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  In all of their actions move forard to the thirteen
  that belong to the realm of death。
  Now; why is this so?
  Because they regard as LIFE。

  You have no doubt heard of those 
  who are good at holding on to life:
  When they walk through hills;
  They do not avoid rhinoceros or tiger。
  When they go to battle;
  They do not put on armor or shields:
  The rhinoceros has no place to probe with its horn;
  The tiger has no place to put its claws;
  And weapons find no place to hold their blades。
  Now; why is this so?
  Because there is no place for death in them。



  Tao gives birth to them and Virtue nourishes them。
  Substance gives them form
  And their unique capacities complete them。
  Therefore the ten thousand things
  As for their veneration of Tao and their honouring of Virtue …
  No one rewards them for it; it is constantly so on its own。

  Tao gives birth to them;
  nourishes them and matures them;
  Completes them; rests them;
  Rears them; supports them;
  And protect them。
  It gives birth to them
  But does not try to own them;
  It acts on their behalf
  But does not make them dependent;
  It matures them
  But does not rule them。
  This is what we call Profound Virtue。



  The World had a beginning;
  Which can be considerd as the mother of the World。
  Having attained the mother;
  In order to understand her children;
  If you return and hold on to the mother;
  Until the end of your life you will suffer no harm

  Block up the holes;
  Close the doors;;
  And till the end of your life you will not labor。
  Open the holes;
  Meddle in affairs;
  And till the end of your life
  you will not be saved。 

  To perceive the small is called 〃discernment〃。;
  To hold on to the pliant is called 〃strength〃。
  If you use the rays; to return to the bright light;
  You will not abandon your life to peril。
  This is called Following the Constant。



  Were I have the least bit of knowledge;
  In walking on a Great Road
  it is only going stray that I Would fear。
  Keeping to the main road is easy;
  But people greatly delight in tortuous paths。 

  The courts are swept very clean;
  While the fields are full of weeds;
  And the granaries are all empty。
  Their clothing … richly embroidered and colored;
  While at their waists they carry sharp swords;
  And indulge themselves with food and drink;
  And of possessions they have plenty。
  It is called thievery!
  And thievery is certainly not the way of Tao。


  Go by love

  What is firmly set up
  cannot be pulled down。
  What is firmly embraced cannot slip away。
  And our sons and grandsons; as a result;
  Will sacrifice without end。 

  When you cultivate it in your self;
  Your virtue will then be genuine;
  When you cultivate it in your family;
  Your virtue will then overflow;
  When you cultivate it in your village;
  Your virtue will then be long lasting;
  When you cultivate it in your nation;
  Your virtue will then be abundant;
  When you cultivate it throughout the world;
  Your virtue will then be widespread。 

  Use the individual to examine the individual;
  Use the family to examine the family;
  Use the village to examine the village;
  Use the nation to examine the nation;
  And use the world to examine the world。 
  How do I know that the world is so?
  By this!


  Love and Nature

  One who embraces the fullness of Virtue
  Can be compared with a newborn child。
  Wasps and scorpions; snakes and vipers
  Will not sting him;
  Birds of prey and fierce beasts
  Do not seize him;
  His bones are soft; his muscles weak and pliant;
  Yet his grip is firm。
  He has not experienced the union of
  Man and woman; yet his organ is aroused。
  This is because his essence is at his height。
  He can scream all day;
  Yet without becoming hoarse。
  This is because his harmony is at its height。 

  To know harmony is called 〃the constant。〃
  To know the constant is called 〃being wise。〃 
  To add on to life is called 〃a bad omen。〃
  For the mind to control the breath …
  That is called 〃forcing things。〃

  When things has reached their prime they get old。
  This is called 〃not the way of Tao。〃
  What is not the Way
  Will come to an early end。



  Those who know do not talk about it。
  Those who talk do not know about it。
  He blocks up his holes;
  Closes his doors;
  Softens the glare;
  Settles the dust;
  Files down the sharp edges;
  And unties the tangles。
  This is called the profound union。 

  Therefore; there is no way
  To get intimate with him。
  There is no way to benefit him;
  But there is also no way to harm him。
  There is no way to ennoble him。
  But there is also no way to debase him
  For this reason he is the noblest thing in the world。



  Use the upright and correct to order the state;
  Use surprise tactics when you use troops。
  Use unconcern with affairs
  To take control of the world。

  How do I know that this is so?
  Well; the more taboos and prohibitions
  There are in the world;
  The poorer the people will be;
  The more sharp weapons the people possess;
  The more muddled the states will be。
  The more knowledge and skill people have;
  The more novel things will appear。
  The more legal matters are made prominent;
  The more robbers and thieves there will be。 

  Therefore the words of the Sage say:
  I do nothing;
  And the people of themselves are transformed。
  I love tranquility;
  And people of themselves are upright。
  I am unconcerned with affairs;
  And the people of themselves become rich。
  I desire not to desire;
  and the people of themselves
  Are genuine and simple;
  like unvarved wood。


  Be forgiving

  When the government is muddled and confused;
  The people are genuine and sincere。
  When the government is discriminate and clear;
  The state is crafty and cunning。 

  Disaster is that on which good fortune depends。
  Good fortune is that in which disaster is concealed。
  Who knows where it will end?
  For there is no 'fixed' 〃correct〃。
  The correct turns into the 〃deviant〃。
  And good turns into evil。
  People's state of confusion
  Has certainly existed for a long time。
  Therefore be square but do not cut;
  Be sharp but do not stab;
  Be straightforward but not unrestrained;
  Be bright but do not dazzle。



  For ordering humanity and serving Heaven;
  Nothing is so good as being sparing。
  For only if you are sparing can you;
  Therefore; early submit to The Way。
  Early submission … This is called
  To repeatedly accumulate Virtue
  If you repeatedly accumulate Virtue;
  Then ther
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