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  and higher educational standards and harder tests
  are thieves stealing from farmers and factories。
  People who lead without pushing education
  bless the people and the land。
  Education causes discontent for what one has;
  creates desire for more and better and higher
  ignorance makes people feel good where they are。

  To understand the difference here is to know quality
  to be able to apply this quality in life is to be on the path
  This path 。。。
  so long so old so deep so mysterious
  going all the way back
  to when all was one。


  Why are oceans greater than creeks and rivers and lakes?
  Because they lay lower than the rest
  because gravity carries the high to the low
  because they are the lowest they are the greatest。
  Wise one
  to speak to people you must be lower than them;
  to lead people you must be behind them;
  to be first you must be last;
  so that people will listen without feeling alienated ;
  so that people will follow without feeling like sheep;
  so that your quality can shine without contention。

  This way the whole earth will feel your push
  and not be bothered with the direction。
  Without pushing

  and without pushing
  no one pulls back。


  People say that this path is so easy;
  simply the way things go
  without trying。
  because it is so simple; so basic; so minimal
  it is so great。
  created from wants and desires; from miracles and visions;
  from conflict between mortal and immortal;
  is not normal; not natural。
  From its ancient manufacture and people's need of it
  you can see its smallness。

  I have three commandments
  compassion; simplicity; and humility
  only with compassion is a person able to be truly brave
  only by living simply can one be truly generous
  only by humility does one become the leader。

  Today your courage is based on the ease of attack and victory; yourgenerosity on your wealth; not poverty; and your humility on being thefirst; not the last。 You will die; and it will all pass。
  But compassion cannot fight without winning; or give without gaining;or be nobody without being somebody。

  Nature gives a natural defense of lowliness  like the 〃death〃 of thepossum; or the bared neck of the wolf; the sea depths of the ancient coelacanth to that which it wants to protect。


  The best leaders stay with their local people
  the best fighters are cool and calm
  the best commanders win without engaging the enemy
  the best supervisors act like the lowest employees
  the best healers cure without medicine
  the best laws have no transgressors
  the best priests have no faith。
  This is called power

  power that comes with flowing with the way
  power that is able to guide people
  power that is mate to the universe
  the oldest power。


  Military strategists have said
  When you don't think you have a good defense;
  take the offense
  When you don't think you have a good offense;
  Retreat is called marching in place
  rolling up your sleeves but not showing any muscle
  the rose in the fisted glove
  confronting without threatening。

  In life there is nothing worse than
  getting mad and attacking
  and finding
  nothing there 。。。
  Only by losing your possessions
  and your self
  can you have no enemy。

  In war; when armies are recruited and conscripted
  when battles are waged
  the victor will be the reluctant nation
  who takes no joy or glory from fighting。


  These words of mine
  are easy to translate and understand and discuss and practice。
  So why is it
  nobody anywhere
  understands them? practices them?

  My words
  have culture; have reason; have a system
  but try to make sense of them and you will fail;
  try to apply them like rules and you will fail。
  This is why people do not understand
  my words。

  So few understand it
  but then
  that is its value
  guarded like
  a pond
  in the winter。


  Knowing the depths of your own ignorance is healthy。
  Thinking that you know
  what you really don't
  is a cancer。
  Only by realizing that you don't know
  can you be healed。

  The way to heal this cancer
  is to recognize your false knowledge
  as a disease;
  thereby freeing yourself
  of it。


  If your authority is not sufficient
  let go
  the power of the universe will suffice。
  Do not restrict others
  or make them do things you want
  let go
  and they will stop running from you。

  The wise
  know themselves;
  know their power
  but do not show it;
  know their own quality
  but do not use praises or titles。

  Let go
  of that
  take this。


  People who are brave and who like dares
  kill and destroy。
  People who are brave and have no taste for daring
  live and create。
  Either may be appropriate;
  both may be good and bad
  the universe has no taste for blood;
  neither does the follower of the way。
  The universe never tries to win
  it always does;
  never tries to speak
  there is always an answer;
  never tries to command
  everything is ordered。

  The net of the universe is wide ;
  its mesh is wide
  nothing escapes。


  People not afraid of death
  cannot be threatened with
  What; then; is the use of threats?
  Even if people feared death
  and were afraid of its strangeness;
  who should be responsible
  for carrying out the threat
  and killing them?
  Famine; rain; drought; hurricanes; snow; tornadoes
  are more than sufficient。

  For people to do the work of nature
  is like
  assuming the job of a master carpenter
  and doing the sawing
  you would be lucky
  not to lose a finger。


  People starve because
  governments and religions and businesses spend
  too much money
  That is the only reason there is hunger。
  People demonstrate and rebel because
  religions and businesses and governments make laws
  to restrict them。
  That is the only reason there isn't peace。

  People have no fear of death because
  businesses and governments and religions are
  so busy trying
  to survive。
  That is why death carries so little fear for common people;
  for having so little to get out of life themselves;
  their lives are fuller。


  At birth a human is soft and flexible;
  at death a human is hard and fixed。
  In life all things; plants and animals;
  are soft and flexible;
  in death all things
  are hard and fixed。
  What is hard and fixed is death's friend;
  what is soft and flexible is life's friend。

  The hard and fixed weapon will break;
  the hardw
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