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  Alas; it is not Tao。


  The well established cannot be uprooted。
  The well embraced cannot be lost。
  Descendants will continue ancestral sacrifices for generations without end。
  Cultivate in yourself; and its Te will become real。
  Cultivate in the family; and its Te will become abundant。
  Cultivate in the community; and Te will have an enduring effect。
  Cultivate in the nation; and Te will flourish。
  Cultivate in the world; and Te will become ubiquitous。
  Hence; judge a person as a person; a family as a family; a community as a community and a nation as a nation; the world as a world。
  How do I know about the world?
  By this。


  Measure the fullness of one's virtue against an infants:
  Neither scorpion nor snake will attack it。
  Nor does the tiger maul it。
  Nor do the birds of prey clutch it。
  Its bones and sinews soft;
  Yet its grip is firm。
  It does not know the union of male and female;
  Yet its reproductive organ is fully formed:
  Its essence is whole。
  It can cry all day without getting hoarse;
  This is total harmony。
  To know harmony is constancy。
  To know constancy is enlightening。
  That which is beneficial to life is auspicious。
  To direct ch'i by heart is steadfastness。
  Things mature and then decay。
  This is contra…Tao。
  That which runs counter to the Tao is soon finished。


  One who knows does not speak。
  One who speaks does not know。
  Close the mouth。
  Shut the door。
  Blunt the sharp edge。
  Untie the knot。
  Harmonise with others' light。
  Merge with the mundane world。
  This is 〃mysterious assimilation。〃
  When one acquires it;
  One is neither familiar with it nor escapes it。
  Neither takes advantage of it nor harms it;
  Neither increases it nor cheapens it。
  Therefore; it is the most precious thing in the world。


  Use the orthodox to govern the state;
  Use the unorthodox to wage war。
  Use non…involvement to win the world。
  How do I know it is so?
  By this;

  The more restrictions and prohibitions there are; the poorer the people become。
  The sharper the people's weapons are; the more national confusion increases。
  The more skill artisans require; the more bizarre their products are。
  The more precisely the laws are articulated; the more thieves and criminals increase。

  Therefore the Sage says; I practice non…action; and the people gradually transform themselves。
  I love tranquillity; and the people gradually become orthodox by themselves。
  I do not interfere; and the people gradually become wealthy by themselves。
  I am without desires; and the people gradually return to simplicity。


  If the government is muffled and subdued; the people will be simple and sincere。
  If the government is strict and exacting; the people will be lax and indifferent。

  Good fortune depends on bad fortune; bad fortune lurks behind good fortune。
  Who know where this process will end?

  If there is no orthodoxy; the orthodox will return to the unorthodox。
  Good becomes perverse。
  Mankind's state of confusion has continued for a long time。

  That is why the Sage squares up but doesn't cut; is sharp but not injurious; is straightforward but not unrestrained; and is bright but doesn't dazzle。


  In governing people and in serving heaven; nothing compares with frugality。
  Frugality is 〃to acquire the habit early。〃
  〃To acquire the habit early〃 stresses accumulating Te。
  There is nothing which cannot be overcome; by stressing the accumulation of Te。
  If there is nothing which cannot be overcome;
  Then one's limits are unfathomable。
  If one's limits are unfathomable; one can rule a state。
  If one can arrive at the Mother of the State; one can endure。
  This is called 〃deeply rooted and firmly seated。〃
  It is the Tao of longevity and lasting vision。


  Ruling a large country is like cooking a small fish。
  When the world is ruled by Tao; spirits do not haunt。
  It is not that Spirits are no longer numinous; but that their powers do not harm men。
  It is not just that their powers do not harm men; the Sage also does not harm men。
  If neither side harms the other; Te spreads throughout。


  A great nation receives all that flows into it。
  It the place of intercourse with world; the Feminine of the world。
  The feminine always conquers the masculine through tranquillity。
  Tranquillity is the lower position。
  Hence; if a large country take a position under a small country; it can win over the small country。
  If a small country takes a position under a large country; it will win over the large country。
  In the first case the large country purposely takes the lower position;
  In the other case the small country simply remains in the lower position。
  A large country wants no more than to protect its people and provide the environment for growth。
  A small country wants no more than to enter into the service of a patron。
  Thus; each party gets its wish。
  It is fitting that the greater take the lower position。


  Tao is the enigma of all creation。
  It is a treasure for the good man; a shelter for the bad。
  Words of worth can create a city;
  Noble deeds can elevate a man。
  Even though a man is not good; how can he be abandoned?
  A jade disc and a coach and four are presented to the emperor at his enthronement ceremony and to the Three Ministers at their installation; but this cannot compare with riding toward the Tao。
  Those ancients who prized Tao would instead have said; 〃Seek and you will find; thus you will be free from guilt。〃
  Hence Tao is valued by the world。


  Act through Non…action。
  Do without doing。
  Taste the tasteless。
  Great or small; many or few; repay injury with kindness。
  Plan to tackle the difficult when it is easy。
  Undertake the great while it is small。
  Begin the most difficult task in the world while it is still easy。
  Begin the greatest task in the world while it is still small。
  That is how the Sage becomes great without striving。
  One who makes promises easily is inevitably unreliable。
  One who thinks everything is easy eventually finds everything difficult。
  That is why the Sage alone regards everything as difficult and in the end finds no difficulty at all。


  When at peace; control is easy。
  When there are no omens; planning is easy。
  The brittle shatters easily。
  The minuscule disperses easily。
  Act before it is gone。
  Establish order before confusion sets in in。
  A tree that takes several armspans to circle grew from a tiny sprout。
  A tower nine stories high began from a mound of earth。
  A journey of a thousand li starts with a step。 To act consciously is to fail。
  To clutch at is to lose。

  That is why the Sage does nothing and therefore fails at nothing;
  Clutches at nothing and therefore loses nothing。
  The way people commonly h
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