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  Receive outside stimuli with an equanimous mind。
  This is called the mystical union。

  With a non…possessive mind100 we get together;
  With a non…possessive mind we separate。
  With a non…possessive mind we experience what seems advantageous to us;
  With a non…possessive mind we experience what seems disadvantageous;
  With a non…possessive mind we experience high positions;
  With a non…possessive mind we experience low positions。
  This way we achieve the most valuable under heaven。


  The Laissez Faire Government

  We rule a nation with the straight mind。
  We deploy the military forces with surprises。
  We win the hearts of all under heaven with non…intervention。
  How do I know that this should be so; with this:

  The more prohibitions that are imposed by the emperor;
  The poorer the people become。
  The more clever products that people own;
  The less clever the nation becomes。
  The more people use their tricks and knacks;
  The more odd products there are; and
  The more rules and laws there are;
  It is likely that there are the more thieves and bandits。

  The Sage says: 〃I do not contrive; and people
  automatically become cultured and well…mannered。
  I keep still; and people automatically become straight;
  I do not intervene; and people automatically become rich;
  I do not crave; and people automatically lead a simple life。〃


  Good Life Under a Non…interventionist Government

  When the government appears dull and boring;
  The people enjoy a good and rich life。
  When the government appears clever and innovative;
  The people suffer a shortage。

  What appears to be misfortune may pave the way for fortune。
  What appears to be fortune may pave the way for misfortune。
  Who knows the absolute?
  The right that we know is often not right。
  What is right may prove to be wrong。
  What is good may prove to be bad。
  Mankind has been lost in the maze since the old days。

  The Sage has an open mind and is unpretentious。
  He is incorruptible and will not succumb to bribery。
  He is straight but is not arrogant。
  He shines but not dazzles。


  Be Prepared

  To rule over men or to serve heaven
  Nothing works better than following the farmer's example。

  The farmer does his preparatory work early。
  To be like him; one must pay attention to the accumulation of virtue。
  That way one can overcome all difficulties。
  That way one's ability knows no limit。
  That way one can sustain a nation。
  Virtue being the mother of a nation;
  With virtue the nation can last a long time。
  With deep roots and secure trunks; one is
  on the way to a long life and a long view。


  Governing a Great Nation According to the Dao

  To govern a great nation
  Is not much different from frying a small fish。

  To govern a nation according to the Dao;
  Even the demons will not show their influences。
  Not that they have lost all their influences;
  But their influences will do people no harm。
  Not only do the influences of the evil spirits do people no harm。
  The Sage will also do people no harm。
  Since demons at one extreme;
  through the Sage at the other extreme;
  All do people no harm。
  We can conclude that the Virtue has perfected its job。


  No Hegemony in Foreign Relations

  Big nations should be like a stream that flows low。
  In relating to other nations under heaven。
  They should be like a female animal。
  Female animals often lie low and still。
  By doing so they win over male animals。

  Big nations that take on a lower profile than small nations
  will win the adherence of small nations。
  Small nations that take on a lower profile than big nations
  will win the assistance from the big nations。
  Big nations keep low and get what they want。
  Small nations keep low and get what they want。
  Big nations(with an abundance of land) want to have
  a bigger population。
  Small nations(with a shortage of land) want to have more jobs。

  If big nations keep low; both the needs of big nations
  and those of the small will be fulfilled。


  The Dao as Treasure and Refuge

  The Dao is the deepest learning for all living things;
  It is the good man's treasure
  and the bad man's refuge。

  Fine words attract respect;
  Fine deeds make people look gallant。
  (Because of such fine consequences that are expected)
  even men who are bad
  may not be stingy with fine words and good deeds!

  On the occasion of the enthronement of the Emperor
  or at the installation of three ministers of the state; therefore;
  It is far better to follow the Dao (which certainly
  will bring good fortune) than to have a jade
  disc displayed; leading a chariot of four horses。

  In the ancient times those people who value the Dao
  do not do so for the consequences;
  or in order to achieve atonement for their sins。
  For this reason they are truly honored by all under heaven。


  The Natural; Selfless Way of Life

  Act in the state of non…action;
  Work but do not work for gain;
  Taste but do not taste for the taste。

  Never mind if it is big; small; many; or few;
  Just repay injury with benevolence。

  To do the difficult we start with the easy。
  To do the great thing we start with the small。
  All the difficult tasks under heaven must
  begin with the easy parts。
  All the great achievements under heaven must
  begin with the small steps。
  The Sage never sets out to do great things。
  That way he accomplishes great results。

  Those who make easy promises will not be trusted。
  Those who say everything is easy
  will often have difficulty accomplishing their tasks;
  The Sage; on the other hand; takes on the easy tasks as
  he takes on the difficult。
  So in the end no difficulty will hold him up。


  Fortitude and Living One's Inner Nature

  When the situation is peaceful and orderly;
  Maintaining peace and order is not difficult;
  When the situation has not yet developed to a
  mature stage; planning to change the outcome is easy;
  What is brittle is easy to break;
  What is minute is easy to scatter。
  We set out to work before problems emerge。
  We put things in order before they get out of order。

  A tree that is big enough for one to embrace around
  it grew from a tiny seed。
  A nine…story pagoda begins from a heap of earth。
  A journey of a thousand miles (〃li〃) begins with the first step。

  Those who work for gain in the end will be frustrated。
  Those who hold on to something in the end will lose it。
  The Sage never works for gain and so will never be frustrated。
  He never holds on to anything so he never loses anything。

  People often fail in their tasks when they are about
  to accomplish them。
  If only they take the same care in the end as they do in the beginning;
  they will 
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