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washington and his comrades in arms-第48章

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 (1900); Graham; 〃Life of General Daniel Morgan〃 (1856); Kapp; 〃Life of Steuben〃 (1859); Arnold; 〃Life of Benedict Arnold〃 (1880)。 On the army Bolton and Hatch as cited; Mahan gives a lucid account of naval effort。 Barrow; 〃Richard; Earl Howe〃 (1838) is a dull account of a remarkable man。 On the French alliance; Perkins; 〃France in the American Revolution〃 (1911); Corwin; 〃French Policy and the American Alliance of 1778〃 (1916); and Van Tyne on 〃Influences which Determined the French Government to Make the Treaty with America; 1778;〃 in 〃The American Historical Review〃; April; 1916。


Fortescue; as cited; gives excellent plans。 Other useful books are McCrady; 〃History of South Carolina in the Revolution〃 (1901); Draper; 〃King's Mountain and its Heroes〃 (1881); Simms; 〃Life of Marion〃 (1844)。 Ross (editor); 〃The Cornwallis Correspondence〃; 3 vols。 (1859); and Tarleton; 〃History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces of North America〃 (1787); give the point of view of British leaders。 On the West; Thwaites; 〃How George Rogers Clark won the Northwest〃 (1903); and on the Loyalists Van Tyne; 〃The Loyalists in the American Revolution〃 (1902); Flick; 〃Loyalism in New York〃 (1901); and Stark; 〃The Loyalists of Massachusetts〃 (1910)。


For the exploits of John Paul Jones and of the American navy; Mrs。 De Koven's 〃The Life and Letters of John Paul Jones〃; 2 vols。 (1913); Don C。 Seitz's 〃Paul Jones〃; and G。 W。 Allen's 〃A Naval History of the American Revolution〃; 2 vols。 (1913); should be consulted。 Jusserand's 〃With Americans of Past and Present Days〃 (1917) contains a chapter on 'Rochambeau and the French in America'; Johnston's 〃The Yorktown Campaign〃 (1881) is a full account; Wraxall; 〃Historical Memoirs of my own Time〃 (1815; reprinted 1904); tells of the reception of the news of Yorktown in England。

The 〃Encyclopaedia Britannica〃 has useful references to authorities for persons prominent in the Revolution and 〃The Dictionary of National Biography〃 for leaders on the British side。

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