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the antiquities of the jews-1-第21章

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die for it。 He also put her in mind that she was a married woman;
and that she ought to cohabit with her husband only; and desired
her to suffer these considerations to have more weight with her
than the short pleasure of lustful dalliance; which would bring
her to repentance afterwards; would cause trouble to her; and yet
would not amend what had been done amiss。 He also suggested to
her the fear she would be in lest they should be caught; and that
the advantage of concealment was uncertain; and that only while
the wickedness was not known 'would there be any quiet for them';
but that she might have the enjoyment of her husband's company
without any danger。 And he told her; that in the company of her
husband she might have great boldness from a good conscience;
both before God and before men。 Nay; that she would act better
like his mistress; and make use of her authority over him better
while she persisted in her chastity; than when they were both
ashamed for what wickedness they had been guilty of; and that it
is much better to a life; well and known to have been so; than
upon the hopes of the concealment of evil practices。

5。 Joseph; by saying this; and more; tried to restrain the
violent passion of the woman; and to reduce her affections within
the rules of reason; but she grew more ungovernable and earnest
in the matter; and since she despaired of persuading him; she
laid her hands upon him; and had a mind to force him。 But as soon
as Joseph had got away from her anger; leaving also his garment
with her; for he left that to her; and leaped out of her chamber;
she was greatly afraid lest he should discover her lewdness to
her husband; and greatly troubled at the affront he had offered
her; so she resolved to be beforehand with him; and to accuse
Joseph falsely to Potiphar; and by that means to revenge herself
on him for his pride and contempt of her; and she thought it a
wise thing in itself; and also becoming a woman; thus to prevent
his accusation。 Accordingly she sat sorrowful and in confusion;
framing herself so hypocritically and angrily; that the sorrow;
which was really for her being disappointed of her lust; might
appear to be for the attempt upon her chastity; so that when her
husband came home; and was disturbed at the sight of her and
inquired what was the cause of the disorder she was in; she began
to accuse Joseph: and; 〃O husband;〃 said she; 〃mayst thou not
live a day longer if thou dost not punish the wicked slave who
has desired to defile thy bed; who has neither minded who he was
when he came to our house; so as to behave himself with modesty;
nor has he been mindful of what favors he had received from thy
bounty (as he must be an ungrateful man indeed; unless he; in
every respect; carry himself in a manner agreeable to us): this
man; I say; laid a private design to abuse thy wife; and this at
the time of a festival; observing when thou wouldst be absent。 So
that it now is clear that his modesty; as it appeared to be
formerly; was only because of the restraint he was in out of fear
of thee; but that he was not really of a good disposition。 This
has been occasioned by his being advanced to honor beyond what he
deserved; and what he hoped for; insomuch that he concluded; that
he who was deemed fit to be trusted with thy estate and the
government of thy family; and was preferred above thy eldest
servants; might be allowed to touch thy wife also。〃 Thus when she
had ended her discourse; she showed him his garment; as if he
then left it with her when he attempted to force her。 But
Potiphar not being able to disbelieve what his wife's tears
showed; and what his wife said; and what he saw himself; and
being seduced by his love to his wife; did not set himself about
the examination of the truth; but taking it for granted that his
wife was a modest woman; and condemning Joseph as a wicked man;
he threw him into the malefactors' prison; and had a still higher
opinion of his wife; and bare her witness that she was a woman of
a becoming modesty and chastity。


What Things Befell Joseph In Prison。

1。 Now Joseph; commending all his affairs to God; did not betake
himself to make his defense; nor to give an account of the exact
circumstances of the fact; but silently underwent the bonds and
the distress he was in; firmly believing that God; who knew the
cause of his affliction; and the truth of the fact; would be more
powerful than those that inflicted the punishments upon him : … a
proof of whose providence he quickly received; for the keeper of
the prison taking notice of his care and fidelity in the affairs
he had set him about; and the dignity of his countenance; relaxed
his bonds; and thereby made his heavy calamity lighter; and more
supportable to him。 He also permitted him to make use of a diet
better than that of the rest of the prisoners。 Now; as his fellow
prisoners; when their hard labors were over; fell to discoursing
one among another; as is usual in such as are equal sufferers;
and to inquire one of another what were the occasions of their
being condemned to a prison: among them the king's cupbearer; and
one that had been respected by him; was put in bonds; upon the
king's anger at him。 This man was under the same bonds with
Joseph; and grew more familiar with him; and upon his observing
that Joseph had a better understanding than the rest had; he told
him of a dream he had; and desired he would interpret its
meaning; complaining that; besides the afflictions he underwent
from the king; God did also add to him trouble from his dreams。

2。 He therefore said; that in his sleep he saw three clusters of
grapes hanging upon three branches of a vine; large already; and
ripe for gathering; and that he squeezed them into a cup which
the king held in his hand; and when he had strained the wine; he
gave it to the king to drink; and that he received it from him
with a pleasant countenance。 This; he said; was what he saw; and
he desired Joseph; that if he had any portion of understanding in
such matters; he would tell him what this vision foretold。 Who
bid him be of good cheer; and expect to be loosed from his bonds
in three days' time; because the king desired his service; and
was about to restore him to it again; for he let him know that
God bestows the fruit of the vine upon men for good; which wine
is poured out to him; and is the pledge of fidelity and mutual
confidence among men; and puts an end to their quarrels; takes
away passion and grief out of the minds of them that use it; and
makes them cheerful。 〃Thou sayest that thou didst squeeze this
wine from three clusters of grapes with thine hands; and that the
king received it: know; therefore; that this vision is for thy
good; and foretells a release from thy present distress within
the same number of days as the branches had whence thou
gatheredst thy grapes in thy sleep。 However; remember what
prosperity I have foretold thee when thou hast found it true by
experience; and when thou art in authority; do not overlook us in
this prison; wherein thou wilt leave us when thou art gone to the
place we have foretold; for we are not in prison for
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