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  Some sigh; while others shout。
  Some display their strengths; while others show their weaknesses。
  Some lend support; while others destroy。
  In contrast; the Sage will discard the excessive; the
  extravagant; and the extreme。


  Good Deeds Beget Good Results

  The person who through the Dao helps a ruler
  Will advise against using sheer military force to conquer the world。
  Such military activity will invite its own counter…effects。
  For where the military force goes;
  farmlands will give way to thorns and brambles。
  In the wake of military conquest;
  A year of misfortune inevitably follows。

  Good results are the natural outcome of good deeds。
  They are not achieved by force or contrivance。
  In the face of good results;
  One must not indulge in conceit;
  Nor must one boast about one's success;
  Nor must one succumb to pride。
  Remember that good results follow the natural law。
  Good results are not brought about
  by forcing the course of events。

  Anything that has seen the prime of its age
  will soon get old。
  Going past the prime is going against the Dao。
  Going against the Dao; one soon perishes。


  Do Not Glorify Military Victories

  Fine weapons are ominous objects
  And are detested by all living things。
  For this reason the man who follows the Dao
  will stay away from them when possible。

  The refined man respects life in his daily life。
  (he 〃follows the left〃)。
  If he should resort to military force; he unavoidably
  destroys life (he 〃follows the right〃)。

  Weapons are ominous objects and are never
  the instruments of a refined person。
  If ever he cannot avoid using them;
  he must not make a big thing out of it。
  Even if he wins the war;
  he must not glorify the victory。
  He who glorifies military victories
  takes pleasure in killing。
  He who takes pleasure in killing
  will not win the support of the world。

  Auspicious events are symbolized by the left;
  Ominous events are symbolized by the right。
  The next…in…command should take the left seat;
  The chief…in…command should take the right seat。
  This is to say that a military victory should be
  treated like a ceremony to honor the dead。
  For those who kill; let us shed our tears upon them。
  Upon winning a war; let us pay tribute to
  those who die with the rites of mourning。


  The Nameless Way

  The Dao has always been nameless and simple。
  Though humble; it is never subservient to anyone under heaven。
  Still; if kings and barons would follow the Dao steadfastly
  All the living things on earth would benefit and pay them homage。

  It is the interaction of heaven and earth
  that brings rain to all the living things。
  Heaven and earth are not at the command of anyone。
  Yet all living things benefit from their actions。

  Humans since the beginning of time
  have established all kinds of traditions and have named names。
  Should they then not know when to stop?
  Those who know when to stop know no death。

  Just as the rivers and valleys bring water to the sea;
  So the Dao brings all living things to the Ultimate。


  Real Strength and Endurance

  He who knows others is wise;
  He who knows himself is wiser。
  He who conquers others is strong。
  He who conquers himself is stronger。

  He who knows what is adequate lives a rich life。
  He who overcomes difficulties knows what he wants。
  He who will not lose his place endures。
  He who dies and yet lives lasts。


  The Great Dao

  The Great Dao is all…encompassing。
  Its influences pervade all directions。
  All living things depend on it。
  But the Dao works quietly。
  It accomplishes yet makes no claims。
  It provides clothing and nourishments
  yet does not take command over anything。
  Ever aspiring for non…existence;57
  It can be called little。
  Providing a home to all the living things
  yet claiming no ownership;
  It can be called great。

  Exactly because the Dao never takes itself as great;
  It is truly great。


  The Dao Does Not Attract Followers

  He who holds the great sign
  Attracts a great following。

  He who helps the followers avoid harm
  Enjoys great peace。

  Music and good food can stop passers…by on their way。
  The Dao; on the contrary; offers only a bland taste。
  It can hardly be seen or heard。
  Yet if one uses it; it is inexhaustible。


  Refined Understanding

  In order to fold; one must first unfold;
  In order to weaken; one must first strengthen;
  In order to banish; one must first establish;
  In order to deprive; one must first provide。

  The following is called refined understanding:
  That the weak will outperform the strong。

  Just as fish should stay inside their deep pools。
  So the best gadgets and tools of a country
  should not be displayed in front of others。


  Stillness of the Mind and Refined Action

  The Dao neither contrives to do something
  nor abstains from doing anything。

  If only the kings and barons would follow the Dao;
  all the living things would be transformed。

  If the transformed living things
  should contrive to do anything;
  I would restrain them
  with the natural simplicity of the Unnamed。
  I would have them freed from desires。
  Freedom from desires is achieved by stilling the mind。
  Everything under heaven will then fall back into their natural places。


  Refined Way of Life

  The refined virtuous never attempts to be virtuous。
  For this reason they are truly virtuous。
  The unrefined virtuous always adheres to what is virtuous。
  For this reason they are not really virtuous。

  The refined virtuous will not contrive to do anything
  and do not act for gain。
  The unrefined virtuous contrives to act
  and does so for gain。

  The refined kindly man lives a kindly life not for benefit。
  The refined fair man acts fairly and does so for benefit。
  The refined gentlemanly person acts gentlemanly
  and expects to be so treated。
  If he is not treated the way he expects;
  he would push away and thrust aside his counterpart。

  The man who has lost the Dao
  finds refuge in being virtuous。
  The man who has lost the virtuous way of life
  finds refuge in being kindly。
  The man who has lost the kindly way of life
  finds refuge in being fair。
  The man who has lost the fair way of life
  finds refuge in being gentlemanly。

  Ceremony and gentlemanly behavior
  is the result of the thinness of faith and trust;
  and is the origin of many ills。

  Learning to tell what is 〃virtuous〃 and 〃fair〃
  is merely the showy flower(not the fruit) of the Dao。
  It could be the beginning of folly。

  The fully grown person chooses a life
  that offers substance and satisfaction;
  not one that is thin and superfici
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