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  Live without danger all through life
  Close the mouth
  Shut the doors
  Live without toil all through life
  Open the mouth
  Meddle in the affairs
  Live without salvation all through life
  Seeing details is called clarity
  Holding on to the soft is called strength
  Utilize the light
  Return to the clarity
  Leaving no disasters for the self
  This is called following constancy


  If I have a little knowledge
  Walking on the great Tao
  I fear only to deviate from it
  The great Tao is broad and plain
  But people like the side paths
  The courts are corrupt
  The fields are barren
  The warehouses are empty
  Officials wear fineries
  Carry sharp swords
  Fill up on drinks and food
  Acquire excessive wealth
  This is called robbery
  It is not the Tao!


  That which is well established cannot be uprooted
  That which is strongly held cannot be taken
  The descendants will commemorate it forever

  Cultivate it in yourself; its virtue shall be true
  Cultivate it in the family; its virtue shall be abundant
  Cultivate it in the community; its virtue shall be lasting
  Cultivate it in the country; its virtue shall be prosperous
  Cultivate it in the world; its virtue shall be widespread

  Therefore observe others with yourself
  Observe other families with your family
  Observe other communities with your community
  Observe other countries with your country
  Observe the world with the world
  With what do I know the world?

  With this
  The well…established cannot be uprooted。
  The well…grasped does not slip away。
  Generation after generation carries out the ancestor worship without break。

  Cultivate it in yourself and virtue will be real。
  Cultivate it in the family and virtue will overflow。
  Cultivate it in the town and virtue will be great。
  Cultivate it in the country and virtue will abundant。
  Cultivate it in the world and virtue will be everywhere。

  Therefore; take yourself and observe yourself。
  Take the family and observe the family。
  Take the town and observe the town。
  Take the country and observe the country。
  Take the world and observe the world。
  How do I know the world as it is?

  By this。
  Who plants well will not have his work uprooted; who embraces well will not lose what he holds;
  the offerings of his sons and grandsons will never end。
  Who thus regulates himself has virtue which is genuine; who thus regulates his household has virtue which overflows; who thus regulates his neighborhood has virtue which excels; who thus regulates the state has virtue which abounds; who thus regulates the world has virtue which is universal。

  Therefore let every man prove himself; let each household; neighborhood; and state do the same; let the world also follow the same course。
  How do I know that it must be thus with the world? By this same (which has been just said)。


  Those who hold an abundance of virtue
  Are similar to newborn infants
  Poisonous insects do not sting them
  Wild beasts do not claw them
  Birds of prey do not attack them
  Their bones are weak; tendons are soft
  But their grasp is firm
  They do not know of sexual union but can manifest arousal
  Due to the optimum of essence
  They can cry the whole day and yet not be hoarse
  Due to the optimum of harmony
  Knowing harmony is said to be constancy
  Knowing constancy is said to be clarity
  Excessive vitality is said to be inauspicious
  Mind overusing energy is said to be aggressive
  Things become strong and then grow old
  This is called contrary to the Tao
  That which is contrary to the Tao will soon perish 
  Tao cultivators wish to return to a purer and simpler state of mind。 It is a state full of bliss and grace。 We have all experienced it as infants; but have forgotten as we grew up and became more and more affected by the material world。
  Infants are protected from danger。 Someone who has cultivated much virtue and thus become more child…like is likewise protected。 Just as infants are protected by their loving parents; virtuous cultivators are protected by the all…nurturing mother; the Tao。 By following the Tao; they cannot be stung by poisonous insects of malicious gossip; clawed by the wild beasts of fear and anger; or attacked by the vicious birds of greed and envy。
  Such virtuous cultivators may appear soft and yielding; and yet they have a firm handle on their goals and objectives。 They are flexible in their approach; and unwavering in their determination。
  They live life with energy and vitality。 They possess the optimum essence of health; so that every day is exciting; fun; and creative。 Just as babies cry all day without getting hoarse; they can concentrate on difficult tasks for an extended period of time without getting tired。
  Their energy works in perfect harmony with their surroundings。 This harmonious interaction arises from their constant purpose and sense of mission。 They understand the meaning of life … why they are here and what they are here to do … and this clarity of vision powers their every thought and action。
  They can endure the test of time because they never overdo anything。 They do not cultivate physical vitality to excess; nor do they overtax the mind。 If life is a race; then they are marathon runners; not sprinters。 Sprinters may be able to surge forward in an explosive burst of speed; but within minutes their strength is depleted。 Soon after; they collapse in a heap of exhaustion。 It is inevitable and contrary to the lasting and enduring Tao of the true cultivators。
  The ancient sages spoke of sexuality in an open and direct manner because they saw it as part of nature; and not something about which to feel shame or guilt。 They see nothing 〃filthy〃 or 〃disgusting〃 about it。 Instead; they acknowledge and utilize its vast creative powers。

  Those who know do not talk
  Those who talk do not know
  Close the mouth
  Shut the doors
  Blunt the sharpness
  Unravel the knots
  Dim the glare
  Mix the dust
  This is called mystic oneness
  They cannot obtain this and be closer
  They cannot obtain this and be distant
  They cannot obtain this and be benefited
  They cannot obtain this and be harmed
  They cannot obtain this and be valued
  They cannot obtain this and be degraded
  Therefore; they become honored by the world 
  The truly wise understand the Tao; so they know that actions speak louder than words。 Rather than to talk endlessly about what they should do or how they should be; they put their time and effort into the actual doing and being。
  On the other hand; those who prattle on and on only demonstrate that they know little about the Tao。 They spend so much time talking about what they think they know that they end up not putting any of it into actual practice。 Without real…life applications; the Tao means nothing。
  Tao cultivators close openings and doors … the passages that lead to; or allow 
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