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  It rises; like the sun; but does not illuminate; it sets; like the sun; but does not darken。 Without beginning; without end; infinite; indefinable。 It is the form of the formless; it is existence in non…existence; it is the greatest mystery。 Meet it and it has no face; follow it and it has no back。

  Hold close to the ancient Tao and be master of your present existence。 Knowing the present you mirror the past。 This is the clue to Tao。


  The Tao of the Ancients

  The ancient followers of Tao: so wise; so subtle; so profound; so deeply understanding that they were themselves misunderstood。 They must therefore be described:

  Cautious; like crossing a stream in mid…winter; observant; like moving in fear through hostile land; modest; retiring like ice beginning to melt; dignified; like an honored guest; genuine; like natural; untouched wood; receptive; like an inviting; open valley; friendly; like muddied water; freely mixing。

  Who can make sense of a world like cloudy water? Left alone and still; it becomes clear。 Should this stillness be maintained? Moving hastily will surely cloud it again。 How then can one move and not become clouded? Accept Tao and achieve without being selfish; being unselfish one endures the world抯 wear; and needs no change of pace。


  Achieve the highest goal by being passive; hold close to a state of perfect serenity。

  Everything comes into existence; but observe; returns to its source。 Thus; vegetation flourishes and grows; but returns to the soil whence it came。

  Returning to the source is serenity; it is to realize one抯 destiny。 To realize one抯 destiny is to know the Eternal Constant。 To know the Eternal Constant is to be enlightened。 To be ignorant of this is blindness that begets evil。

  Whoever knows the Eternal Constant is open?minded。 Being open?minded is to be impartial; being impartial is to be above nations and laws; being above nations and laws is to be in accord with nature; being in accord with nature is to be in accord with Tao; being in accord with Tao is to be eternal。 Although your body dies and decays you live forever。


  The Best Leader

  As for the best leaders; the people do not notice their existence。 The next best; the people honor and praise。 The next; the people fear; and the next; the people hate。

  If you have no faith people will have no faith in you; and you must resort to oaths。

  When the best leader抯 work is done the people say: 擶e did it ourselves!?br》

  When Tao is lost; words like 攈umanity?and 攋ustice?become official doctrines。 Then 攌nowledge?and 攚isdom?become official goals。 With all this great hypocrisy comes。

  When family life is no longer harmonious; obedient children and devoted parents are praised; when a nation has corruption and inefficiency; there is official praise for 攍oyal citizens?

  Wherever there is Tao there is peace and balance。 When Tao is lost; divisiveness and differences emerge and grow。


  On Real Education

  Do away with learning; the same with wisdom; the people will gain a hundredfold。 Do away with 攈umanity?and the same with攋ustice? the people will rediscover love and duty。 Do away with expensive arts; the same with profits; there will be no thieves; no robbers。 These three things involve the external world; they are therefore of no real value。


  The people need what is more dependable。 Reveal; then; your natural; inner self。 Realize your original nature; control selfishness; subdue desires。 
  * The first paragraph of chapter 20 was put here by the author。

  Do away with formal learning and you will not be annoyed by its multitude of details。 How much difference between yea and nay? How much difference between good and evil? It is true that what man fear you must also fear; but how very remote the actual occurence。*

  The great mass of people are content as if at the sacrificial feast or at the spring carnival。 I alone am serene; quiet; passive; like a newborn babe unable yet to smile。

  I am alone; like one who is homeless。

  Others seem to have abundance while I seem to live in contemplation。 Perhaps I am the fool; so obscure; so vague。 The masses seem bright and informed; I alone seem dull and uninformed。 The masses are clever and smug; I alone am simple and unassuming。 Alone; as if adrift on the lonely sea。

  And others seem to have useful purpose; I alone seem impractical and awkward。 I am alone; different。 I choose to be sustained by nature。 
  * The first paragraph of this chapter was put to the with * marked place in chapter 19。

  The Teh follows Tao。

  Tao is like a dream: invisible; intangible; obscure。 It is invisible yet there is form to it。 It is intangible yet there is a feel to it。 It is obscure yet there is method to it。 The method is true and so there are signs of it。

  From ancient times until now the signs have never ceased by which we can see the beginning。 How can I know the nature of the beginning? By these signs!


  Be humble; you will remain yourself。 Be flexible; bend; and you will be straight。 Be ever receptiveand you will be satisfied。 Become tired and weary and you will be renewed。 Have little; you will have enough; to have abundance is to be troubled。

  Thus; the truly wise seek Unity; they embrace oneness; and become examples for all the world。 Not revealing themselves; they shine; not self…righteous; they are distinguished; not self…centered; they are famous; not seeking glory; they are leaders。

  Because they are not quarrelsome no one quarrels with them。

  Thus it is as the ancients said: 擳o yield is to retain Unity。?The truly wise have Unity; and the world respects them。


  Nature is sparing in its talk。 Unusually high winds seldom last the whole morning; unusually heavy rains seldom last the whole day。 And where do these things originate? Within nature。 And if nature so spares its talk; how much more; then; should you?

  Whoever follows Tao becomes as Tao。 Whoever follows Teh becomes as Teh。 Whoever abandons Tao or Teh will be abandoned by Tao and Teh。

  Whoever seeks Tao is welcomed to Tao。 Whoever seeks Teh is welcomed to Teh。 Whoever seeks abandonment is welcomed by abandonment。


  Whoever stands on tiptoe is unsteady; whoever walks with long strides cannot long keep up the pace; whoever makes a show of himself cannot shine; whoever is self?righteous cannot gain the respect of the people; whoever is self?centered cannot become loved by others; whoever seeks glory cannot become a true leader。

  According to the Tao these attitudes are exessive; unnecessary。 Even in earthly matters they are to be avoided。 Therefore the follower of Tao avoids them。


  There is something mysterious; without beginning; without end; that existed before the heavens and earth。 Unmoving; infinite; standing alone; never changing。 It is everywhere and it is inexhaustible。 It is the mother of all。

  I do not know its name。 If I must name it I call it Tao and I hail it as supreme。

  Supreme means never?ending; never?
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