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  On the earth; that does not settle dissipates。
  Spirits which are not luminous disappear。
  Valleys not filled will dry up。
  Creatures that do not reproduce become extinct。
  Kings and officials; if not honoured and esteemed; will fail。

  Hence the honourable takes the as its trunk。
  The high takes the low as its foundation。
  That is why the officials call themselves the lonely; the hubless。
  This is taking the humble for the trunk; is it not?
  Therefore; it is better to consider the vacancy of the vehicle rather than its appearances。
  Do not desire to be as shiny and attractive as fine jade。
  Be as ordinary as stone。


  Tao moves in cycles;
  Tao functions through softness。
  All is born of nothing。
  Something is born of nothing。


  When a superior scholar hears the Tao he tirelessly practices it。
  When a middling scholar hears the Tao sometimes he follows it and sometimes he forgets it。
  When a piddling scholar hears the Tao he laughs loudly at it。
  Without his laughter it would not be worthy of being Tao;
  Hence the sayings:
  〃One who understands the Tao seems benighted;
  One who progresses towards the Tao seems to regress;
  One who is in accord with the Tao seems tied in knots。〃

  Great Te seems like a valley。
  The completely immaculate seems disgraced。
  The thoroughly virtuous seems insufficient。
  Established morality seems a conspiracy。
  True characteristics seem submerged。
  A great square has no corners。
  A great instrument is completed late。
  A great sound comes from a small noise。
  A great form has no shape。
  Tao is hidden and nameless。
  Yet wonderfully; Tao guarantees that all things are fulfilled。


  Tao gives birth to unity; unity gives birth to duality; duality gives
  birth to trinity; and trinity gives birth to all things。
  All things are wrapped by yin and contain yang; and their pulsing ch'is marry。
  That which men abominate; the lonely; the hubless; their leaders take as names。
  Thus one does not either benefit from a loss or lose from a benefit。

  What other people teach; I also teach。
  〃The end of a strong one is an untimely death。〃
  I will take this as a precept to teach proper behaviour。


  The softest in the world overcomes the strongest; just as a rider controls his galloping steed。
  The insubstantial can penetrate where there is no opening。
  Because of that I know the benefit of Non…action。
  Few in the world attain wordless teaching and the benefit of Non…action。


  Which is dearer; fame or health?
  Which is worth more; health or wealth?
  Which is more beautiful; gain or loss?
  Hence excessive love finally exacts its price。
  The certain consequence of proud ownership is ruin。
  To know sufficiency is to be blameless。
  Knowing when to stop avoids danger。
  Thereby one can be durable。


  The greatest accomplishment seems unfinished; yet its applications are endless。
  The greatest fullness seems crude。
  The greatest eloquence seems stuttering。
  Activity overcomes cold。
  Tranquillity overcomes heat。
  Peace and quiet is the true path in the world。


  When Tao prevails in the world; stray horses are kept away from tilled fields。
  When Tao does not prevail in the world; warhorses breed in fields grown wild。

  No disaster is greater than not knowing what is sufficient。
  No crime is greater than avarice。
  No defect is worse than the desire to achieve。
  One who knows sufficiency will always have enough。


  Without leaving his door one can understand the world。
  Without glancing out the window one can see the Tao of heaven。
  The further one travels the less one knows。
  That is why the Sage does not travel and yet understands。
  Does not look and yet names。
  Does not act and yet completes。


  In pursuing knowledge; one accumulates daily。
  In practicing Tao; one loses daily。
  Lose and lose and lose; until one reaches Non…action。
  Non…action; yet there is nothing left undone。
  To win the world one must not act for gain。
  If one acts for gain; one will not be able to win the world。


  The Sage is without a set mind。
  He makes the mind of the people his own。
  I am kind。
  I am also kind to the unkind。
  Thus kindness is attained。
  I believe those who believe。
  I believe also those who do not believe。
  Thus faith is attained。
  The Sage; when in the midst of the worldly; does it calmly and slowly; and his mind merges with the world。
  The Sage treats everyone as his children。


  In circumstances of life and death; the chances of living are three out of ten; the chances of dying are three out of ten。
  In ordinary conditions; where activity is the province of death; the chances are also three out in ten。
  Why is this so?
  Because of the propagative force of the life principle。
  It is said that those who cultivate the life principle can travel without encountering a tiger or wild buffalo。
  In battle; no weapon can penetrate their armour。
  The wild buffalo's horns find nothing to gore; the tigers claws nothing to flay; and weapons find no place for their points to penetrate。
  Why is this so?
  Because for them; there is no province of death。


  Tao propagates life; Te provides fecundity; species shapes life; affinity brings to completion。
  That is why all living things revere Tao and kneel down to Te。
  Tao inspires reverence and Te inspires awe because they give no commands and yet nature continues on and on。
  Thus Tao creates life; and Te conceives; grows; fosters; shelters; comforts; nurtures and protects it。
  Producing but not possessing;
  Acting but not controlling;
  Growing but not slaughtering;
  These are Mysterious Te。


  The beginning of the world may be called the Mother of the world。
  Once we discover the Mother; we can know the children。
  Once we know the children; we should return and cleave to the mother。
  Even though the body may die; there is no danger。
  Close the mouth; shut the door; and to the end of life do not strain。
  Open the mouth; increase involvements; and be helpless to the end of life。
  To value the lesser is enlightenment。
  To cleave to the gentle is steadfastness。
  Use bright intellect; but return to enlightenment。
  Do not ask for trouble。 This is 〃practicing longevity。〃


  I have cause to know that; though I possess great wisdom; to preach it while traveling on the highway is dangerous。 Though the highway is smooth and straight;
  The common people prefer the byways。

  The ruler's court is well tended; but the fields are neglected。
  The granaries are empty; but garments are gorgeous。
  Men carry sharp swords; but food and drink satiate them。
  There is a surplus of money and merchandise; 〃temptation for bandits〃
  Alas; it is not Tao。


  The well established cannot be uproote
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