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  The masters' greatest fullness appears empty; yet it can continue giving without end。
  The masters' greatest straightness appears crooked; yet it is upright and righteous。
  The masters' greatest skill appears rustic and clumsy; yet it works with unparalleled accuracy。
  The masters' greatest eloquence appears as tongue…tied stammering; yet he teaches without words。
  The masters' movement conquers cold;
  The masters' stillness conquers heat;
  The stillness and tranquility of the master conquers the world。


  When the world is in accord with the Tao horses work and fertilize the fields with their droppings;
  When The Way is forgotten; warhorses are bred and feed on the people's autumn harvest in the parks of the suburbs。
  There is no worse calamity than desire;
  There is no greater misery than knowing no contentment;
  There is no greater catastrophe than losing self…control。
  Contentment can come from realizing one has enough;
  Attaining contentment; one can attain internal peace。


  One can open oneself to the world without leaving the house;
  Without looking out the window one can know the way of Heaven。
  The further one goes and the more knowledge one accumulates; the less one knows。
  With this way; the master knows and experiences without traveling;
  Observes clearly without seeing;
  And accomplishes much without doing anything。


  Common learning consists in adding something new each day;
  In pursuit of the Tao; every day something is dropped。
  Day after day something else is lost; until one reaches the point where one is able to do much by doing nothing。
  Less and less you know and desire; until you reach the state of non…action。
  By not striving to control the world; it offers itself to you。
  You cannot master the world by trying to enforce change on it。


  The master has no subjective conceptions;
  His heart is open to the people。
  He is kind to the kind。
  He is also kind to the unkind。
  This is the true practice of kindness。
  To the honest he is trusting;
  To the dishonest he is also trusting;
  This is the true practice of trust。
  The sage appears hesitant; and lives in harmonious peace in the world;
  He considers his own mind as well as that of the people。
  The people look to him lending their eyes and ears; and he treats them all as his children。


  Being born; we come into life; one day we must enter into death。
  Out of ten people; three celebrate and are filled with life;
  Three hasten their demise through excess;
  And three pass through life without realizing it;
  Why is this? They try too hard to protect and preserve this life; thereby they never learn to live。
  But it is said that one in ten knows how to preserve his life by emptying himself to the world and the Way。
  Such a one can go into the wilds unmolested by wild beasts;
  the tigers claws and rhinoceros horns will find no place to catch him。
  And he may enter battle unarmored; sharp points will find no place to pierce him。
  Why is this? Because there is no place for death in him。


  The Tao is the mother of all beings;
  The virtue of Tao nurtures them in nature;
  The material world gives them form;
  Environment and circumstance complete their abilities。
  Therefore all things honor the Way; and venerate virtue。
  This honoring of the Tao; and the veneration of virtue are not commanded;
  They occur spontaneously and for this reason the Way continues to create beings while virtue continues to nurture and develop them。
  The Tao gives birth to all; yet it lays no claim of ownership;
  It nourishes all; but it does not control;
  This is the mystic virtue。


  In the beginning was the Tao; this beginning can be considered as the mother of all。
  Knowing the mother; one can come to know the children。
  Knowing the children; but returning to the mother; this will keep your spirit alive through death and decay。
  Keep your mouth shut; close the doors of desire; and you will live a virtuous and untroubled existence。
  But if you let your mouth go on; and let the desires of the world into your heart; your life will be one of unending toil and vexations。
  To see the small; obscure and detailed is clarity of vision。
  To live in gentleness and flexibility is strength。
  Use outlook and insight; and return to clear…sightedness Then you will avoid life's troubles。
  This is called cultivating consistency。


  If I possess even the smallest bits of wisdom; I would walk the great way; and my only fear would be in straying from this great road。
  The great way is wide and the going is easy; but how people seem to prefer the side paths。
  When the offices of government; the palaces and temples are richly adorned; and lavishly outfitted。。。
  when the ministers are concerned chiefly with pomp and display;
  the fields will be dusty and overgrown with rank weeds; and the granaries of the land will be bare。
  The gentry wear elaborate richly embroidered clothes; eat and drink in excess with their sharp swords at their sides; these are surely the robber barons。 This is not in keeping with the Way。


  What is skillfully rooted and well established cannot effortlessly be uprooted; what is well embraced cannot be easily torn away。
  Hold onto the Tao firmly; and you will endure。 This will pass on to your children and grandchildren also。
  When virtue is cultivated in oneself; it becomes real。
  When cultivated in the home; virtue will overflow。
  When virtue is cultivated in the community it becomes lasting。
  When cultivated in the nation; virtue becomes abundant。
  When virtue is cultivated in the world; it becomes the Law of the land; and it leads to universal virtue; all pervading and all encompassing。
  Therefore one can see that ones self influences the family。
  The family influences the community。 The community influences the nation。 And the nation influences the world。
  Therefore; bring virtue into your own life; and it will spread all about you; into the world。
  How do I know this is true? Because I have seen virtue move and live。


  One who is abundant in virtue is much like a newborn child; bees; scorpions and snakes will not sting or bite such a one。
  Wild beasts will not sink claws into the infant; nor will birds of prey strike a blow。
  Though his bones be soft; and his sinews be weak; his grip will be strong。
  The infant doesn't yet know of the union between male and female;
  yet this one is perfectly formed; the ultimate in vitality。
  Babbling and screaming all day; he does not become hoarse; this shows the harmony of the infant。
  To know virtue and harmony like this; to keep it constant; this is illumination。
  To try to force life: this bodes ill。 To try to exceed nature brings calamity。 To try to control nature brings violence。
  And things that are over luxurious; overgrown and extremely fecund are not in keeping with the Tao。 These thi
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