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  To maintain but then overdo something
  Is not as good as one抯 showing restraint
  To rough out but then (over)hone something
  Does not help hold (the edge) long
  (When) coins and jade fill the hall
  Nobody can defend this
  (Being) wealthy & honored and then being proud
  The natural consequence is one抯 own misfortune
  (When) the work succeeds a body retires
  Keeping to heaven抯 path


  (Are) shaping a soul & embracing union
  Possible without separation?
  (Are) concentrating the breath & attaining responsiveness
  Possible (as a) newborn child?
  (Are) cleansing & clearing the mystery抯 vision
  Possible without a stain?
  (Are) caring for people & ruling a realm
  Possible without interfering?
  (Are) opening & closing the gates of heaven
  Possible playing the woman?
  (Are) clarifying & simplifying the four directions
  Possible without knowledge?
  Create things & care for them
  Create but do not possess
  Act but do not expect
  Lead but do not rule
  These may be called 搈ystical powers?br》

  Thirty spokes converge in one hub
  Then depending upon what does not exist
  is the vehicle抯 usefulness
  Mold clay in order to produce a vessel
  Then depending upon what does not exist
  is the vessel抯 usefulness
  Cut out doors and windows in order to make a dwelling
  Then depending upon what does not exist
  is the dwelling抯 usefulness
  Thus; the existence of something serves to make value
  The lack of something serves to make utility


  The five colors will make the human eye blind
  The five tones will make the human ear deaf
  The five flavors will make the human palate jaded
  Racing for speed and hunting for sport
  Will make the human heart go mad
  Goods which are hard to obtain
  Will bring human progress obstruction
  This is why wise ones
  Regard the belly instead of regarding the sight
  And so dismiss That to choose This


  Favor & disgrace are equally frightening
  Exaltation and big trouble are the same as oneself
  Why say that favor & disgrace are equally frightening
  Favor sets up a downfall
  To get it is the same as a warning
  To lose it is the same as a warning
  Which says that favor & disgrace are equally frightening
  Why say that exaltation and big trouble
  are the same as oneself?
  This is the reason that we have big troubles:
  Assuming that we are selves
  As long as we are not selves
  What troubles do we have?
  And so; to respect & regard as oneself
  the workings of the world
  Is the same as deserving to inhabit the world
  To love & regard as oneself
  the workings of the world
  Is the same as deserving to be steward to the world


  Looking for things not seen
  Descriptions will tell of 搕he invisible?br》 Listening for things not heard
  Descriptions will tell of 搕he inaudible?br》 Reaching for things not grasped
  Descriptions will tell of 搕he intangible?br》 These three do not allow complete investigation
  And so are confused and considered as one
  What height is not bright
  What depth is not dark
  An unbroken continuity does not permit description …
  A return home to non existence
  And so this is called the form of the formless
  The image of nothingness
  It is called elusive & obscure
  When it is met its head is not seen
  When it is followed its end is not seen
  To grasp the path of the ancients
  Is the way to master present existence
  The capacity to comprehend the ancient beginnings
  May be called the clue* to the way


  The ancients who had skill at practicing the way
  Were subtle & mysterious; profound & penetrating
  A depth not easy to fathom
  Inasmuch as they were not easy to fathom
  It is thus an effort to construct their appearance
  So ready…
  As if fording a stream in winter
  So vigilant…
  As if wary of (all) four neighbors
  So dignified…
  As though they were guests
  So relenting…
  Like ice which is about to melt
  So artless…
  As though they were of unworked wood
  So expansive…
  As though they were watersheds
  So intermingled…
  As though they were turbid streams
  Who is able; (as) a turbid stream; to become still
  and arrive by degrees at clarity?
  Who is able; at peace; to become energetic
  and arrive by degrees at vitality?
  Whoever preserves this path
  Not longing for more than fullness
  Only those not overfull
  Can then stay obscure
  and not begin to be finished


  Attaining perfect emptiness
  Remain patient & sincere
  The myriad beings arise as one
  Through this we observe the return
  Of beings in numberless multitudes
  Each coming home to its root
  Return to the root means serenity
  It may be called a return to a higher order
  Return to higher order speaks of the enduring
  To comprehend the enduring speaks of clarity
  To not comprehend the enduring
  Is to recklessly create suffering
  To comprehend the enduring (is) tolerance
  Tolerance becomes justice
  Justice becomes sovereignty
  Sovereignty becomes celestial
  The celestial becomes the path
  The path is then continuous
  The death of self is nothing to fear


  Great leaders?subordinates know of their existence
  Those next in order are loved and praised by them
  Those next in order are feared by them
  Those next in order are despised by them
  If trust lacks basis here
  There will be no trust here
  So step back… there is value to words
  Complete the task; follow through in the work
  The hundred families all will declare
  ?It was) our natural course!?br》

  (Where) the great path is abandoned
  There appear benevolence & righteousness
  (When) the learned & clever emerge
  There appear great hypocrisies
  (When) the six bonds of kinship are out of balance
  There appear filial piety and parental affection
  (When) countries & clans are in darkness & turmoil
  There appear loyalty & public service


  Cut out sanctimony; repudiate cleverness
  The people will profit a hundred times over
  Cut out benevolence; abandon righteousness
  The people return to filial piety & parental affection
  Cut out artfulness; abandon rewards
  (Then) robbers and thieves have nothing to gain
  These three may help to improve the culture
  but (they) are not a foundation
  So let there be purpose to build on:
  Look to the ordinary & embrace original nature
  Diminish self…interest & have fewer desires


  Cut out the academics & avoid the anxieties
  The (ready) yes; alongside the (obsequious) yea
  What is the distance or nearness between them?
  (Even) the good; next to the bad;
  What is the difference or likeness between them?
  (That) that which the others hold in awe
  Will not permit less than awe …
  What nonsense! There will never b
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