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  Tao cultivators close openings and doors … the passages that lead to; or allow in; the many temptations and distractions of the material world。 They realize that the sensory thrills of such distractions are short…lived and ultimately illusory; so they prefer to stick to the real and practical。
  When interacting with others; they are gentle and compassionate; because caustic and abrasive words can form a sharp edge that hurts people。 Their gentle approach unravels the complexities of personal interactions; so they can enjoy a simple; direct connection with fellow human beings that is mutually enriching。
  They are also humble and full of self…effacing humor; because those who like to show off their mental brilliance end up alienating people with the blinding glare of their arrogance。
  True Tao cultivators do not try to set themselves apart from the rest of humanity。 They do not go into hermitage far away from civilization。 Instead; they are fully immersed in the dust of the material world where they can really put their spiritual cultivation to the test。
  All of the above are aspects of what we call 〃Mystic Oneness。〃 It is a crucial element in any spiritual path。
  Those who achieve true understanding of Mystic Oneness (whether they call it by that name or not) are the ones who can be fully involved with life in the material world。。。 and yet transcend beyond it。 One cannot influence them by getting close to them or treating them in a cold and distant manner。 They are unmoved by the promise of benefits or threats of injury。 It is equally useless to flatter them; feed their ego; or attempt to pummel them into submission by degrading or condemning them。
  Such people are truly exceptional; and that is why they will invariably become honored by the entire world。
  If the above descriptions are too vague or abstract; think of Gandhi; Nelson Mandela; and the Dalai Lama。 These are concrete; real…life examples of human beings who have attained the level of Mystic Oneness。 Read the interpretation above with these exceptional individuals in mind; and you will find that this chapter is an incredibly accurate and exact description of their true character。

  Govern a country with upright integrity
  Deploy the military with surprise tactics
  Take the world with non…interference
  How do I know this is so?
  With the following:
  When there are many restrictions in the world
  The people become more impoverished
  When people have many sharp weapons
  The country becomes more chaotic
  When people have many clever tricks
  More strange things occur
  The more laws are posted
  The more robbers and thieves there are
  Therefore the sage says:
  I take minimal action; and the people transform themselves
  I prefer quiet; and the people right themselves
  I do not interfere; and the people enrich themselves
  I have no desires; and the people simplify themselves 
  Ruling a country and using the military are two sides of the coin; and require two different approaches。 Using clever tactics to surprise and confuse the enemy is extremely advantageous in that victory can be quickly achieved with minimal loss of troops。 Ruling a country is just the opposite。 You wouldn't want to use clever tactics to surprise and confuse your own people。 Instead; you want to treat them with straightforward honesty; and communicate in a way that is clear and easy to understand。
  The ruler who meddles always ends up with poor results。 Therefore; wise rulers refrain from interference。 They don't try to change people … it is an impossible and thankless task。 Instead; they let nature take its course。 Their role is to provide gentle guidance。
  Throughout history; sages have studied human society and made careful observations。 They note that the more rules and regulations there are; the poorer people become。 This in turn weakens the ruler's power base … exactly the opposite of what the ruler tried to achieve with rules and regulations in the first place。
  In such a restrictive and impoverished environment; many people turn to crime as a way to survive。 They take up weapons to steal or rob; violence and chaos increase as a result。 They also become increasingly tricky in attempts to get around restrictions or exploit loop holes。 Their cunning will often yield surprising and even bizarre results。
  The above is why the sage would advise the emperor as follows:
  If I were you; I would not take actions with any attachments or expectations of some specific outcome。 This lack of contrivance will naturally lead the people toward self…transformation。
  I would clear my mind and quiet the internal chatter before attending to the affairs of the people。 My calmness and serenity can't help but have an effect on people so that they will wish to straighten things out themselves。
  I would interfere as little as possible。 Without interference; people can freely express their enterprising nature。 Trade and commerce blossom; and before too long the people will be wealthy by their own efforts。
  I would demonstrate by example my own relinquishing of excess desires。 When people see how joyously my life becomes when it is totally free of clutter and the blind pursuit of material things; they too will want to practice simplicity in everything they do。

  When governing is lackluster
  The people are simple and honest
  When governing is scrutinizing
  The people are shrewd and crafty
  Misfortune is what fortune depends upon
  Fortune is where misfortune hides beneath
  Who knows their ultimate end?
  They have no determined outcome
  Rightness reverts to become strange
  Goodness reverts to become wicked
  The confusion of people
  Has lasted many long days
  Therefore the sages are:
  Righteous without being scathing
  Incorruptible without being piercing
  Straightforward without being ruthless
  Illuminated without being flashy 
  From the perspective of Tao sages; the ideal way to govern is one that rules without excessive interference in people's lives。 A government that follows this does not put a spotlight on itself; but the peace and freedom it provides allow the people to live the simple and honest life。
  The opposite to this would be a government that is severe; one that scrutinizes the people's every move。 Such a government may appear to be very capable and brutally effective; but because it burdens the people with restrictions and intrudes upon their privacy; it creates an environment where people are forced to become ever more evasive; resorting to trickery to hide their activities。
  Therefore; it is hard to say what is good fortune and what is bad。 A ruler may think it's a good thing to be able to spy on people; without realizing that this leads to ever more complications and alienation。 What seems like a good idea can turn into a disaster and vice versa。 Who can predict how things will ultimately turn out?
  It is because worldly affairs are unpredictable; and can suddenly change without notice; that it can be very confusing for anyone to know what to do。 This is why sages say 
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