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the antiquities of the jews-1-第72章

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even to the women and the children; and the city was filled with
dead bodies; and not one person escaped。 They also burnt the
whole city; and the country about it; but they saved alive Rahab;
with her family; who had fled to her inn。 And when she was
brought to him; Joshua owned to her that they owed her thanks for
her preservation of the spies: so he said he would not appear to
be behind her in his benefaction to her; whereupon he gave her
certain lands immediately; and had her in great esteem ever

8。 And if any part of the city escaped the fire; he overthrew it
from the foundation; and he denounced a curse (3)against its
inhabitants; if any should desire to rebuild it; how; upon his
laying the foundation of the walls; he should be deprived of his
eldest son; and upon finishing it; he should lose his youngest
son。 But what happened hereupon we shall speak of hereafter。

9。 Now there was an immense quantity of silver and gold; and
besides those of brass also; that was heaped together out of the
city when it was taken; no one transgressing the decree; nor
purloining for their own peculiar advantage; which spoils Joshua
delivered to the priests; to be laid up among their treasures。
And thus did Jericho perish。

10。 But there was one Achar; (4) the son 'of Charmi; the son' of
Zebedias; of the tribe of Judah; who finding a royal garment
woven entirely of gold; and a piece of gold that weighed two
hundred shekels; (5) and thinking it a very hard case; that what
spoils he; by running some hazard; had found; he must give away;
and offer it to God; who stood in no need of it; while he that
wanted it must go without it; … made a deep ditch in his own
tent; and laid them up therein; as supposing he should not only
be concealed from his fellow soldiers; but from God himself also。

11。 Now the place where Joshua pitched his camp was called
Gilgal; which denotes liberty; (6) for since now they had passed
over Jordan; they looked on themselves as freed from the miseries
which they had undergone from the Egyptians; and in the

12。 Now; a few days after the calamity that befell Jericho;
Joshua sent three thousand armed men to take Ai; a city situate
above Jericho; but; upon the sight of the people of Ai; with them
they were driven back; and lost thirty…six of their men。 When
this was told the Israelites; it made them very sad; and
exceeding disconsolate; not so much because of the relation the
men that were destroyed bare to them; though those that were
destroyed were all good men; and deserved their esteem; as by the
despair it occasioned; for while they believed that they were
already; in effect; in possession of the land; and should bring
back the army out of the battles without loss; as God had
promised beforehand; they now saw unexpectedly their enemies bold
with success; so they put sackcloth over their garments; and
continued in tears and lamentation all the day; without the least
inquiry after food; but laid what had happened greatly to heart。

13。 When Joshua saw the army so much afflicted; and possessed
with forebodings of evil as to their whole expedition; he used
freedom with God; and said; 〃We are not come thus far out of any
rashness of our own; as though we thought ourselves able to
subdue this land with our own weapons; but at the instigation of
Moses thy servant for this purpose; because thou hast promised
us; by many signs; that thou wouldst give us this land for a
possession; and that thou wouldst make our army always superior
in war to our enemies; and accordingly some success has already
attended upon us agreeably to thy promises; but because we have
now unexpectedly been foiled; and have lost some men out of our
army; we are grieved at it; as fearing what thou hast promised
us; and what Moses foretold us; cannot be depended on by us; and
our future expectation troubles us the more; because we have met
with such a disaster in this our first attempt。 But do thou; O
Lord; free us from these suspicions; for thou art able to find a
cure for these disorders; by giving us victory; which will both
take away the grief we are in at present; and prevent our
distrust as to what is to come。〃

14。 These intercessions Joshua put up to God; as he lay prostrate
on his face: whereupon God answered him; That he should rise up;
and purify his host from the pollution that had got into it; that
〃things consecrated to me have been impudently stolen from me;〃
and that 〃this has been the occasion why this defeat had happened
to them;〃 and that when they should search out and punish the
offender; he would ever take care they should have the victory
over their enemies。 This Joshua told the people; and calling for
Eleazar the high priest; and the men in authority; he cast lots;
tribe by tribe; and when the lot showed that this wicked action
was done by one of the tribe of Judah; he then again proposed the
lot to the several families thereto belonging; so the truth of
this wicked action was found to belong to the family of Zachar;
and when the inquiry was made man by man; they took Achar; who;
upon God's reducing him to a terrible extremity; could not deny
the fact: so he confessed the theft; and produced what he had
taken in the midst of them; whereupon he was immediately put to
death; and attained no more than to be buried in the night in a
disgraceful manner; and such as was suitable to a condemned

15。 When Joshua had thus purified the host; he led them against
Ai: and having by night laid an ambush round about the city; he
attacked the enemies as soon as it was day; but as they advanced
boldly against the Israelites; because of their former victory;
he made them believe he retired; and by that means drew them a
great way from the city; they still supposing that they were
pursuing their enemies; and despised them; as though the case had
been the same with that in the former battle; after which Joshua
ordered his forces to turn about; and placed them against their
front。 He then made the signals agreed upon to those that lay in
ambush; and so excited them to fight; so they ran suddenly into
the city; the inhabitants being upon the walls; nay; others of
them being in perplexity; and coming to see those that were
without the gates。 Accordingly; these men took the city; and slew
all that they met with; but Joshua forced those that came against
him to come to a close fight; and discomfited them; and made them
run away; and when they were driven towards the city; and thought
it had not been touched; as soon as they saw it was taken; and
perceived it was burnt; with their wives and children; they
wandered about in the fields in a scattered condition; and were
no way able to defend themselves; because they had none to
support them。 Now when this calamity was come upon the men of Ai;
there were a great number of children; and women; and servants;
and an immense quantity of other furniture。 The Hebrews also took
herds of cattle; and a great deal of money; for this was a rich
country。 So when Joshua came to Gilgal; he divided all these
spoils among the soldiers。

16。 But the Gibeonites; who inhabited 
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