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  in our own world is the basis for the perfect universe。

  How do I know all this?
  By what is inside me。


  Persons that follow the way are like
  a baby that
  bees and mosquitoes do not sting
  dogs and cats do not bite
  birds do not peck。
  Soft bones; weak muscles; strong grip
  no need of sex; but perfectly formed by it。
  Baby lives completely
  screaming all day without becoming hoarse
  Its needs fulfilled
  it sleeps in perfect harmony。
  To understand this harmony
  is to understand the universe;
  to understand the universe
  is enlightenment。

  Filling one's life with busyness is to invite
  pushing oneself to the edge
  for every effort
  there is a loss。

  This is not the way
  and what is not the way
  will soon die away。


  A person who knows the way
  has no need or desire to talk about it。
  People who talk about it
  really don't know the way。
  The atheist who knows atheism does not talk;
  and those who talk about it don't know it。

  Quit talking about
  quit searching
  quit your logic
  quit trying to win
  quit trying to impress
  get down to the very basics
  of existence。
  This is the mystic way to understanding。

  Then there are no friends or enemies;
  no benefits; no disgrace
  no rewards; no losses。
  This is human being


  Order is only maintained through law and justice。
  Battles are only won by ignoring rules and propriety。
  But the universe can only be understood by
  How do I know?
  Because 。。。
  the more restrictions placed on people;
  the more people will evade them; the poorer the people become。
  The more weapons; the smarter people become;
  the darker the land becomes。
  The greater the science;
  the deadlier the inventions。
  The more laws;
  the more criminals and jails。

  Therefore; I do nothing;
  and people are naturally transformed。
  I love peace and quiet;
  and people naturally become better。
  I do nothing;
  and people have more than enough。
  I want nothing; and people naturally return to
  the simple life。


  When politicians look depressed and inactive
  people are satisfied and happy。
  When politicians look happy and active
  people are dissatisfied and depressed。
  Bad times come after good times; good times after bad。

  Few have found it; but there is a creek that runs
  neither hot nor cold; good nor bad; right nor wrong。

  For every straight there are two crookeds;
  for every good two bads
  what is the purpose of choosing one over the other?
  who can make the necessary corrections?

  Wise person
  reach the end without resorting to means
  shape without cutting
  mold without pressure
  straighten without pulling
  illumine without shining。


  No person has power to lead others or to serve the world
  unless one has a store of energy。
  Storing energy is done through breathing
  breathing is done through meditation
  and your power cannot be overcome。
  If your power cannot be overcome
  it is boundless
  Only what is boundless
  is large enough to understand the full dimensions of reality。
  Only what is rooted deep within the earth
  can keep the understanding of the full dimensions of reality。
  Being rooted deep in the earth takes letting go;
  living long necessitates long meditation。


  Thinking big thoughts
  of religion the dao atheism
  is like cooking small fish
  the less handled
  the more remains。
  Following the way
  no force is used no bad
  no coaxing is used no good

  both merge
  to the same end。


  Religion should be like low land
  everything flowing towards it
  all ideas converging on it。
  By receiving it absorbs
  by absorbing it becomes more basic。
  When religion becomes more basic
  it will be followed by others。
  Large religions absorb small ones
  by conquering and converting with force and argument
  small ones absorb large ones
  by being underneath。

  Large ideas; small followings;
  small ideas; large followings
  one serves the other。


  Atheism; like a fireplace;
  offers warmth in the cold
  to the good and bad person alike。
  Arguing for or against god is a profitable business
  charismatic speakers and serious writers are well respected
  even bad people buy their books and attend their talks。

  for your brother's wedding or sister's graduation
  instead of offering money or a vcr
  and send your reflections on the way。

  About the way the elders of the past have said
  Seek; and you will find
  Apologize; and you will be

  These are benefits of the way
  better than anything else。


  do without working
  work without doing
  find flavor in water
  make the small big
  the few into many
  turn the other cheek
  reward bad actions with good
  mold the hard while it is still soft
  create the great while it is still small。
  Wise person 
  deal with the microcosm;
  never the macrocosm;
  the individual not the group;
  and thus succeed。
  Little commitment creates little faith
  and many easy little things create one big difficult thing。

  The wise person knows how to make
  the simple
  and by knowing this
  avoids complications。


  Silence is easy to break
  future is easy to plan
  gentle is easy to hurt
  tiny is easy to lose
  Look ahead; see forms before they become things
  deal with them before they become
  set them in order before they collide
  the sequoia began as small as a bean sprout
  the skyscraper began as a hole in the earth
  the longest trip begins with the first step。

  Act; and you hurt
  grab; and it slips away
  own; and it is stolen
  believe; and it is shown false。
  The wise
  do not act; and nothing is hurt
  do not grab; and nothing slips
  do not own; and nothing is lost
  do not believe; and nothing is false

  Others fall short right before their long…awaited success。
  The end is as important as the beginning;
  thus the wise person
  wants only the unwanted;
  values the common; not the scarce;
  teaches the things that others don't;
  returns others to the past they left behind;
  such that everything is valued for itself by itself
  all done by not doing。


  In the past; when the path has been walked well
  the walkers not only
  did not show others the way
  but even made others more ignorant about it
  the smarter people become
  the harder they are to control。
  People who want to lead by promoting higher intelligence
  and higher educational standards and harder tests
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