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the antiquities of the jews-1-第134章

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he had worshipped him; he returned to Jerusalem; and after he had
offered great sacrifices before the tabernacle; he feasted all
his own family。

2。 In these days a hard cause came before him in judgment; which
it was very difficult to find any end of; and I think it
necessary to explain the fact about which the contest was; that
such as light upon my writings may know what a difficult cause
Solomon was to determine; and those that are concerned in such
matters may take this sagacity of the king for a pattern; that
they may the more easily give sentence about such questions。
There were two women; who were harlots in the course of their
lives; that came to him; of whom she that seemed to be injured
began to speak first; and said; 〃O king; I and this other woman
dwell together in one room。 Now it came to pass that we both bore
a son at the same hour of the same day; and on the third day this
woman overlaid her son; and killed it; and then took my son out
of my bosom; and removed him to herself; and as I was asleep she
laid her dead son in my arms。 Now; when in the morning I was
desirous to give the breast to the child; I did not find my own;
but saw the woman's dead child lying by me; for I considered it
exactly; and found it so to be。 Hence it was that I demanded my
son; and when I could not obtain him; I have recourse; my lord;
to thy assistance; for since we were alone; and there was nobody
there that could convict her; she cares for nothing; but
perseveres in the stout denial of the fact。〃 When this woman had
told this her story; the king asked the other woman what she had
to say in contradiction to that story。 But when she denied that
she had done what was charged upon her; and said that it was her
child that was living; and that it was her antagonist's child
that was dead; and when no one could devise what judgment could
be given; and the whole court were blind in their understanding;
and could not tell how to find out this riddle; the king alone
invented the following way how to discover it。 He bade them bring
in both the dead child and the living child; and sent one of his
guards; and commanded him to fetch a sword; and draw it; and to
cut both the children into two pieces; that each of the women
might have half the living and half the dead child。 Hereupon all
the people privately laughed at the king; as no more than a
youth。 But; in the mean time; she that was the real mother of the
living child cried out that he should not do so; but deliver that
child to the other woman as her own; for she would be satisfied
with the life of the child; and with the sight of it; although it
were esteemed the other's child; but the other woman was ready to
see the child divided; and was desirous; moreover; that the first
woman should be tormented。 When the king understood that both
their words proceeded from the truth of their passions; he
adjudged the child to her that cried out to save it; for that she
was the real mother of it; and he condemned the other as a wicked
woman; who had not only killed her own child; but was endeavoring
to see her friend's child destroyed also。 Now the multitude
looked on this determination as a great sign and demonstration of
the king's sagacity and wisdom; and after that day attended to
him as to one that had a divine mind。

3。 Now the captains of his armies; and officers appointed over
the whole country; were these: over the lot of Ephraim was Ures;
over the toparchy of Bethlehem was Dioclerus; Abinadab; who
married Solomon's daughter; had the region of Dora and the
sea…coast under him; the Great Plain was under Benaiah; the son
of Achilus; he also governed all the country as far as Jordan;
Gabaris ruled over Gilead and Gaulanitis; and had under him the
sixty great and fenced cities 'of Og'; Achinadab managed the
affairs of all Galilee as far as Sidon; and had himself also
married a daughter of Solomon's; whose name was Basima; Banacates
had the seacoast about Arce; as had Shaphat Mount Tabor; and
Carmel; and 'the Lower' Galilee; as far as the river Jordan; one
man was appointed over all this country; Shimei was intrusted
with the lot of Benjamin; and Gabares had the country beyond
Jordan; over whom there was again one governor appointed。 Now the
people of the Hebrews; and particularly the tribe of Judah;
received a wonderful increase when they betook themselves to
husbandry; and the cultivation of their grounds; for as they
enjoyed peace; and were not distracted with wars and troubles;
and having; besides; an abundant fruition of the most desirable
liberty; every one was busy in augmenting the product of their
own lands; and making them worth more than they had formerly

4。 The king had also other rulers; who were over the land of
Syria and of the Philistines; which reached from the river
Euphrates to Egypt; and these collected his tributes of the
nations。 Now these contributed to the king's table; and to his
supper every day (3) thirty cori of fine flour; and sixty of
meal; as also ten fat oxen; and twenty oxen out of the pastures;
and a hundred fat lambs; all these were besides what were taken
by hunting harts and buffaloes; and birds and fishes; which were
brought to the king by foreigners day by day。 Solomon had also so
great a number of chariots; that the stalls of his horses for
those chariots were forty thousand; and besides these he had
twelve thousand horsemen; the one half of which waited upon the
king in Jerusalem; and the rest were dispersed abroad; and dwelt
in the royal villages; but the same officer who provided for the
king's expenses supplied also the fodder for the horses; and
still carried it to the place where the king abode at that time。

5。 Now the sagacity and wisdom which God had bestowed on Solomon
was so great; that he exceeded the ancients; insomuch that he was
no way inferior to the Egyptians; who are said to have been
beyond all men in understanding; nay; indeed; it is evident that
their sagacity was very much inferior to that of the king's。 He
also excelled and distinguished himself in wisdom above those who
were most eminent among the Hebrews at that time for shrewdness;
those I mean were Ethan; and Heman; and Chalcol; and Darda; the
sons of Mahol。 He also composed books of odes and songs a
thousand and five; of parables and similitudes three thousand;
for he spake a parable upon every sort of tree; from the hyssop
to the cedar; and in like manner also about beasts; about all
sorts of living creatures; whether upon the earth; or in the
seas; or in the air; for he was not unacquainted with any of
their natures; nor omitted inquiries about them; but described
them all like a philosopher; and demonstrated his exquisite
knowledge of their several properties。 God also enabled him to
learn that skill which expels demons; (4) which is a science
useful and sanative to men。 He composed such incantations also by
which distempers are alleviated。 And he left behind him the
manner of using exorcisms; by which they drive away demons; so
that they never return; and this method of cure is of great force
unto this day; for I have seen a certain man of my own country;
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