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 mystical promptings of the Queen…Mother herself。

The scientists were reduced to silence; to tears of an ethereal sort。

〃It's as if。。。〃

〃Say it;〃 the master demanded。

〃。。。as if this one knew our world before the techno…voyager's arrival。〃

〃These are his thoughts。〃

With what would translate as shame; the master scientist deactivated the sphere and led his group to a sphere significantly larger than the rest…their munications instrumentality; overshadowed by a relatively small specimen of bubble…chambered brain。

〃We must inform the Regent of this at once。〃

〃And say what?〃

〃That we have found Zor!〃

It had taken Jack all the inner strength he could muster to keep from tearing down into that basin orchard with guns blazing。。。He had heard the explosion that dropped the first Scout ship; and had scrambled up to the top of the crater rim like a mountain goat on amphetamines。 Weapon fire; follow…up blasts。。。by the time he got there; Rick and the others were surrounded by Invid soldiers…more than even he wanted to go up against。 Lisa was down; Rick bending over her。 Kami; Rem; Karen! He had located a safe vantage point and watched as his friends were led off to the hive; then a short time later they had reappeared at the dome's tunnellike entrance; this time stripped of their transpirators。 For some reason he had felt pelled to time their exposure; sitting there powerless and near crazed while the chronometer display counted off the minutes; five heart…stopping minutes! He had run for the place where they had stashed the cycs; found his way back to the trails they had cut in predawn light; reentered the village。。。all the while expecting Shock Troopers to emerge from the ground; Hellcats or Robo…automata to leap on him from the treetops。 Pursued by nightmares。。。

Jack was just now finishing his hurried and breathless recap; sitting cross…legged in the village longhouse and sucking nutrient through a tube while the chief and some of the Sentinels watched him。

〃We've gotta spring them;〃 he said at last; his thirst slaked。 〃Right away; before they're moved。〃

The chief spoke to a member of the tribe; the male Garudan nodded his head a few times and took off in a rush。 〃He has been instructed to pass the word;〃 the chief explained。 〃We will be alerted if and when they are moved。〃

Learna was beside herself; her neck fur on end。 She had tried time and time again to Send herself to the hive; but each of her attempts had ended in failure。 〃Kami will die inside the hive。 He must be returned to Garuda's air。〃

〃He wasn't brought out with the rest of them;〃 Jack told her; then turned to Cabell。 〃How long is too long?〃

The old man made as if to stroke his beard under the suit。 〃I can't answer you; Jack。 Tirol sent the Zentraedi here; the clones。。。I believe Rem and I are the first Tiresians to set foot on Garuda since Zor himself landed here。〃

〃Can't you even estimate it?〃 Jack pressed him。

Cabell saw Jack's frustration and concern。 〃I don't imagine anything less than fifteen minutes would prove fatal。〃 He was relieved to see Jack relax some。

〃But why would they do that…why not just kill them; Wise One?〃 Gnea thought to ask。

The chief shrugged his powerful shoulders。 〃To torture them; perhaps to see if they could learn anything from their thoughts。〃

〃All right;〃 Max broke in; 〃suppose we wait till dusk。 Your people will be heading back to the camps by then; right?〃

Learna and the chief nodded; uncertain。

〃We stage a diversionary raid on one of the other hives。 Try to draw off as many of their mecha as we can。 At the same time; a rescue team goes in。〃

〃Agreed;〃 Jack said; and some of the others joined him in voicing their support。

〃I don't know;〃 Cabell objected when everyone had quieted down。 〃It's risky。 Those hives are much more plex than they appear。〃

〃Well; of course it's risky;〃 Jack argued; 〃but I don't see that we have any choice。 What are we supposed to do…walk up and knock on the door? Uh; excuse me; but we were wondering if you might be willing to return our teammates…〃

〃There is an easier way to get them back。〃

Jack swung around to see who had interrupted him。 When he saw it was Burak he fell silent; along with almost everyone else。 The Perytonian had bee something of an invisible being since the attempted mutiny; and to hear him suddenly speak; much less offer an opinion; was something of an event。

〃You are forgetting our race in the hold;〃 Burak said to the group's collective puzzlement。

〃You mean 'ace in the hole;'〃 Jack corrected him。


〃Tesla;〃 Cabell exclaimed。

The devil from Peryton nodded。

〃A hostage exchange?〃 Max asked。

Burak grinned beneath his mask。 〃Something like that。〃

On Optera; the Regent's servant reported only that five Sentinels had been captured on Garuda; he knew better than to steal the scientists' thunder。 The Regent was relaxing in his sterile nutrient bath when the muniqu?was received; having discovered that he could essentially guarantee messages merely by setting foot in the Olympic…size tub。 Anxious for some news of Tesla; or information regarding the next destination of the Sentinels; he had spent the better part of a week in the bath; waiting。 Now he practically ran to the throne room; sashing his robe as he approached the municator sphere。

〃Five Sentinels;〃 he said out of breath。 〃Which ones?〃 〃A Garudan; three Humans; and。。。a Tiresian。〃 The Regent was pleased to learn that he had correctly anticipated the Sentinels' destination。 He had passed the word to all his lieutenants that their troops be placed on alert。 But it was captives he was after this time; not body counts; and no mention was to be made of his supposed assassination。 With captives in hand; he hoped to learn whether or not Tesla had been acting alone; or in league with the rebels。

〃A Tiresian you say。〃

〃Yes; my liege。 We have him here with us now。〃 The Regent peered at the terror…stricken face centered in the sphere's image; and brought his hand to his snout in a gesture of contemplation。 〃This one looks。。。familiar somehow。〃

〃Well he should; Your Highness;〃 the master scientist said as Rem's image de…rezzed。 〃We subjected the three Humans and the Tiresian to Garuda's atmosphere in an effort to extract the data you requested。〃

〃And?〃 the Regent replied anxiously。 〃Did you discover the location of the Humans' homeworld…this Earth!〃

〃No。 However; we may have a clue as to the whereabouts of the matrix;〃 the scientist was quick to add。 〃My lord; allow us to screen for your pleasure the results of the Tiresian's exposure。〃

The Regent scowled at the sphere。 〃Do not bore me with details;〃 he cautioned。

〃You will find this anything but boring;〃 the scientist told him。

The Regent viewed the playback for a moment; then staggered backward; collapsing into his high…backed throne。 He sat agape; a defeated husband watching tapes of his wife。。。the seduction; the transgression; the cruel aftermath; all captured in graphic detail。 That face; that face。。。

〃How?〃 the Regent finally managed。 〃How is this possible? He is dead。〃 Or is he? the Regent suddenly asked himself。 Could he have been duped all these years into thinki
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