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the antiquities of the jews-1-第71章

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terror to the city; or likely to bring any danger to the king。 So
these messengers being thus deluded by the woman; (2) and
suspecting no imposition; went their ways; without so much as
searching the inn; but they immediately pursued them along those
roads which they most probably supposed them to have gone; and
those particularly which led to the river; but could hear no
tidings of them; so they left off the pains of any further
pursuit。 But when the tumult was over; Rahab brought the men
down; and desired them as soon as they should have obtained
possession of the land of Canaan; when it would be in their power
to make her amends for her preservation of them; to remember what
danger she had undergone for their sakes; for that if she had
been caught concealing them; she could not have escaped a
terrible destruction; she and all her family with her; and so bid
them go home; and desired them to swear to her to preserve her
and her family when they should take the city; and destroy all
its inhabitants; as they had decreed to do; for so far she said
she had been assured by those Divine miracles of which she had
been informed。 So these spies acknowledged that they owed her
thanks for what she had done already; and withal swore to requite
her kindness; not only in words; but in deeds。 But they gave her
this advice; That when she should perceive that the city was
about to be taken; she should put her goods; and all her family;
by way of security; in her inn; and to hang out scarlet threads
before her doors; 'or windows;' that the commander of the Hebrews
might know her house; and take care to do her no harm; for; said
they; we will inform him of this matter; because of the concern
thou hast had to preserve us: but if any one of thy family fall
in the battle; do not thou blame us; and we beseech that God; by
whom we have sworn; not then to be displeased with us; as though
we had broken our oaths。 So these men; when they had made this
agreement; went away; letting themselves down by a rope from the
wall; and escaped; and came and told their own people whatsoever
they had done in their journey to this city。 Joshua also told
Eleazar the high priest; and the senate; what the spies had sworn
to Rahab; who continued what had been sworn。

3。 Now while Joshua; the commander; was in fear about their
passing over Jordan; for the river ran with a strong current; and
could not be passed over with bridges; for there never had been
bridges laid over it hitherto; and while he suspected; that if he
should attempt to make a bridge; that their enemies would not
afford him thee to perfect it; and for ferry…boats they had none;
… God promised so to dispose of the river; that they might pass
over it; and that by taking away the main part of its waters。 So
Joshua; after two days; caused the army and the whole multitude
to pass over in the manner following: … The priests went first of
all; having the ark with them; then went the Levites bearing the
tabernacle and the vessels which belonged to the sacrifices;
after which the entire multitude followed; according to their
tribes; having their children and their wives in the midst of
them; as being afraid for them; lest they should be borne away by
the stream。 But as soon as the priests had entered the river
first; it appeared fordable; the depth of the water being
restrained and the sand appearing at the bottom; because the
current was neither so strong nor so swift as to carry it away by
its force; so they all passed over the river without fear;
finding it to be in the very same state as God had foretold he
would put it in; but the priests stood still in the midst of the
river till the multitude should be passed over; and should get to
the shore in safety; and when all were gone over; the priests
came out also; and permitted the current to run freely as it used
to do before。 Accordingly the river; as soon as the Hebrews were
come out of it; arose again presently; and carne to its own
proper magnitude as before。

4。 So the Hebrews went on farther fifty furlongs; and pitched
their camp at the distance of ten furlongs from Jericho; but
Joshua built an altar of those stones which all the heads of the
tribes; at the command of the prophets; had taken out of the
deep; to be afterwards a memorial of the division of the stream
of this river; and upon it offered sacrifice to God; and in that
place celebrated the passover; and had great plenty of all the
things which they wanted hitherto; for they reaped the corn of
the Canaanites; which was now ripe; and took other things as
prey; for then it was that their former food; which was manna;
and of which they had eaten forty years; failed them。

5。 Now while the Israelites did this; and the Canaanites did not
attack them; but kept themselves quiet within their own walls;
Joshua resolved to besiege them; so on the first day of the feast
'of the passover'; the priests carried the ark round about; with
some part of the armed men to be a guard to it。 These priests
went forward; blowing with their seven trumpets; and exhorted the
army to be of good courage; and went round about the city; with
the senate following them; and when the priests had only blown
with the trumpets; for they did nothing more at all; they
returned to the camp。 And when they had done this for six days;
on the seventh Joshua gathered the armed men and all the people
together; and told them these good tidings; That the city should
now be taken; since God would on that day give it them; by the
falling down of the walls; and this of their own accord; and
without their labor。 However; he charged them to kill every one
they should take; and not to abstain from the slaughter of their
enemies; either for weariness or for pity; and not to fall on the
spoil; and be thereby diverted from pursuing their enemies as
they ran away; but to destroy all the animals; and to take
nothing for their own peculiar advantage。 He commanded them also
to bring together all the silver and gold; that it might be set
apart as first…fruits unto God out of this glorious exploit; as
having gotten them from the city they first took; only that they
should save Rahab and her kindred alive; because of the oath
which the spies had sworn to her。

6。 When he had said this; and had set his army in order; be
brought it against the city: so they went round the city again;
the ark going before them; and the priests encouraging the people
to be zealous in the work; and when they had gone round it seven
times; and had stood still a little; the wall fell down; while no
instruments of war; nor any other force; was applied to it by the

7。 So they entered into Jericho; and slew all the men that were
therein; while they were aftrighted at the surprising overthrow
of the walls; and their courage was become useless; and they were
not able to defend themselves; so they were slain; and their
throats cut; some in the ways; and others as caught in their
houses; nothing afforded them assistance; but they all perished;
even to the women and the children; and the city was filled with
dead bodies; and not one person escaped。 They also burnt th
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