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〃I apologize; Your Highness。 It's these Humans。。。they confuse me。〃

〃Yes;〃 the Regent told him; softening his tone some; 〃I can understand that much。 But I begin to wonder about this Edwards。 It strikes me that perhaps he has seen through my ruse…no thanks to you。〃

The simulagent lowered his snout to the municator remote。 〃Tell me how I can make amends。 I am but your humble servant。〃

The Regent wagged a finger。 〃And it would profit you to keep that in mind。〃 He showed the sphere the palms of his hands。 〃Why does everyone feel they can think for themselves? First my wife; now you。。。Only Tesla served me well。〃 He waved his hands in the air。 〃Arg; this whole affair is my fault anyway; sending a servant to do a conqueror's work。〃 The Regent adjusted his robes。 〃I want you to return to Optera。 There's nothing more you can do on Tirol; and if I permit you to stay any longer; it's likely you'll undo something。〃

〃But; Your High…〃

〃Don't argue with me! We can do without the captured brain a while longer; and there are other ways to extract the information we want about the Masters; the Matrix; and the Humans' homeworld。 Better to let the situation on Tirol deteriorate of its own accord。 Then Edwards and I will talk。〃 The Regent's eyes stared out from the sphere; gazing coldly at his simulagent。 〃You may have my looks〃…he sighed…〃but you certainly lack my talents。〃

Rick slammed his hand down on the console…mike stud and shouted Wolff's call sign into the pickup。 One minute Jonathan had been reporting that all signals were go for disengagement; and the next thing anyone knew he was saying something about the Beta having separated from the VT。 And now the GMU seemed to have lost contact with both ponents。

〃Rising Star; e in;〃 Rick urged。 〃Wolff! Respond。 What's going on up there?〃 He swung around to Jean and Vince; who were busy at adjacent consoles。 〃Anything?〃

Jean swiveled to face him。 〃Too much cloud cover for a visual on the Beta; but scanners show it on an accelerated course for the drive module。 The Alpha's way off the mark。 We should have some data soon。〃

〃Was it the globes?〃

〃Can't tell; Rick;〃 Vince said without turning around。

Just then Wolff's voice crackled into life through the room's speakers。 〃…actly sure what happened。 Sarna was just passing along instructions to the orbs; then all of a sudden the Beta broke away。 We're way off course。 Can you give as a new heading?〃

〃ing up;〃 Rick answered him。 〃Do you have any traffic from Janice?〃

〃Negative; Rick。 I can't even get a fix on the ship。〃

〃She's closing on the module; Jonathan;〃 Vince said。 〃Any guesses?〃

〃Not right now。〃

Rick was about to add something when the hatch hissed open。 〃We've got troubles; sir;〃 a Skull pilot announced。

〃We're aware of it;〃 Rick said; more harshly than was necessary。

The captain took a puzzled look around。 〃No; sir; in the caves。 We're under attack。〃

〃Attack? From what?〃 Rick noticed for the first time that the woman was covered with dirt。 Her face was smeared with some unidentifiable black fluid or grease。

〃Uh;〃 the pilot stammered; 〃you're going to have to decide for yourself; sir。〃

Rick and the pilot left the base at a run。 Outside; Rick saw scores of orbs streaming from the mouth of the cave。 Veidt and a handful of Praxians and mecha pilots were doing their best to calm the creatures; but Max and Miriya; along with half the Wolff Pack; were nowhere in sight。

〃In here; sir!〃 the pilot was shouting; motioning to the cavernous entrance。

The floor of the cave was shaking; and Rick heard low rumbling sounds he initially attributed to tectonic tremors; then he realized that he was hearing explosions。 These grew more concussive as he neared the grotto。

The place was in a state of near pandemonium; dozens of orbs bobbing along; underlit by intense flashes of explosive light that was pouring out from holes and shafts in the floor; strident voices raised above the clatter of weapon fire; and something else…a kind of shrill; clacking noise; as eerie as it was loud。

Rick glanced around; trying to make sense of things。 Karen Penn was off in a corner; terrified; although Kami and Learna were by her side。 Teal stood some distance from them; alone near what looked to be a limb of rock。 Gnea and Bela were carrying coiled lengths of cord toward a shaft opening; close by were a couple of Perytonians and a few men from Wolff's team; donning gas masks and strapping on web…gear ammo packs。

Without warning someone thrust a Wolverine into his hands。

〃Max!〃 Rick said; whirling around。 〃What's…〃

〃Cover up;〃 Max cut him off。 He tossed Rick a mask and trotted off toward the shaft; cradling an Owens Mark IX mob gun。 〃Jack and Rem are trapped down there;〃 he called over his shoulder。 〃We've killed a bunch of them already; but they just keep ing!〃

〃Killed a bunch of what? Who keeps ing?〃

At the opening; Max pulled down his respirator and hooked on to one of the cords that had been lowered into the shaft。 〃Ready?〃 he shouted above the din from down below。 Breathless; Rick followed his lead; and the two of them took to the rigs。

A moment later; on the floor of an enormous sublevel room; Rick was certain they had overshot their mark and landed in hell。 In the strobing light he could see they were standing on the rim of a massive well that seemed to drop straight down to the planet's molten core。 Here; too; the ceiling was covered with orbs…most of them of greater size than any he had seen on the surface; but it was the creatures crawling up out of that well that had left him speechless。 They might have been Hovertank…size spiders; except for their eyestalks; double…tiered segmented bodies; and front…facing mouths。 And if they weren't the devil's own creation; Rick decided; then he didn't ever want to meet their maker。 For no god could have loved so hideous and evil…looking a beast。

It thrilled him to realize that the black stickiness coating the cavern's floor was blood from these things; but even that was not enough to wash the fear out of him。 He remembered reading somewhere that there was an actual endogenous terror hormone certain creatures gave rise to in the human body; and indeed he seemed to remember them in some primal corner of his mind。 But then he suddenly recalled where he had actually seen them: they were the creatures an ancient and unknown Praxian hand had depicted on the cave's walls!

Tesla was amazed by the Human female's strength。 He had finally succeeded in dragging her backward into the Beta's cargo space and now had both of Janice's seemingly frail wrists firmly clasped in his own hands; but it had been a struggle all the way。 Burak; meanwhile; had slid forward into the cockpit seat to handle the controls。 The drive module was looming into view through the VT's canopy; right on schedule; and theirs for the taking。

〃Wele to our crew;〃 Tesla was saying to the still…untamed female。 〃Glad to have you aboard。〃 Jonathan Wolff's urgent voice could be heard over the open net。

Janice twisted around; almost breaking free of his hold; and glared at him。 〃Is this any way to treat a guest?〃

〃If I let you free; will you promise to behave?〃

Janice gave her h
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