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要点 托福阅读考试中还会考到credible表示“可信的,可靠的”的近义词,如believable。
debate[di'beit]n。/v。 辩论;讨论,争论
例句 There is much debate concerning whether Mars had water。 关于火星上是否有水这个话题,人们争论不休。
同义 argue(n。/v。 辩论);discuss; dispute(n。/v。 讨论,争论)
delay[di'lei]n。/v。 耽搁,延迟
搭配 time delay 延时
例句 1。 The government's decision to adopt delaying statics was condemned by the public。 政府决定采取拖延战术,这受到了公众的谴责。
2。 The measures should be taken immediately without delay。 必须立即采取措施,不得延误。
同义 postpone(v。 耽搁,延迟)
deliberate[di'lib?r?t]a。 审慎的;蓄意的;深思熟虑的[di'lib?reit]v。 商讨
例句 It seems reasonable that this feat was achieved by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out fully stocked with food; domesticated plants and animals。 通过精心策划的殖民探险在出发时满载着食物、种植的植物和家畜,因此他们能取得丰功伟绩似乎在情理之中。
要点 deliberate在托福阅读中通常用它的形容词词义,相当于careful或者cogitative。
depart[di'pɑ:rt]v。 离开;背离
例句 Some musicians consciously depart from strict meter to create a relaxed sense of phrasing。 一些音乐家有意摆脱严格的韵律,试图创造一种轻松的编曲方式。
同义 leave; exit(v。 离开)
dependence[di'pend?ns]n。 依靠,依赖;信任
例句 1。 The automatic; metabolic system may have more dependence on air exchanges。 自动生成的代谢系统可能会更加依赖空气的交流。
2。 The mobility of pastoralist societies reflects their dependence on animal…based foods。 游牧民族的移动性反映了他们对动物性食物的依赖。
派生 dependent(a。 依靠的,依赖的)
depression[di'pre?n]n。 忧愁;洼地;低气压;不景气
例句 Southern people obtained water by collecting and storing rainwater in sealed depressions。 南方人通过在封闭的洼地里蓄积雨水来获得水源。
要点 depression平时多用作“不景气,萧条;沮丧”等词义,但在托福阅读中也出现过这个单词作为“洼地”的用法。
deprive[di'praiv]v。 使失去,剥夺
搭配 deprive of 剥夺,失去
例句 1。 They have the same length as the daily activity cycles of animals that are not deprived of the influence of external environment。 他们与动物的日常活动周期相同,都受外部环境的影响。
2。 When deprived of water; this kind of flower will die soon。 这种花如果缺水,很快就会死去。
description[di'skrip?n]n。 描写,形容;种类;性质
例句 Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain is important for the long…term memory of motor activities but it doesn't work for verbal descriptions。 大脑额叶的发育成熟对肌动活动的长期记忆很重要,但对言语表达不起作用。
desirable[di'zai?r?bl]a。 值得想望的;值得拥有的;有利的
例句 1。 The more sophisticated societies became; the better they could influence desirable occurrences through ritualized theater。 社会变得越是复杂,越是能通过仪式化的剧场表演影响着事件向所愿的方向发展。
2。 Streams flowed where nature intended them to and water…driven factories had to be built on the river banks whether or not the location was desirable for other reasons。 溪流所经之处由大自然而定,因此无论这个选址是否可取,水力工厂都必须建在河岸上。
diameter[dai'?mit?r]n。 直径
例句 1。 The negatively charged region is several hundred meters thick and several kilometers in diameter。 带负电的区域有几百米厚,直径有几千米。
2。 The channel is only a few centimeters in diameter; but it is wide enough for electrons to follow the channel to the ground。 这条通道的直径虽然仅有几公分,但它足以让电子通过通道到达地面。
3。 According to this hypothesis; Earth may collide with an asteroid with an estimated diameter of 10 kilometers。 根据这个假说,地球可能会与直径估计是10千米的小行星相撞。
disclaimer[dis'kleim?r]n。 免责声明;否认,拒绝
例句 They are asked to sign a disclaimer acknowledging the promising dangers of the activity。 他们被要求签署一份免责声明,承认他们知晓这一活动的潜在风险。
discover[di'sk?v?r]v。 发现;发觉
例句 1。 Before he discovered that the element was contained in natural gas on Earth; Ramsay found evidence of helium in the spectrum of sunlight。 在发现地球上的天然气含有氦元素之前,拉姆塞在太阳光谱中就发现了氦的迹象。
2。 The biologist who lived longtime in the Pacific Northwest discovered areas where deer had an increase in suitable browse。 那位长期居住在太平洋西北部的生物学家发现,在有适合的牧草的地区,鹿的数量有所增加。
disoriented[dis'?:rientid]a。 分不清方向或目标的;无判断力的
例句 1。 He hypothesized that birds orient themselves according to the Sun's position as caged birds become disoriented when the sky is overcast。 他认为鸟类是根据太阳的位置来定位的,因为阴云密布的时候笼中的鸟无法分清方向。
2。 The birds were disoriented and had trouble locating their food box on overcast days。 阴天,鸟类会失去方向感,在找到它们的食盒时也有困难。
要点 disoriented是disorient的过去分词,在托福阅读中比较常用,而动词disorient是“使失去方向感”的含义。
distribute[di'stribju:t]v。 分配;分类;分区
例句 The wind helps the flowers distribute their seeds and enables birds to find more food。 风不仅能帮助花儿传播种子,而且也让鸟儿有了更多的食物。
同义 scatter; spread(v。 散布)
disturbance[di'st?:rb?ns]n。 打扰;骚动;心神不安
例句 1。 They calmed down quickly after disturbances。 骚动之后,他们很快就恢复了平静。
2。 In the early twentieth century; the American ecologist pointed out that plant communities would develop after a disturbance such as volcanic eruption; heavy flood; or forest fire。 在20世纪早期,美国生态学家指出在诸如火山喷发、洪灾或森林火灾之类的干扰发生之后,植物群落会得以发展。
3。 Stability can be defined as the speed at which an ecosystem returns to a particular form following a major disturbance。 稳定性可定义为当一个生态系统经历巨大骚乱后,恢复到特定形式的速度。
同义 interference(n。 打扰);stir(n。 骚动)
divide[di'vaid]v。 分,分隔;分配 n。 分开;界限
搭配 divide into 把…分成;digital divide 数字鸿沟;divide the work 分工;divide by 除以,用…除;divide up 瓜分;分割;分配
例句 The substances that make up two groups of planets are divided into three groups: gases; rocks; and ices based on their melting points。 组成这两组行星的物质根据它们的熔点被划分成为三种:分别是气体、岩石和冰。
division[di'vi?n]n。 除;分配;部门
例句 1。 The international division of labor was well…suited to the development of some countries; that is a key factor in their success。 国际劳动分工很适合一些国家的发展,这也是这些国家获得成功的一个关键因素。
2。 All meteorites are assigned to three broad divisions on the basis of two kinds of material。 基于两种材料,所有的陨星一共被划分为三大类。
同义 partition(n。 划分)
drill[dril]v。 钻(孔),打眼;训练
例句 1。 Wells are drilled into the ground; when an oil pool or field has been discovered。 当油池或油塘被发现时,石油钻井会被打入地下。
2。 The first oil well was drilled by the retired railroad conductor — E。 L。 Drake。 第一口油井是由E·L·德雷克钻的,他是一名退休铁路列车长。
同义 bore(v。 打眼);practice(v。 训练)
due[du:]a。 到期的;应给的;应支付的
搭配 due to 由于;due date 到期日,支付日
例句 1。 Both the north and the south areas were lack of surface water probably due to the fact that most of it was used up for agricultural purposes。 南部和北部地区都缺乏地表水,很可能是因为大部分的地表水都被用于农业了。
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