e together as natural as magnets。

Then; of course; they had arrived at Tirol; and Dana had met Rem。 Seeing what was between the clone and Minmei; Dana had forced herself to stay away from them。 Things between her and Angie were never the same again; though。 He figured that part of the reason she had stayed behind with her folks was because he…and Rem and Minmei; for that matter…were going on the SDF…3。

So; now that was general gossip; huh? Angelo considered Gnea; squatting there in that getup of hers…part armor; part uniform; mostly skin…and realized morosely what truly had him bristling at her。

〃Hai!〃 she said; making it sound like a swear word。 〃Now I've done it again! I didn't mean to get you upset。〃

But he shook his head。 〃Drop it; okay? It's not important。〃 He stood up just for something to do。

Gnea stood; too; and they were face to face。 Almost touching…he could see the pulse beat in her throat and feel his own。 She smelled exotic and exciting。

Looking into the avian eyes; he heard himself say; 〃I don't want to think about 。 。 。 about 。 。 。〃

She made a raptor's hissing sound and clutched the harness at his shoulder。 Angelo reached his hand behind her neck and pulled her lips to his。 He figured they probably looked funny; running their free hands all over each other; kissing and panting while holding on to their weapons and trying to keep lookout with one eye…in case the godless XT hordes came charging over the hill。

〃Hey; before somebody gets killed;〃 he got out of the side of his mouth; and carefully tossed his rifle aside。 Her halberd landed on top of it。

They threw their arms around each other with a passion neither of them had ever felt before。 It was all moans and fumblings; neither one familiar with the other's outfit。

They sank to the surface of the containment casing; still kissing and caressing。 It was cold and; once they were out of their clothes; slippery。 That made it more fun。

Angie had heard of transcendent experiences; but nothing like this。 It seemed as though the whole world were getting brighter; going nova。

Waitaminute; waitaminute; it is!

〃Angelo! 〃 Gnea's nails dug into his shoulder; he roll
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