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  Of Those in ancient times
  That attained the one …
  Heaven by attaining the One became clear;
  Earth by attaining the One became stable;
  Gods by attaining the One became divine;
  Valleys by attaining the One became full;
  Kings and lords by attaining the One;
  Made the whole land ordered and secure。

  Talking this to its logical conclusion we would say …
  If Heaven were not by means of it clear;
  It would; I'm afraid; shatter。
  If the Earth were not by means of it stable;
  It would; I'm afraid; let go。
  If the gods were not by means of it divine;
  They would; I;m afraid be powerless。
  If the valleys were not by means of it full;
  They would; Im afraid; dry up。
  And if kings and nobles
  were not by means of it noble and high;
  They would; I'm afraid; topple and fall。

  Therefore it must be the case 
  That the noble has the base as its root; 
  And it must be the case
  That the high has the low for its foundation。
  Therefore kings and nobles call themselves
  〃The orphan〃; 〃The widower〃 and 〃The one without grain〃。
  This is taking the base as one's root; is it not?!

  Therefore they regard their large numbers of carriages
  As having no carriage。
  And because of this;
  They desire not to dazzle and glitter like jade;
  But to remain firm and strong like stone。


  Application of Tao

  Returning is the motion of the Tao。
  Weakness is the function of the Tao。
  The things of the world
  are born of being。
  Being is born of not being。



  When the highest type of men hear of Way
  With diligence they are able to practice it;
  When average men hear of Tao
  Some things they retain and others they lose。
  When the lowest type of men hear of Way
  They laugh out loud at it。
  If they did not laugh at it;
  It could not be regarded as the Way。 

  Therefore; there is a set saying about this that goes:

  The bright Way appears to be dark;
  The Way that goes forward appears to retreat;
  The smooth Way appears to be uneven;
  The highest Virtue is empty like a valley;
  The purest white appears to be soiled;
  Vast Virtue appears to be insufficient;
  Firm Virtue appears to be thin and weak;
  The simplest reality appears to change。

  The Great Square has no corners;
  The Great Vessel takes long to complete;
  The Great Tone makes little sound;
  The Great Image has no shape。

  The Way is great but has no name。
  Only the Way is good at beginning things
  and also good to bring everything to fulfillment。



  The Tao gave birth to the One。
  The One gave birth to the Two。
  The Two gave birth to Three。
  And the Three gave birth to the ten thousand things。
  The ten thousand things carry Yin on their backs
  and embrace Yang。
  Through the blending of Ch'i
  They achieve a state of harmony 。

  The things that are hated in the whole world
  Are to be orphaned; widowed and worthless。
  Yet Kings and lords take these as their names。
  Thus with all things … some are increased by taking away;
  While some are diminished by adding on。

  Therefore; what other men teach;
  I will also consider and then teach to others。
  Thus; the strong and violent do not come to a natural end。
  I will take this as the father of my studies。


  Overcoming the impossible

  The softest and most pliable thing in the world
  Runs roughshod over the firmest thing in the world。
  That which has no substance can enter
  Into that which has no spaces or cracks。

  I therefore know that there is benefit in taking no action。
  The wordless teaching; the benefit of taking no action …
  Few in the world can realize these!



  Fame or your health: Which matters more?
  Your health or your wealth: Which is more precious?
  Gain or loss: In which is there harm?

  If your desires are great; you're bound to be extravagant;
  If you store much away; you're bound to lose a great deal。
  Therefore; if you know contentment; you'll be nort disgraced。
  If you know when to stop; you suffer no harm。
  And in this way you can last a very long time。



  Great accomplishment seems incomplete;
  Yet its usefulness is never exhausted。
  Great fullness seems to be empty;
  Yet its usefulness is never used up。 
  Great straightness seems to be twisted;
  Great skill seems to be clumsy;
  Great eloquence seems to stammer;
  Great surplus seems to be lacking。
  Activity overcomes cold。
  Tranquility overcomes heat。
  If you are quiet and tranquil
  You can become the ruler of the world。



  When the world has the Way;
  Ambling horses are retired to fertilize fields。
  When the world lacks the Way
  War horses are bred outside the city。
  Of sins … none is greater
  than having things that one desire;
  Of disasters … none is greater
  than not knowing when one has enough。
  Of defects … none brings greater sorrow
  than desire to attain。

  Therefore he who knows that enough
  is enough is abiding contentment indeed。



  No need to leave your door;
  To know the whole world。
  No need to peer through your windows;
  To know the Way of Heaven。
  The further you go;
  the less you know。

  Therefore the Sage knows without going;
  Names without seeing;
  And completes without doing a thing。



  Those who work at their studies
  Increase day after day;
  Those who have heard the Tao
  Decrease day after day。

  They decrease and decrease;
  till they get to the point where they do nothing。
  They do nothing and yet there is nothing left undone。 
  When someone wants to take control of the world;
  He must always be unconcerned with affairs。
  For in a case where he is concerned with affairs;
  He will be unworthy as well;
  of taking control of the world


  The world of others

  The Sage constantly has no mind of his own。
  He takes the mind of the common people as his mind。 

  Those who are good; he regards as good。
  Those who are not good; he regards also as good。
  In this way he attains goodness。
  Those who are trustworthy; he trusts。
  Those who are not trustworthy; he also trusts。 
  'In this way' he gets their trust。

  As for the Sage's presence in the world … he is one with it。
  And with the World he merges his mind。
  The common people all fix their eyes and ears on him。
  And the Sage treats them all as his children。


  Life and death

  We come out into life and go back in death。
  The companions of life are thirteen;
  The companions of death are thirteen;
  And yet people; becuse they regard life as LIFE;
  In all of their actions move forard to the thirteen
  that belong to the realm of death。
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