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the antiquities of the jews-1-第305章

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them alive in bonds; or to let them live at a distance from his
dominions in banishment; while he was surrounded by the Roman
forces; which were a strong security to him; whose help would
prevent his suffering any thing by a sudden onset; or by open
force; but for him to kill them on the sudden; in order to
gratify a passion that governed him; was a demonstration of
insufferable impiety。 He also was guilty of so great a crime in
his older age; nor will the delays that he made; and the length
of time in which the thing was done; plead at all for his excuse;
for when a man is on a sudden amazed; and in commotion of mind;
and then commits a wicked action; although this be a heavy crime;
yet is it a thing that frequently happens; but to do it upon
deliberation; and after frequent attempts; and as frequent
puttings…off; to undertake it at last; and accomplish it; was the
action of a murderous mind; and such as was not easily moved from
that which is evil。 And this temper he showed in what he did
afterward; when he did not spare those that seemed to be the best
beloved of his friends that were left; wherein; though the
justice of the punishment caused those that perished to be the
less pitied; yet was the barbarity of the man here equal; in that
he did not abstain from their slaughter also。 But of those
persons we shall have occasion to discourse more hereafter。


Containing The Interval Of Fourteen Years。

From The Death Of Alexander And Aristobulus To The Banishment Of


How Antipater Was Hated By All The Nation 'Of The Jews' For The
Slaughter Of His Brethren; And How; For That Reason He Got Into
Peculiar Favor With His Friends At Rome; By Giving Them Many
Presents; As He Did Also With Saturninus; The President Of Syria
And The Governors Who Were Under Him; And Concerning Herod's
Wives And Children。

1。 When Antipater had thus taken off his brethren; and had
brought his father into the highest degree of impiety; till he
was haunted with furies for what he had done; his hopes did not
succeed to his mind; as to the rest of his life; for although he
was delivered from the fear of his brethren being his rivals as
to the government; yet did he find it a very hard thing; and
almost impracticable; to come at the kingdom; because the hatred
of the nation against him on that account was become very great;
and besides this very disagreeable circumstance; the affair of
the soldiery grieved him still more; who were alienated from him;
from which yet these kings derived all the safety which they had;
whenever they found the nation desirous of innovation: and all
this danger was drawn upon him by his destruction of his
brethren。 However; he governed the nation jointly with his
father; being indeed no other than a king already; and he was for
that very reason trusted; and the more firmly depended on; for
the which he ought himself to have been put to death; as
appearing to have betrayed his brethren out of his concern for
the preservation of Herod; and not rather out of his ill…will to
them; and; before them; to his father himself: and this was the
accursed state he was in。 Now all Antipater's contrivances tended
to make his way to take off Herod; that he might have nobody to
accuse him in the vile practices he was devising: and that Herod
might have no refuge; nor any to afford him their assistance;
since they must thereby have Antipater for their open enemy;
insomuch that the very plots he had laid against his brethren
were occasioned by the hatred he bore his father。 But at this
time he was more than ever set upon the execution of his attempts
against Herod; because if he were once dead; the government would
now be firmly secured to him; but if he were suffered to live any
longer; he should be in danger; upon a discovery of that
wickedness of which he had been the contriver; and his father
would of necessity then become his enemy。 And on this account it
was that he became very bountiful to his father's friends; and
bestowed great sums on several of them; in order to surprise men
with his good deeds; and take off their hatred against him。 And
he sent great presents to his friends at Rome particularly; to
gain their good…will; and above all to Saturninus; the president
of Syria。 He also hoped to gain the favor of Saturninus's brother
with the large presents he bestowed on him; as also he used the
same art to 'Salome' the king's sister; who had married one of
Herod's chief friends。 And when he counterfeited friendship to
those with whom he conversed; he was very subtle in gaining their
belief; and very cunning to hide his hatred against any that he
really did hate。 But he could not impose upon his aunt; who
understood him of a long time; and was a woman not easily to be
deluded; especially while she had already used all possible
caution in preventing his pernicious designs。 Although
Antipeter's uncle by the mother's side was married to her
daughter; and this by his own connivance and management; while
she had before been married to Aristobulus; and while Salome's
other daughter by that husband was married to the son of Calleas;
yet that marriage was no obstacle to her; who knew how wicked he
was; in her discovering his designs; as her former kindred to him
could not prevent her hatred of him。 Now Herod had compelled
Salome; while she was in love with Sylleus the Arabian; and had
taken a fondness for him; to marry Alexas; which match was by her
submitted to at the instance of Julia; who persuaded Salome not
to refuse it; lest she should herself be their open enemy; since
Herod had sworn that he would never be friends with Salome; if
she would not accept of Alexas for her husband; so she submitted
to Julia as being Caesar's wife; and besides that; she advised
her to nothing but what was very much for her own advantage。 At
this time also it was that Herod sent back king Archelaus's
daughter; who had been Alexander's wife; to her father; returning
the portion he had with her out of his own estate; that there
might be no dispute between them about it。

2。 Now Herod brought up his sons' children with great care; for
Alexander had two sons by Glaphyra; and Aristobulus had three
sons by Bernice; Salome's daughter; and two daughters; and as his
friends were once with him; he presented the children before
them; and deploring the hard fortune of his own sons; he prayed
that no such ill fortune would befall these who were their
children; but that they might improve in virtue; and obtain what
they justly deserved; and might make him amends for his care of
their education。 He also caused them to be betrothed against they
should come to the proper age of marriage; the elder of
Alexander's sons to Pheroras's daughter; and Antipater's daughter
to Aristobulus's eldest son。 He also allotted one of
Aristobulus's daughters to Antipater's son; and Aristobulus's
other daughter to Herod; a son of his own; who was born to him by
the high priest's daughter; for it is the ancient practice among
us to have many wives at the same time。 Now the king made these
espousals for the children; out of commiseration of them now they
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