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  they never try to seize and therefore lose nothing。

  In handling their affairs; people often fail just before success;
  be as careful at the end as at the start; and there will be no failure。

  Those who are enlightened
  desire to be without desire;
  do not value precious things;
  learn to unlearn their learning;
  redeem their fellow beings' faults。

  And so they help all living things find their true selves;
  without presuming to interfere。


  In days gone by; those who knew how to follow the DAO
  did not seem enlightened but ignorant。

  The reason why people are hard to govern
  is because they know too much。 *

  And so to use knowledge to govern a country
  is to be its curse。
  Not to use knowledge to govern a country
  is to be its blessing。

  There are two primal principles;
  and to understand them always brings the deepest DE。
  How hidden; deep and far…reaching DE is。
  It makes all things return to their source
  and so attain oneness。 
  * qi zhi duo: because they know too much

  zhi here has the sense of formal; mental; academic knowledge; rather than knowledge derived from the emotions or from life itself。

  The reason why the sea
  is king of all the valleys and the streams
  is because it lies beneath them;
  and so can act as king。

  So anyone who wants to rule the people
  must speak humbly to them;
  Anyone who wants to lead the people
  must follow them as if behind。

  Those who are enlightened stand above the people;
  and yet the people do not feel weighed down。
  Those who are enlightened stand in front of the people;
  and yet the people do not feel obstructed。

  The whole world joyfully supports those who are enlightened
  and never tires of doing so。
  Because those who are enlightened contend with no one;
  no one contends with them。


  The whole world says my DAO
  is vast and seems like nothing else。
  It is its very vastness
  that makes it seem like nothing else。
  If it had seemed like something;
  it long ago would have disappeared。

  I have three treasures to hold and guard:
  the first is love;
  the second moderation;
  the third humility。
  With love; you can be courageous;
  with moderation; you can open wide your arms;
  with humility; you can be leader of the world。

  Yet to be courageous without love;
  to open wide one's arms without moderation;
  to lead without humility …
  is sure to end in death。

  So fight in love; and you will win the battle;
  defend in love; and you will keep your strength。
  Heaven will protect all those
  who show such love。


  A skilled soldier never is aggressive;
  a skilled fighter never is enraged。
  A skilled conqueror is never vengeful;
  a skilled manager is never proud。

  This is called the DE of non…contention;
  this is called employing others' strengths;
  this is called a harmony with the highest point of heaven。


  Among soldiers; there is a saying:
  do not be the one to first attack; *
  but rather take up the defence。
  Do not advance an inch;
  but rather withdraw a foot。

  This is known as stepping forward without moving;
  seizing without bearing arms;
  confronting without direct attack;
  carrying arms without a weapon。

  There is no disaster greater than to underestimate your enemy;
  underestimate your enemy and you may lose your treasure。

  Yet when opposing armies meet in battle;
  it is the one which yields that wins。 
  * wu bu gan wei zhu er wei ke: do not be the one to first attack; / but rather take up the defence

  the basic meaning of zhu and ke in these lines is 慼ost?and 慻uest? The sense of a 慼ost?as active and energising; and of a 慻uest?as passive and receiving; leads by extension of meaning to the contrast between attacker and defender。

  My words are very easy to understand;
  and very easy to practise。
  Yet no one in the world can understand them
  or put them into practice。

  My words have an ancient source;
  my actions have a master。
  It is because they do not know these things
  that people do not understand me。

  Those who do understand are rare;
  but those who follow me I treasure。
  Those who are enlightened dress in rough clothes;
  but hide precious jade beneath。


  Far better to know; yet think one does not know;
  to think one knows; and not to know; is a disease。

  You must become sick of your sickness
  before you cease to be sick。

  Those who are enlightened are not sick。
  It is because they are sick of their sickness
  that they are not sick。


  When people cease to fear mere worldly power;
  a greater power will come。

  Do not confine the homes where people live *
  or place burdens on their livelihood。
  Only when you do not burden them
  will they not be wearied by your burden。

  Those who are enlightened
  know; but do not flaunt; themselves;
  love; but do not exalt; themselves。
  They choose what is within; not without。 
  * wu xia qi suo ju: do not confine the homes where people live

  often interpreted as political advice to a ruler; these lines have also been construed figuratively; either as a metaphor for the body (i。e。 慸o not limit your identity to your mere physicality? or for the heart (i。e。 慸o not limit your heart? 慸o not withhold your humanity from others?。

  Reckless bravery leads to death;
  careful bravery leads to life。
  One leads to good; the other harm。

  Heaven hates what it hates:
  who knows the reason?
  Not even those who are enlightened know why。

  The DAO of heaven
  does not contend yet overcomes with ease;
  does not speak yet communicates with ease;
  does not summon yet attracts things naturally;
  seems unhurried yet plans with ease。

  The net of Heaven is vast。
  Its meshes may be wide;
  but not a thing slips through。


  If people are not afraid of death;
  how can they be threatened by it?
  But if they always live in fear of death;
  and still continue in their lawlessness;
  we can arrest and kill them。
  Who then would dare?

  And yet there is a Lord of Death whose charge it is to kill。
  To take his place and kill would be
  like carving wood in place of the master carpenter。
  Few would escape without injuring their hands。


  Why are the people starving?
  Because their rulers devour too much in taxes。
  That's why they starve。

  Why are the people rebellious?
  Because their rulers can't stop interfering。
  That's why they rebel。

  Why do the people make light of death?
  Because they are intent on life。
  That's why they make light of death。

  Yet those who do not strive to live
  are wiser than those who value life。


  We are born soft and weak;
  we die stiff and hard。
  All things … the grass; the trees …
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