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excessive[ik'sesiv]a。 过分的;极度的;过多的
例句 1。 Excessive numbers of cattle and the need for firewood for fuel have made grasses and trees reduced; leaving the land unprotected and vulnerable。 数量过多的牲畜和对用作燃料的木柴的需求使得草木减少,使土地失去保护,变得脆弱。
2。 In studies; pacifiers are commonly used to calm an infant who has suffered excessive stimuli。 在研究中,安慰奶嘴通常用于安抚受到过度刺激的婴儿。
3。 Reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil are the consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area。 过度放牧导致了植被减少,土地遭到践踏,并被最终彻底摧毁。
explanation[?ekspl?'nei?n]n。 解释,说明
例句 1。 Dissatisfaction with conventional explanations for dinosaur extinctions led to a surprising observation that has suggested a new hypothesis in turn。 对恐龙灭绝的传统解释的不满意使人们有了惊人的发现,而这反而暗示了一个新假说的诞生。
2。 The likely explanation is that in an area of underground freshwater underlies the island; but surface elevation increases from north to south; so that as one moves south the land surface lies increasingly higher above the water table。 可能的解释是:在一个地下淡水位于岛屿之下,但其表面高度却从北到南逐渐增加的地区,如果一直往南走,就会发现地表逐渐高过水位。
explicit[ik'splisit]a。 清楚的;直率的;直言的
例句 1。 The brain's level of physiological maturation may help these types of memories; but they are not ones that require explicit verbal descriptions。 大脑发育的成熟程度可能有助于这几种形式的记忆,但这些记忆都不需要清楚的言语描述。
2。 Comparing the paintings found in Spain; South Africa; and Australia; some researchers believe that the paintings found in France provide more explicit evidence of their symbolic significance。 一些研究者认为,与发现于西班牙、南非和澳大利亚的油画相比,在法国发现的油画具有更为明显的象征意义。
favorable['feiv?r?bl]a。 赞成的,同意的;有利的
例句 1。 A cooling climate led many people to leave the cold areas and crowd into climatically more favorable areas。 寒冷的气候致使很多人离开寒冷地区移居到环境更加舒适的地方。
2。 Taking into account the changing conditions of light; some species perform their visual displays only when the light is favorable。 考虑到光线条件的变化,一些物种只有在光线好的时候,视力才比较好。
3。 In the tropics; it is more favorable to live in the valleys because they are less prone to dry out and have less frost; and deeper soils。 在热带,居住在山谷会更好,因为那里不会干涸,不易结冰,且土壤肥厚。
要点 favorable除了“良好的”这个含义外,还可以表示“赞成的;有利的”。比如在托福阅读中,还出现过favorable government policies的表达。
feasible['fi:z?bl]a。 可行的;可做的
例句 1。 When buildings provide shelter; suit the climate; and are economically feasible; they contribute to human life。 当建筑物为人类提供了避风港,适应当地气候,并在经济上也是可行的,那么这些建筑就有助于人类的生活。
2。 It is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion。 修建海防来避免侵蚀是不可行的。
要点 feasible通常用于描述计划的可行性,比如:feasible plan“可行的计划”。
feedback['fi:db?k]n。 反馈;反馈信息
搭配 information feedback 信息反馈
例句 In many areas; from the obsidian industry to religious tourism; somebody's success and prosperity is the classical positive feedback。 在很多地区,从黑曜石工业到宗教旅游业,一些人的成功和繁荣就是典型的正面反馈。
fellowship['felou?ip]n。 友谊;奖学金;团体
例句 1。 As production increased; centralized control over production increased; which led to more centralized control over fellowship。 随着产量的增加,对生产的集中控制也加强了,从而导致对团体的管理更加集中。
2。 Small…scale local egalitarian or quasi…egalitarian organizations for fellowship; worship; and production flourished in this laissez…faire environment; so individuals could interact with one another within a community of harmony and ideological equality。 在自由放任的环境下,因友谊、崇拜和生产而形成的当地小规模平等主义团体或类似的组织得到了繁荣发展,因此人们可以与同一社区中的其他成员在意识形态上平等、和谐地互动。
同义 friendship(n。 友谊);scholarship(n。 奖学金)
flaw[fl?:]n。 瑕疵,缺点;裂纹
例句 1。 In the 1920s; sound films were unable to solve the technical flaws found before。 在20世纪20年代,有声电影不能解决之前的技术缺陷。
2。 Another flaw of the tiredness theory is that yawning does not raise alertness or physiological activity。 关于疲惫理论的另一个缺陷就是打哈欠并不能提高警惕性或增强心理活动强度。
例句 Because of a movement of peoples' fleeing the desiccation or drying up of the Sahara; their migration may have been started by an increase in population。 为了摆脱撒哈拉沙漠的干燥或干涸,大量人口开始迁移。
flexible['fleks?bl]a。 易弯曲的;柔韧的;灵活的,可变通的
例句 James Watt changed an inefficient steam pump into a fast; flexible and fuel…efficient engine。 詹姆斯·瓦特把一个低效的蒸汽泵转变成一部快速、灵敏、燃烧高效的发动机。
同义 pliable(a。 易弯曲的;柔韧的);elastic(a。 灵活的)
要点 考生要注意,flexible还有“可变通的”意思,比如a flexible schedule“灵活的日程表”。
fluke[flu:k]n。 侥幸;意外的挫折;尾片
例句 1。 Although it had no fluke; its backbone structure showed that it swam like modern whales。 尽管它没有尾片,但由其脊椎结构可以看出它能像现代鲸鱼那样在水中游动。
2。 The whale retained a tail and lacked a fluke which was the major means of locomotion in modern cetaceans。 鲸有尾巴却没有尾片,而尾片是现代鲸目动物移动的主要工具。
generic[??'nerik]a。 种类的,类属的;一般的
例句 Even though the appearances of formal and generic statues are different; they share the same function。 尽管正式的雕像和一般雕像的外表不一样,但它们拥有同样的功能。
同义 common(a。 一般的)
grandiose['gr?ndious]a。 宏伟的;夸大的
例句 1。 Faced with upcoming water supply crisis; a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from other rivers。 面临即将来临的水源危机,已经有一系列通过运河或管道调用其他地区的大量水源的宏伟计划。
2。 They were reasonably well governed; without notable corruption or grandiose state projects; such as the government gave some aid to railways; and in Sweden the state built the main lines。 他们实施合理的管理,没有明显的腐败情况或是宏伟的政府项目,比如政府援助铁路的建设,以及瑞典政府打造主干线等。
要点 grandiose常用来形容计划工程的宏伟壮观,例如:grandiose state projects“宏大的政府工程项目”,也可用massive; majestic等词来表达相同的意思。
guarantee[?g?r?n'ti:]v。 保证;担保 n。 保证书
例句 Mathematical models of ecosystems suggest that diversity does not guarantee ecosystem stability; but in fact it shows just the opposite。 生态系统的数学模型暗示了多样性不能保证生态的稳定性,但事实正好相反。
同义 pledge(v。 保证);assure(v。 担保)
要点 作者通常用guarantee这个词来表示某种确定的事物。比如:Absolutely guarantee it。“完全保证这一点。”
guild[gild]n。 行会,协会
例句 1。 The further growth of independent guilds shows the fact that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trade。 独立协会的发展表明顺差并非是国内手工艺产品引起的,而主要是源于国际贸易。
2。 In these shops; different ranks of artisans and masters were blurred and they worked together in the s
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