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the antiquities of the jews-1-第124章

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2。 Then did Joab put his army in battle…array over against the
enemy in the Great Plain; where he had a wood behind him。 Absalom
also brought his army into the field to oppose him。 Upon the
joining of the battle; both sides showed great actions with their
hands and their boldness; the one side exposing themselves to the
greatest hazards; and using their utmost alacrity; that David
might recover his kingdom; and the other being no way deficient;
either in doing or suffering; that Absalom might not be deprived
of that kingdom; and be brought to punishment by his father for
his impudent attempt against him。 Those also that were the most
numerous were solicitous that they might not be conquered by
those few that were with Joab; and with the other commanders;
because that would be the greater disgrace to them; while David's
soldiers strove greatly to overcome so many ten thousands as the
enemy had with them。 Now David's men were conquerors; as superior
in strength and skill in war; so they followed the others as they
fled away through the forests and valleys; some they took
prisoners; and many they slew; and more in the flight than in the
battle for there fell about twenty thousand that day。 But all
David's men ran violently upon Absalom; for he was easily known
by his beauty and tallness。 He was himself also afraid lest his
enemies should seize on him; so he got upon the king's mule; and
fled; but as he was carried with violence; and noise; and a great
motion; as being himself light; he entangled his hair greatly in
the large boughs of a knotty tree that spread a great way; and
there he hung; after a surprising manner; and as for the beast;
it went on farther; and that swiftly; as if his master had been
still upon his back; but he; hanging in the air upon the boughs;
was taken by his enemies。 Now when one of David's soldiers saw
this; he informed Joab of it; and when the general said; that if
he had shot at and killed Absalom; he would have given him fifty
shekels; … he replied; 〃I would not have killed my master's son
if thou wouldst have given me a thousand shekels; especially when
he desired that the young man might be spared in the hearing of
us all。〃 But Joab bade him show him where it was that he saw
Absalom hang; whereupon he shot him to the heart; and slew him;
and Joab's armor…bearers stood round the tree; and pulled down
his dead body; and cast it into a great chasm that was out of
sight; and laid a heap of stones upon him; till the cavity was
filled up; and had both the appearance and the bigness of a
grave。 Then Joab sounded a retreat; and recalled his own soldiers
from pursuing the enemy's army; in order to spare their

3。 Now Absalom had erected for himself a marble pillar in the
king's dale; two furlongs distant from Jerusalem; which he named
Absalom's Hand; saying; that if his children were killed; his
name would remain by that pillar; for he had three sons and one
daughter; named Tamar; as we said before; who when she was
married to David's grandson; Rehoboam; bare a son; Abijah by
name; who succeeded his father in the kingdom; but of these we
shall speak in a part of our history which will be more proper。
After the death of Absalom; they returned every one to their own
homes respectively。

4。 But now Ahimaaz; the son of Zadok the high priest; went to
Joab; and desired he would permit him to go and tell David of
this victory; and to bring him the good news that God had
afforded his assistance and his providence to him。 However; he
did not grant his request; but said to him; 〃Wilt thou; who hast
always been the messenger of good news; now go and acquaint the
king that his son is dead?〃 So he desired him to desist。 He then
called Cushi; and committed the business to him; that he should
tell the king what he had seen。 But when Ahimaaz again desired
him to let him go as a messenger; and assured him that he would
only relate what concerned the victory; but not concerning the
death of Absalom; he gave him leave to go to David。 Now he took a
nearer road than the former did; for nobody knew it but himself;
and he came before Cushi。 Now as David was sitting between the
gates; (18) and waiting to see when somebody would come to him
from the battle; and tell him how it went; one of the watchmen
saw Ahimaaz running; and before be could discern who he was; be
told David that he saw somebody coming to him; who said he was a
good messenger。 A little while after; he informed him that
another messenger followed him; whereupon the king said that he
also was a good messenger: but when the watchman saw Ahimaaz; and
that he was already very near; he gave the king notice that it
was the son of Zadok the high priest who came running。 So David
was very glad; and said he was a messenger of good tidings; and
brought him some such news from the battle as be desired to hear。

5。 While the king was saying thus; Ahimaaz appeared; and
worshipped the king。 And when the king inquired of him about the
battle; he said he brought him the good news of victory and
dominion。 And when he inquired what he had to say concerning his
son; he said that he came away on the sudden as soon as the enemy
was defeated; but that he heard a great noise of those that
pursued Absalom; and that he could learn no more; because of the
haste be made when Joab sent him to inform him of the victory。
But when Cushi was come; and had worshipped him; and informed him
of the victory; he asked him about his son; who replied; 〃May the
like misfortune befall thine enemies as hath befallen Absalom。〃
That word did not permit either himself or his soldiers to
rejoice for the victory; though it was a very great one; but
David went up to the highest part of the city; (19) and wept for
his son; and beat his breast; tearing 'the hair of' his head;
tormenting himself all manner of ways; and crying out; 〃O my son!
I wish that I had died myself; and ended my days with thee!〃 for
he was of a tender natural affection; and had extraordinary
compassion for this son in particular。 But when the army and Joab
heard that the king mourned for his son; they were ashamed to
enter the city in the habit of conquerors; but they all came in
as cast down; and in tears; as if they had been beaten。 Now while
the king covered himself; and grievously lamented his son; Joab
went in to him; and comforted him; and said; 〃O my lord the king;
thou art not aware that thou layest a blot on thyself by what
thou now doest; for thou seemest to hate those that love thee;
and undergo dangers for thee nay; to hate thyself and thy family;
and to love those that are thy bitter enemies; and to desire the
company of those that are no more; and who have been justly
slain; for had Absalom gotten the victory; and firmly settled
himself in the kingdom; there had been none of us left alive; but
all of us; beginning with thyself and thy children; had miserably
perished; while our enemies had not wept for his; but rejoiced
over us; and punished even those that pitied us in our
misfortunes; and thou art not ashamed to do this in the case of
one that has been thy bitter enemy; who; while he was thine own
son ha
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