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  but it is the space inside
  that is empty
  that makes them

  Houses and skyscrapers are built
  and cut open with doors and windows
  because it is the space inside
  that is empty
  that makes the buildings

  Being and profit come from
  what is there;
  usefulness from
  what is not。


  All together
  colors blind the eyes
  sounds deafen the ears
  tastes deaden the palate。
  Seeking and pursuing and looking for and chasing
  make for
  Expensive tastes
  make one a slave。
  Wise people
  attend to the intuition
  of stomach and feelings
  rather than the desires of eye; ear and hand。

  Let go of that
  take this。


  Both favor and disgrace are disruptive。
  Fortune and privilege cause physical pain。
  What does it mean: favor and disgrace are both disruptive?
  Favor impresses and disgrace depresses。 Trying to get favor makes oneanxious; losing it makes one anxious。

  What does it mean: fortune and privilege cause physical pain?
  The reason we feel pain is because we have material bodies。
  If we didn't have bodies; how could we feel pain?
  Fortune and privilege have material realities; too。
  Without class rank or privilege; how could we feel loss?

  Thus; persons who deal with the world and others
  as they deal with their own bodies;
  living simply;
  accepting both joy and pain equally;
  are the best people to be entrusted with leadership。
  The persons who love and care for the earth
  as they do their own bodies;
  living simply;
  are the best people to entrust with the care of the earth。


  Because the eye cannot see it
  it is called invisible。
  Because the ear cannot hear it
  it is called silent。
  Because the hand cannot touch it
  it is called vacuum。
  These three absences point to
  the empty way。
  Its height does not illuminate;
  its depth does not obscure。
  It is infinite and beyond human terms;
  collapsing in upon itself as it began。
  Matter within vacuum
  forms within the formless。
  Facing it there is no front
  behind it there is no back。

  Knowing the past;
  move with the present。

  To know the past
  of the universe
  is to become
  its essence。


  Wise people
  are so very subtle; deep; penetrating and mysterious
  that they are
  too profound to be understood。
  Because they cannot be understood
  one can only try to describe them。
  They are
  cautious; like a cat entering a strange house
  alert; like a person walking through a strange city at midnight
  reserved; like an invited guest
  yielding; like lake ice in the spring
  simple; like a block of wood
  spacious; like night on the plains
  obscure; like a muddied stream。

  Can you wait quietly
  or the muddy to become clear?
  Can you calm yourself
  in order to later become active?

  Following the path of natural atheism
  one has no desire for heaven or to believe。
  When a person is not swayed by desire or belief;
  one is able to remain one with the universe
  without changing。


  Sit next to the void
  become empty
  quiet and still
  at peace。
  Years go by
  you contemplate your return。
  You see the years;
  they shrink and return。
  Everything returns to its origin。
  This return to origin is called stillness;
  stillness is called accepting the natural laws of the universe。
  Accepting the way of the universe
  is enlightenment。

  Not to know the nature of the universe is to wander aimlessly。
  Knowing; one has room for everyone and everything。
  Having room for all; one is without prejudice。
  Without prejudice; one can be a leader。
  To lead is to be of the earth。
  To be of the earth is to be one with nature。

  Being one with nature
  is to be transformed。
  Though the body falls
  nothing is destroyed。


  A master's existence
  is rarely known。
  A good person's presence
  is widely known
  and praised and imitated。
  A person who collects power
  scares others and makes them fearful; small and hateful。
  Without total trust
  there is no trust。
  Better to have
  no trust
  and accept everything。

  Without talking…about
  without writing…about
  a master takes action。
  When it is done
  everyone says
  it just happened


  When nature is forgotten and abandoned;
  goodness; justice and morality are created;
  and theisms flourish。
  When intelligence and knowledge appear;
  great advertising campaigns are created;
  and religions compete。

  When partners and family members are not at peace
  they begin talking about relationships and
  duties and responsibilities
  and spiritual needs。

  When there is tension; distrust;
  and revolution
  in a community;
  we hear calls for
  loyal followers。


  Give up knowledge and wisdom
  give up tests and degrees
  and it will be a better for everyone。
  Renounce kindness; morality; and justice;
  and people will return to love and mercy。

  Get rid of professionalism; eliminate profit; give up luxuries;
  and theft and embezzlement will disappear。

  If this advice is too complicated
  then follow
  and the lessening of desires。


  Give up morality and social conventions
  and be free of your problems。
  What is really the difference between social classes?
  Is it like the difference between good and bad?
  between theism and atheism?
  〃That's the way it's always been done〃
  〃Everybody else is doing it〃
  how artificial!
  Everyone else is happy
  celebrating the sacrifice of the lamb or the Son
  or going to the opening party。
  Yet I am alone and motionless
  like a baby that has yet to smile
  like an old man on a park bench。

  Everyone else has more than enough to eat and
  pay the rent and dream and take trips;
  I alone have nothing。
  My mind is so confused;
  I must be stupid。
  Everyone else can see the light;
  I alone am blind。
  Everyone else is happy and well…adjusted;
  I alone am depressed。

  Yet I am in motion like the bottom cycles of the ocean tides;
  like flotsam and jetsam; never to rest。
  Everyone else has a career or a job;
  I alone am useless。
  But I am also different from everyone else;
  because the earth itself feeds me。


  The universe acts only according to the laws of nature
  even though such laws may seem chaotic and elusive。
  still there are patterns。
  still there is life。
  Mysterious and obscure
  still it contains the essential。
  Power that is immeasurable
  still is true and active

  from before the beginning
  til after the end;
  through the next beginning and ending。

  How do any of us know th
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