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  True words are not flattering。
  Flattering words are not true。

  The Good do not argue。
  One who argues is not Good。

  The wise are not learned。
  The learned are not wise。

  The wise man does not hoard。
  The more he does for others; the more he has。
  The more he does with others; the better he becomes。

  Heaven's Way is to help; not harm。
  The wise man's Way is to act without strife。Source Materials  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  English adaption by
  tom kunesh


  The atheism that one can come to
  by argument
  is not true atheism。
  A definition given to atheism in one age
  is not the unchanging atheism
  nor its permanent meaning。
  From the original experience
  of being human
  atheism arises。
  Being the original human experience;
  it is the parent of all religion。
  From theism we derive the essence of atheism;
  although from their names; we see only the conflict。
  Both ways of experience
  have the same origin
  only different names。
  Their mutual identity is the mystery
  of experience。

  And in this mystery
  is found
  the doorway
  to the universe。


  Everyone knows what god is 
  that is how we know what is not god。
  Everyone knows what good is 
  that is how we know what is not good。

  This is how being and not…being;
  experience and non…experience;
  theism and atheism
  create each other
  and are mutually dependent。
  Light and dark complement each other;
  long and short form one another;
  low and high are relative;
  sound and tone are harmonies。

  Wise persons
  do not judge good or bad
  do not take action for or against
  do not disown judgment or action
  but practice a silent teaching。
  Only together do opposites make a whole。

  The world is acted upon by even the passive observer;
  still nothing is taken and nothing is destroyed。
  Things are created; actions taken;
  but no claim is made upon them。
  Things are controlled but not manipulated for personal gain。
  Compensation  verbal or material  is never the desired goal。


  By not saying
  one is better than the other
  we prevent argument。
  By turning down
  promises and rewards of another life
  we eliminate competition for heaven。
  If other realms of existence
  are not promoted as new and improved
  religions will not seek converts。
  Empty the heart and mind of ambition;
  fill the stomachs of the hungry;
  live simply without material and intellectual treasures;
  live simply by your own physical labor。

  People are led best when information is value…free
  and their basic needs and wants are fulfilled。
  This way people in power cannot manipulate and interfere。

  Through nonaction and noninterference
  all becomes better。

  Atheism is an empty bowl:
  it cannot be filled
  neither does it need filling。
  It is at the beginning of all human consciousness
  and is even the origin of theism。
  Soften the sharpness
  stop the debate
  dissolve the confusion
  reduce the glare
  become like dust。

  Like a spring…fed pool in a quiet forest
  it has no bottom
  no beginning
  no end。

  Is atheism born from theism?
  No one knows。
  But it is
  the natural state
  of all being。


  The earth and the universe
  have no attachments。
  Everything is dust
  to them; within them。
  So; too; the wise
  have no permanent attachments。
  To them also
  people are dust; ideas are dust。
  Still; the earth is like a fan:
  never filled;
  constantly giving。
  The more it works;
  the more it gives。

  The more one speaks
  of theism or atheism;
  the less is understood。
  Better to keep quiet
  and look inside。


  human spirit
  never dies
  it is the eternal mystery。
  The forces
  of the earth
  and the universe
  are the doorway
  to the mysterious。

  It is here
  within us

  Use it
  it will never run dry。


  The sky is eternal;
  the earth remains。
  Energy is constant;
  matter is always。
  Why do these things outlive us beings?
  Because they do not promote
  their own existence。
  Place yourself last
  and thereby be first。
  Keep apart
  but thereby be included。

  Through this disinterest
  and selfless action;
  the fulfillment of one's journey
  is achieved。


  The objective
  is to become
  like water。
  Water is the basis of life in all living beings;
  yet it is consciousless
  and flows away from all high places。
  It lives underground
  and in the swamps that people disdain。
  Thus it is the best example
  of the way。
  In building a physical structure; build close to the earth。
  In constructing an intellectual edifice; keep it close to the heart。
  In affairs of the heart and mind; be deep。
  In affairs of money and human need; be generous。
  In friendship; be gentle。
  In words; be true。
  In leadership; be just。
  In work; be effective。
  In action; precise。

  By not contending with anyone
  there is no strife;
  and with no strife;
  no failure。


  Better to underfill
  than to overfill a cup。
  The overstretched bow
  soon breaks。

  The constantly sharpened blade
  soon dulls。

  A house full of possessions and wealth
  cannot always be protected。

  A mind full of morality and social convention
  will not always be right。

  Materialism and ambition
  bring their own ruin。

  Draw back
  from your completed work and fame。
  This is the way
  of water。


  Living both an emotional and intellectual life;
  can you join them without separation?
  Breathing and moving;
  can you be as soft as a child?
  can you narrow and sharpen your focus
  on the universe till it is perfect?
  can you care for and lead all the people
  without becoming known as the care…provider and leader?
  Opening and closing the gates of life and death
  can you remain powerless?
  Knowing and understanding science; reason and politics;
  are you able to let it go?
  Create and sustain ideas and things;
  but do not attempt to control them。
  Manage them; but do not ask them for credit or favors。
  Guide them; but do not dominate。
  This is the way of the universe。


  Engine and alternator and U…joint and tires and accelerator and steeringwheel and headlights and bucket seats
  all together make a car;
  but it is the space within
  inside the empty seats
  that makes it
  Clay and glass and plastic are molded to create
  jars and vases and cups and bags;
  but it is the space inside
  that is empty
  that makes them

  Houses and sk
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