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  As we take more and more things out of our mind;
  We finally arrive at the state of losing the sense of contriving and action。
  At that point we be in the state of non…action。
  At that point all actions will be done in the state of non…action。

  To win the hearts of all under heaven;
  We must always leave people alone。

  If we do not leave them alone;
  We will not win their adherence。


  The Mind of Equanimity

  The Sage does not have a fixed mind different from that of others。
  He takes the mind of any of his people as his own mind。
  If people are good; I shall be good to them。

  If people are not good; I shall also be good to them。
  This way I am really good。

  If people are truthful; I shall be truthful to them。
  If people are not truthful; I shall also be truthful to them。
  This way I am really truthful。

  The Sage keeps an undiscriminating mind
  for the sake of all under heaven。
  While people use their eyes and ears to discriminate;
  The Sage's mind is always unsuspecting and innocent
  like an infant's。


  The Natural Right to Live

  Anyone who is born dies。
  If 13 people are born
  All 13 people will eventually die。
  From birth to life;
  From life to death;
  The great earth will afford the places to live and to die
  for exactly 13。
  Why is this so?
  It is because the mind cherishes the belief
  that living is a privilege and not a natural right。

  I have heard that those who are good at conserving and preserving life
  Seldom meet tigers and horned animals when they move around。
  If they should join the military forces;
  They would not have the need to combat。
  Horned animals will have no way to cast their horns on their bodies;
  Nor will tigers find a place to lay their claws。
  Even soldiers' swords will not hurt them。

  Why is this so?
  Because such people will never die。


  The Dao and the Virtue

  The Dao gives them birth。
  The Virtue rears them。
  They get their shapes from substance。
  They become what they are from the working of various forces。
  For these reasons all living things pay homage to the Dao;
  And respect the Virtue。

  The stately status of the Dao and that of the Virtue
  Are such that they are at the command of no one;
  And are always in their natural states。

  The Dao gives birth;
  The Virtue rears them;
  Raises and nourishes them;
  Brings them up and lets them down;
  Claims no ownership even though it brings them to life。
  The Dao accomplishes but is never arrogant;
  It lets them grow but never dictates their fates。
  This is known as the Mystical Virtue。


  Guard and Stay With Mother Nature

  Everything under heaven has a beginning。
  That beginning we take as our mother。
  Now that we know our mother;
  We can begin to know our role as sons(and daughters)。

  Since we know our role as sons(and daughters);
  We must guard and stay with our mother;
  This way; even if our bodies perish;
  We will never die。

  Let the passages be blocked。
  Let the doors be closed。
  (So long as we stay with our mother;)
  Till the end of life no worry need bother us。

  (If we do the contrary;)
  Then even though the roads are opened up;
  And help is available;
  Till the end of our lives we will still be doomed。

  To be able to see the small things is to be illuminated;
  To adhere to the principle of flexibility and
  suppleness is to be strong。
  Let people use their own light
  to illuminate and restore their understanding。
  Let them leave nothing to regret about when their bodies perish。
  This is called the gradual realization of the Eternal。


  Arrogance at the Dao

  What makes me know what I know;
  And adhere to the Dao
  Is the fear of departing from it。
  The Dao is level and straight。
  Yet people prefer to go on their devious paths。

  When the court is busy with granting honors to its dignitaries;
  And not caring for the fields that are overgrown by weeds;
  While the granaries are empty;
  When the officers of the nation dress themselves up beautifully;
  And carry sharp swords with an air of superiority and power;
  While excessive dining and drinking
  go hand in hand with excessive consumption and waste;
  You know this is arrogance at the Dao。
  This is certainly not the Dao。


  Live and Work Respectfully

  Those skilled in building will build sturdy buildings。
  Those skilled in hugging will hug fast。
  Because they are serious and excel in what they do
  they are remembered and honored by all their descendents。

  He who applies the same seriousness to serve his own body has true virtue。
  He who applies the same seriousness to serve his family
  has virtue beyond himself。
  He who applies the same seriousness to serve his village
  has virtue that grows further afield。
  He who applies the same seriousness to serve the nation
  has virtue that is profuse。
  He who applies to same seriousness to serve all under heaven;
  has virtue that pervades the world。

  Thus we see our body as our body is;
  See our family as our family is;
  We see our village as our village is;
  See our nation as our nation is;
  And we see everything under heaven as everything is。
  How may we know the nature of everything under heaven?
  With this (same and serious attitude)。


  Be Receptive Like an Infant; Be Congruent with the Eternal

  To be receptive to the benefit of the Virtue;
  Like an infant is receptive to the mother;
  One would be spared of the stings and bites
  from bees; scorpions; and snakes;
  One would be spared of being harmed
  by fierce beasts;
  And of being clawed by the predatory birds。

  To be so receptive;
  Then even if one has weak bones and soft sinews
  One can grip things firmly。

  People do not realize that
  the union of the male and female with moderation
  Represents energy at its height; and that
  Being together all day sounding natural calls
  and not losing voice through screaming
  Represents harmony at its best。

  To know the harmony of the universe is
  be congruent with the Eternal;
  To know the Eternal is to be illuminated。
  To preserve and to promote life is to bring good fortune;
  To let the mind take command of the life…breath is to be strong。

  Any living thing that indulges in excesses soon gets old。
  Indulging in excesses is against the Dao。
  Going against the Dao; one soon dies。


  Inner Peace and the Mystical Union

  Those who know do not speak much。
  Those who speak much do not know。

  Block the passage of exchange with the outside world。
  Close the doors;
  Blunt the protruding points;
  Absolve the disputes;
  Tone down the dazzling light;
  Receive outside stimuli with an equanimous mind。
  This is called the mystical unio
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