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ent's throne。 And apparently the Perytonian; Burak; had been assisting him in some unspecified way。 Lang reminded himself to alert Wolff to these matters。

Minmei was gone by the time Lang and the others returned to the scientist's quarters; and Wolff seemed sullen; just as Lang had anticipated。 There was a nearly empty brandy bottle on the low table in front of the couch。

〃I want to talk about that ship; Lang;〃 the colonel said without preamble。 〃When can we have it?…steal it; I mean。〃

〃The sooner the better。〃

Wolff narrowed his eyes。 〃What's it going to mean to the summit?〃

Lang let out his breath and traded looks with Exedore。 If Wolff didn't want to mention Minmei; it was fine with him。

〃We've already discussed possible scenarios with Reinhardt and Forsythe。 It could set things back some; of course; but as long as we can make the Regent believe that you acted on your own; I don't think we'll be jeopardizing the truce。〃

Exedore concurred。 〃Furthermore; we think it best if you take Janice; Sarna; and Burak with you。 There's no telling what the Regent might expect in the way of reprisals for our。。。carelessness。〃

〃We wouldn't have it any other way;〃 Janice chimed in; seemingly unaware of the gaps in her recent past。

〃What about Tesla?〃 Sarna thought to ask。

Lang stroked his chin。 〃We've been wondering about that。 He could represent a wele chip at our bargaining table。 But as I understand it; that's been his primary function all along。〃

Wolff snorted。 〃I'm not saying we couldn't get along without him; but he has been useful to us。〃

〃Not if the Regent begins to look upon him as a traitor;〃 Exedore saw fit to point out。

Lang thought about the data he had screened; and Tesla's ambitions。 〃Take him;〃 he decided at last。 〃I think he'll continue to serve you。 In fact; from what Janice told me of the mutiny; our Tesla seems to have his sights set on leadership of the Invid。 You might be able to encourage that some; Wolff。〃

Wolff slapped his hands on his thighs and stood up。 〃What are we waiting for? What about weapons and a shuttlecraft to reach the ship?〃

〃That's all been arranged;〃 Exedore told him。

〃What if Edwards decides to pursue us?〃

〃Somehow I don't think he will;〃 Lang speculated。 〃But you will be hunted。 You'll have to leave Praxis and remain inmunicado for a time。〃

Suddenly Wolff began to feel the immensity of it all。 〃Can you get Burak and Tesla out of lockup without arousing suspicion?〃

〃I think so;〃 Lang answered him from the 。

Wolff heard him tell the guards in the confinement area to have the two XTs brought to the laboratory for testing。 Then he saw Lang's face pale。

〃What is it?〃

〃They've already been released;〃 Lang said。 〃On Colonel Wolff's request。〃

Elsewhere in the fortress; Burak and Tesla were moving cautiously along an empty corridor space; closing on an area that had been designated for the Regent and his retinue。 Only minutes before; they had overpowered their armed escorts; it had proved as simple a matter as it had been to inveigle information concerning the location of the Regent's guest quarters。 Tesla was whispering self…congratulatory praises to himself now; while Burak remained in the larger being's shadow; fearful of discovery by Human personnel。

〃What are you shivering about?〃 Tesla said; ing around; bold and aggravated。 He motioned broadly to the corridor。 〃Fate has cleared a path for us。〃

Burak had to admit that that seemed to be the case。 They had seen no one since leaving confinement; in fact; it was almost as if someone were running along ahead of them; sweeping the place clean。 But what Tesla didn't realize was that Burak was as frightened of fate as he was anything else。 It was fate that kept his planet locked in the recurring past; fate that had gotten him into this mess to begin with。。。

〃I can feel his presence;〃 Tesla announced; stopping short。 Burak bumped into him and backed up a step。 Tesla appeared to be growing larger as he approached his quarry。 〃Soon; my friend; soon。〃

It dawned on Burak that the Invid had more on his mind than talk; and he wanted no part of murder。 He said as much to Tesla as they approached an intersection midway along the corridor。 〃I…I'll wait for you here…you know; s…stand guard。〃

Tesla looked down at him。 〃Fine。 You do that;〃 he sneered; and moved off into the perpendicular corridor。

A short distance from the intersection Tesla came upon the first line of Invid sentries。 Recognizing the Regent's chief scientist; they immediately genuflected and offered their salute。 Then four of the Regent's elite soldiers came forward to escort Tesla into the Regent's private chambers。

〃Tesla!〃 the simulagent gasped; spilling a lapful of fruits to the floor as he stood up。 〃They've released you?〃 His snout went up in an approximation of a laugh。 〃I knew I could do it!〃

Tesla regarded the gesture with indifference; too caught up in the moment to realize just who and what he was dealing with。

〃I have things to discuss with you; sire;〃 he said; taking a menacing step forward。

〃Yes; I'm sure you do! Tesla; I'm delighted to see you。〃

〃We'll see;〃 Tesla told him。 〃But perhaps you should reserve judgment until you've heard me out。〃

The simulagent's elongated brow wrinkled。 There was something in Tesla's tone。。。His black eyes began to dart around the room。 The guards; he remembered; and made a move toward the door。

〃Don't even think of it;〃 Tesla said; stepping into his path。 He thrust a powerful finger into the simulagent's chest and held his other hand up for inspection。 〃Five fingers; Regent。 Five! There was a time when your wife alone had five fingers。 Doesn't that tell you something about me?〃

At Tesla's shove; the false Regent fell backward onto a table that somehow managed to support his bulk。 〃Tesla; you're mad! What are you trying to do?〃

〃Mad? Anything but mad; Your Highness! I have been ingesting the fruits of other worlds; while you've been playing silly war games with these Humans。 And as a result I've had my inner eye opened to transcendent realities; while you've set your gaze on meaningless conquests。 I have been evolving; while you have sunk to your neck back into the slime that gave us birth。 The fruits were meant for you; but it is Tesla who has reaped their subtle benefits。 You used to ridicule my delvings into such things; but regard me now: I live; Regent;〃 Tesla intoned; raising his arms above his head; 〃and you will die unless you abdicate to me!〃

The simulagent opened his mouth to cry for help; but nothing emerged。

〃Kneel before me!〃 Tesla demanded; gesturing to the floor。

Paralyzed with fear; the simulagent gulped and found his voice。 〃Tesla; listen to me: you don't understand。 I…〃

〃Kneel before me!〃


Tesla grabbed the false Regent by the cowl and dragged him to his knees。 〃I will rule in your place。 I will lead our race from this moment on。 Do you agree to it?〃

〃Tesla;〃 the simulagent pleaded。 〃I can't agree…〃

〃Fool! Would you force me to kill you!〃 His hands were clasped around the simulagent's thick neck now。




〃Surrender to me!〃


The simulagent's four…fingered hands tore desper
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