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  And things that are over luxurious; overgrown and extremely fecund are not in keeping with the Tao。 These things will wither and perish。


  Those who know of the Way do not speak of it;
  Those who speak of the Way do not know it。
  Close your mouth; shut the doors of your desires;
  blunt your sharpness; untie the tangles of your life;
  dim your glare; quiet life's turmoil;
  this is the Mystic Virtue。
  Those achieving Mystic Virtue are not affronted or thrilled either by hate or love;
  they are removed from benefit and harm; beyond care of praise or blame;
  they are the true humans; unequaled under Heaven。


  Rule the kingdom with justice。 Use surprise tactics to fight a war。
  But it takes letting go to win and hold the world。
  How do I know it is so? Through this: …
  The more restrictive the laws in the kingdom; the poorer the people will be。
  The more sharp weapons the people have; the more troubled and chaotic the state will be
  and the less secure the people will be。
  The more clever and advanced the people; the stranger the contrivances they will invent。
  Law after law promulgates robbers and thieves。
  Therefore the Master says: 〃I will let go of the law;
  and the people will act rightly of their own accord;
  I will love tranquility and the people will act with righteousness。〃
  〃I will make no effort; and the people will prosper。
  I will let go of all of my desires; and the people will return to native simplicity。〃


  When a government is unobtrusive and tolerant the people will be happy and prosperous;
  when a government is suspicious and strict the people are dissatisfied and crafty。
  Good fortune is linked to calamity; misery is tied to happiness。
  So who can tell when the end of this will come?
  Is there no measuring…stick for the norm?
  What is seen now as right and true will certainly someday be seen as wrong and false。
  The people have labored under this sea of vexations for a long time。
  Therefore the Master is square without sharp cutting corners。
  His straightness is not strained; he is pointed without being piercing。
  And he is bright but not blinding。


  In governing the people and serving Heaven: there is nothing better than frugality。
  To be frugal one must be prepared beforehand。
  The accumulation of great virtue is the thing that will give you the strength to properly govern and serve。
  With virtuous strength nothing is impossible。
  This is spoken of this having deep roots and a firm stalk rooted in a solid foundation;
  the way of long life and great insight。


  Govern a large country in the same way you would cook a small fish; you must be delicate。
  Let the spirit of the Tao govern the land; and evil spirits will have no power。
  Not that the evil spirits will depart; but the effects they have on the people will be insignificant;
  and the effects of the Sage on the people will also not be burdensome。
  Since the spirits and the Sage do not cause harm; all will be in balance。


  The great country may be compared to a low…lying lake where many rivers converge;
  it is the mixing place of the world; the reservoir of all under heaven。。。 the Feminine of the world。
  Femininity always overcomes Masculinity; by stillness;
  her tranquility gives rise to her humility。
  Thus it is that the great country can win over the small country by this practicing of stillness and humility。
  And the small state by the practice of humility and deference to the large country can gain the large country and become one with it。
  So it is said that by practice of quiescence and humility the great can absorb and conquer the small without effort;
  and the small and insignificant can gain riches and treasure by submitting to the great。
  The great state wishes to keep and nourish its people; and help others。
  The small state wishes to help its people by joining with the peace and strength of the larger state。
  Both states get what they wish by submitting。
  Greatness lies in placing oneself below。


  The Way is sanctuary: the mysterious secret of the universe。
  It is the treasure of peaceful people and the bad man's refuge。
  Honors can be bought with flattery and fine words;
  admiration can be procured through good deeds。
  But the Tao does not abandon even the sinner。
  Therefore when the Emperor is crowned; and the three ministers appointed;
  do not offer gifts of jade and fine horses; offer instead the lessons and learning of the Tao。
  Why is it the ancient Masters esteemed the Tao?
  It is because one who looked for it could find it。
  And the guilty find forgiveness through it。
  For these reasons it is truly the treasure of the world。


  The Tao can accomplish much without interfering;
  it can achieve without forcing;
  it can taste the tasteless。
  Large or small; many or few;
  repay hatred and injury with virtue and compassion。
  Accomplish the hard task while it is still easy。
  Handle large affairs while they are still small。
  For even the most difficult and large of tasks and affairs have a point where they are still easy and small。
  Thus it is that the Master never does anything hard or large;
  yet he is able to accomplish a great many things。
  A rashly made promise oftentimes is not carried through。
  And those who think all will be easy do not prepare; and find the way difficult。
  So the sage regards all things as being difficult; he prepares;
  thus it is that he experiences less difficulty with them。


  Peace and tranquility are easy to hold onto and keep。
  It is best to deal with matters before they present themselves。
  What is brittle shatters easily。
  What is small is easy to disperse。
  Deal with troubles before they have arisen。
  Establish order before disorder has reared itself。
  A large tree grows from a small twig。
  A terrace nine levels high starts with a clod of earth。
  A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step。
  If you rush into action heedlessly you will rush into your own failure。
  If you try to grasp things you will lose your grip。
  Therefore the sage does not try to rush to completion; and he does not grasp all about for things。
  In this way he avoids failure and losing。
  Often people fail in their endeavors on the verge of completion;
  this is because they exercise care at the beginning; and then slacken near the end。
  Take as full care of tasks at the end as at the beginning; this will ensure proper completion。
  Therefore the sage desires nothing so much as to be free from desire。
  He does not treasure things that are difficult to procure。
  He learns to not know。
  He practices a return to the natural origin of all things without a practice to that end。


  The ancient practitioners of the Tao did not try to educate or enlighten the people;
  they led them instead to a return to a natural simplicity。
  The mor
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