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  The fully grown person chooses a life
  that offers substance and satisfaction;
  not one that is thin and superficial。

  He knows what he opts for and what he gives up。


  The Universal Formula

  There is one universal formula that always works:
  The sky had followed the universal formula;
  and it became clear。
  The earth had followed the universal formula;
  and became calm and safe。
  The gods follow the universal formula;
  and they have become effective。
  The valleys follow the universal formula;
  and they now harbor copious vegetation and creatures。
  The living things follow the universal formula;
  and they live;
  When barons and kings follow the universal formula;
  they become the object of emulation by their peoples。
  All these achievements are due to the universal formula。

  If the sky were not clear it could be torn apart。
  If the earth were not calm and safe
  it could burst into chaos。
  If the gods were not effective
  they could wear out。
  If the valleys were not copious
  they could become empty。
  If the living things could not live
  they would be doomed。
  If barons and kings could not keep their high and respected positions;
  they could be toppled。

  The noble must be based on the ignoble。
  The highly positioned must be buttressed by the lowly。

  Barons and kings call themselves
  the 〃lonely one〃 the 〃widowed one〃; or the 〃under provided one〃。
  Don't these practices demonstrate loud and clear
  that it is through the lowly
  that kings and barons hold their positions?

  Merely counting the number of carriages
  will not give you any carriage。
  It is no use showing the shiny look of jade
  if the substance is merely an ordinary stone。


  The Uncommon Dao

  The reverse of expectations is the Dao in action。
  The weak in appearance is the Dao in application。

  All living things are born of interactions in the world of existence。
  Interactions in the world of existence are born of emptiness or


  The Dao and Its Real and False…Followers

  Superior men; hearing about the Dao;
  Will work diligently under its guidance。
  Mediocre men; hearing about the Dao;
  Remembers and then forgets about it。

  Inferior men; hearing about the Dao;
  Laughs and jeers at it。
  If people do not laugh or jeer at it;
  It is unlikely to be the Dao。

  Thus it is said:

  Those whose mind shines with the Dao
  Appear to be dull and stupid。

  Those who make progress along the Dao
  Appear to be falling behind。
  Those who go astray
  Appear to be following the Dao。

  The truly virtuous are humble like a valley;
  The truly stainless souls appear sullied。
  A man with many virtues
  appears to be inadequate。
  Those who are establishing their virtues
  look like thieves。
  The truthful look like good quality turned bad;
  An infinite space will have no corners。
  A man who is a great instrument never
  aspires or strives to be such。
  A big voice sounds like it is soft。
  A big symbol has no shape。

  The Dao is hidden and nameless。
  Yet nothing is better than the Dao
  In lending support and helping people accomplish。


  Harmony through the Dao

  The Dao gives birth to the One。
  The One gives birth to the Two(yin and yang)。
  The Two give birth to the Three(heaven; earth; and man)。
  The Three give birth to all things as we know them。
  All living things bear the female nature
  And espouse the male nature。
  In interacting with each other
  these two natures result in a new harmony。

  It is well known that people generally hate
  to be lonely; widowed; or under…provided。
  Yet kings and people who wield power
  call themselves lonely; widowed; or under…provided。

  Things may benefit people through imposing losses on them;
  And may hurt them through bestowing apparent benefits。

  I teach the same kind of people that others teach。
  But by a single maxim that I teach; that
  〃Those who use sheer force to make their ways
  Will not die a good death〃
  I should become the teacher of all teachers。


  The Benefits of Being Empty

  The most gentle and the most flexible of the world
  Certainly outperforms the strongest and the hardest。

  What appears intangible and without substance
  Can penetrate the narrowest gaps。
  From this we can appreciate the benefits of not contriving。

  The wordless teaching; and the benefits of not contriving;
  Certainly find no match under heaven。


  Knowing When to Stop

  Which is the dearer;
  Fame or the body?

  Which means more;
  The body or wealth?

  Which can be called an ill;
  To gain or to lose?

  Greater cost comes with greater craving。
  Greater loss comes with greater accumulation。

  He who knows what he needs
  will attract no dishonor。
  He who knows when to stop
  will come to no grief。
  Such people can have a lasting life。


  Natural Stillness

  The greatest accomplishment appears incomplete;
  Yet it can meet the needs of the most demanding occasions。

  The greatest fulfillment appears to be weak and restrained。
  Yet its use is limitless。

  What is most straight appears to be bent。
  What is most dexterous appears to be clumsy。
  The most skilled of debaters use words sparingly。

  Motion overcomes cold。
  Stillness overcomes hot。

  Clearing up the muddiness of the mind
  By allowing it to settle down to its natural stillness;
  Will restore all things to their proper places。


  Knowing One's True Needs

  When things under heaven follow the Dao;
  Horses will roam freely;
  and their droppings will be found anywhere。
  When things under heaven have departed from the Dao;
  The horses will be reared in special stables away from the city。

  No wrong is greater than having objects to crave for。
  No disaster is greater than not knowing one's true needs。
  No greater ill is invited than by craving to possess。
  Thus; the satisfaction from knowing one's true needs
  and asking for no more is eternal。


  The Truth Lies Within

  Without stepping out of the door;
  One can know the universal truth that pervades the universe。
  Without peeping through the window;
  One can see the Dao of Nature。
  He who goes to a distant land
  in search of the Truth
  Will only distant himself from the Truth。

  The Sage knows it all without traveling afar。
  He is illuminated without seeing with his physical eyes。
  He accomplishes without ever contriving to accomplish。


  How to Win the Hearts of People

  The more we learn;
  The more things are plowed into our minds;
  The more we follow the Dao;
  The more things are taken out of our minds。

  As we take more and more things out of our mind;
  We finally arrive at the sta
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