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o pulsate。

Edwards's one…eyed gaze held the Regent's own for an instant; and that was all he needed to realize that something was wrong…that this being was not the one he had spoken to via the munications sphere。 But he kept this to himself; falling aside theatrically to usher the Regent forward to the council platform。

The Plenipotentiary members introduced themselves one by one; and after further formalities the Regent and his retinue were directed to the amphitheater that had been designated for the talks。 The Regent's size had necessitated a specific route; along which Edwards had made certain to place as many varieties of mecha as he could muster。 Each hold the summit principals passed through found bat…ready Veritechs and Alphas; each corridor turn; another squad of RDF troops or a contingent of towering Destroids。 While aboard; the Regent's every word and step would be monitored by the extensive security system Edwards had made operational as part of his Code Pyramid project…a system that had also managed to find its way into the council's public and private chambers; and into many of the fortress's Robotechnological labs and inner sanctums。

There was a smorgasbord of food and drink awaiting everyone in the amphitheater's antechambers; the Regent nourished himself on applelike fruits his servants brought forth。 Edwards noticed that Lang was doing his best to attach himself to the Invid leader; but the Regent seemed unimpressed; refusing to discuss any of the topics the Earth scientist broached。 In fact; only Minmei succeeded in getting a rise out of the Regent。 Edwards noted that the Invid could barely take his eyes off the singer after she had pleted her songs; and he retained a slightly spellbound look long after the introductory addresses had menced。

Terms for a truce were slated for follow…up discussions; so civilians and members of the press were permitted to enter the amphitheater itself。 Edwards saw to it that Minmei was seated beside him in the front row; where the Regent could get a good look at the two of them。

The alien's initial remarks put to rest any doubts that may have lingered in Edwards's mind concerning the ongoing impersonation。 The Regent spoke of misunderstandings on both sides; of a desire to bring peace and order to a section of the galaxy that had known nonstop warfare for centuries。 He claimed to understand now just what had prompted the Human forces to undertake their desperate journey; and he sympathized with their present plight; hinting that it might be possible to accelerate the timetable for the Human's return trip to their homeworld…providing; of course; that certain terms could be agreed upon。

〃It's a pity there has been so much loss of life;〃 the Invid continued in the same imperious tone; 〃both in Tirolspace and during the so…called 'liberation' of Karbarra。  But while we may have no cause for further quarrel with your forces here; it must be understood that no leniency could be expected for those of your number who chose to join the Sentinels。 And despite what you may have been told by the Tiresians; those worlds…Praxis; Garuda; and the rest…belong to me。 The reasons for this are plex and at present irrelevant to the nature of these negotiations; but again we wish to stress that the Sentinels' cause was a misguided one from the start。 It was inevitable that they fail sooner or later。〃

A charged silence fell over the auditorium; and Edwards had to restrain himself from laughing。 The Sentinels had not been heard from for four months now。 Official word had it that the Farrago was maintaining radio silence for strategic reasons。 Then; recently; there had been open speculation that the ship had been badly damaged during the battle for Praxis。 But Edwards knew better。 He felt Minmei's trembling grasp on his upper arm。 Colonel Adams; also seated in the front row; leaned forward to throw him a knowing look。

〃We have only recently lost contact with the Farrago;〃 Professor Lang was saying。 〃But I'm certain that once munications are re…established and an accord of some sort is enacted; Admiral Hunter and the others will abide by its terms and return to Tirol。〃

The Invid crossed his massive arms。 〃Yes; I'm sure they would have honored it; Dr。 Lang。 But I'm afraid it's too late。 Four months ago the Sentinels' ship was destroyed…with all hands aboard。〃

A collective gasp rose from the crowd; and Edwards heard Minmei begin to sob。 〃Rick。。。Jonathan;〃 she said; struggling to her feet; only to collapse across Edwards's lap。

Someone nearby screamed。 Lang and the rest of the council were standing; their words swallowed up in the noise of dozens of separate conversations。 News personnel and members of the general staff were rushing from the room。 Edwards snapped an order to his aide to summon a doctor。 Adams; meanwhile; was shoving onlookers aside。

Edwards held Minmei protectively。 Once again he sought out the Invid's lustrous eyes; and in that glance a pact was affirmed。

But on Praxis the dead walked…those Sentinels who had escaped the destruction of the Farrago; and; unknown to them; a deadly host of archaic creatures returned to life in the bowels of the planet's abandoned Genesis Pits。。。

〃Take a look for yourself;〃 Vince Grant suggested; stepping back from the scanner's monitor screen。 Rick Hunter and Jonathan Wolff leaned in to regard the image centered there: an intact drive module that had been blown clear of the ship and had fallen into low orbit around Praxis。 Vince was reasonably certain the module's Protoculture…peat engines were undamaged。

〃And there's no way to call it down?〃 Rick asked。 〃A hundred miles or so and an Alpha could reach the thing。〃 Normally; one could fly a Veritech to the moon and back; but not one of the Sentinels' all…but…depleted Alphas was capable of attaining escape velocity。

Vince shook his head; his brown face grim。 〃We barely have enough power to keep the nets alive。〃

〃Then it might as well be a million miles away;〃 Wolff thought to add。

Vince switched off the screen and the three men sat down to steaming mugs of tea one of the Praxians had brewed up from some indigenous grass。 After four months it had e down to this: the GMU's stores were nearly empty and foraging had bee one of the group's primary activities。 And in all those months they had yet to e up with an explanation for the disappearance of the planet's native population。 What was left of the central city and all the surrounding villages were deserted。 But whether what Bela called 〃the Praxian Sisterhood〃 had chosen to leave had not been ascertained。

Puzzling; too; were the tectonic anomalies and quakes that were continuing to plague the planet; as often as three times a day now。 The quakes had convinced the Sentinels' Praxian contingent that Arla…NonBela's 〃mother〃 and the leader of the Sisterhood…had struck a deal with the Invid to move the planet's population to some other world。 Rick wasn't sure if he bought the explanation; but it certainly served a therapeutic need if nothing else。

〃Look;〃 Rick said; breaking the silence; 〃they're probably already searching for us。 Lang's not about to write us off。 And even if the mining operation is close to on…s
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