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  therefore they can not live。

  I have heard that those who celebrate life
  walk safely among the wild animals。
  When they go into battle; they remain unharmed。
  The animals find no place to attack them
  and the weapons are unable to harm them。
  Why? Because they can find no place for death in them。


  The Tao gives birth to all of creation。
  The virtue of Tao in nature nurtures them;
  and their family gives them their form。
  Their environment then shapes them into completion。
  That is why every creature honors the Tao and its virtue。

  No one tells them to honor the Tao and its virtue;
  it happens all by itself。
  So the Tao gives them birth;
  and its virtue cultivates them;
  cares for them;
  nurtures them;
  gives them a place of refuge and peace;
  helps them to grow and shelters them。

  It gives them life without wanting to posses them;
  and cares for them expecting nothing in return。
  It is their master; but it does not seek to dominate them。
  This is called the dark and mysterious virtue。


  The world had a beginning
  which we call the Great Mother。
  Once we have found the Mother;
  we begin to know what Her children should be。

  When we know we are the Mothers child;
  we begin to guard the qualities of the Mother in us。
  She will protect us from all danger
  even if we lose our life。

  Keep your mouth closed
  and embrace a simple life;
  and you will live care…free until the end of your days。
  If you try to talk your way into a better life
  there will be no end to your trouble。

  To understand the small is called clarity。
  Knowing how to yield is called strength。
  To use your inner light for understanding
  regardless of the danger
  is called depending on the Constant。


  If I understood only one thing;
  I would want to use it to follow the Tao。
  My only fear would be one of pride。
  The Tao goes in the level places;
  but people prefer to take the short cuts。

  If too much time is spent cleaning the house
  the land will become neglected and full of weeds;
  and the granaries will soon become empty
  because there is no one out working the fields。
  To wear fancy clothes and ornaments;
  to have your fill of food and drink
  and to waste all of your money buying possessions
  is called the crime of excess。
  Oh; how these things go against the way of the Tao!


  That which is well built
  will never be torn down。
  That which is well latched
  can not slip away。
  Those who do things well
  will be honored from generation to generation。

  If this idea is cultivated in the individual;
  then his virtue will become genuine。
  If this idea is cultivated in your family;
  then virtue in your family will be great。
  If this idea is cultivated in your community;
  then virtue will go a long way。
  If this idea is cultivated in your country;
  then virtue will be in many places。
  If this idea is cultivated in the world;
  then virtue will be with everyone。

  Then observe the person for what the person does;
  and observe the family for what it does;
  and observe the community for what it does;
  and observe the country for what it does;
  and observe the world for what it does。
  How do I know this saying is true?
  I observe these things and see。


  One who is filled with the Tao
  is like a newborn child。
  The infant is protected from
  the stinging insects; wild beasts; and birds of prey。
  Its bones are soft; its muscles are weak;
  but its grip is firm and strong。
  It doesn't know about the union
  of male and female;
  yet his penis can stand erect;
  because of the power of life within him。
  It can cry all day and never become hoarse。
  This is perfect harmony。

  To understand harmony is to understand the Constant。
  To know the Constant is to be called 'enlightened'。
  To unnaturally try to extend life is not appropriate。
  To try and alter the life…breath is unnatural。
  The master understands that when something reaches its prime
  it will soon begin to decline。
  Changing the natural is against the way of the Tao。
  Those who do it will come to an early end。


  Those who know do not talk。
  Those who talk do not know。

  Stop talking;
  meditate in silence;
  blunt your sharpness;
  release your worries;
  harmonize your inner light;
  and become one with the dust。
  Doing this is called the dark and mysterious identity。

  Those who have achieved the mysterious identity
  can not be approached; and they can not be alienated。
  They can not be benefited nor harmed。
  They can not be made noble nor to suffer disgrace。
  This makes them the most noble of all under the heavens。


  Govern your country with integrity;
  Weapons of war can be used with great cunning;
  but loyalty is only won by not…doing。
  How do I know the way things are?
  By these:

  The more prohibitions you make;
  the poorer people will be。
  The more weapons you posses;
  the greater the chaos in your country。
  The more knowledge that is acquired;
  the stranger the world will become。
  The more laws that you make;
  the greater the number of criminals。

  Therefore the Master says:
  I do nothing;
  and people become good by themselves。
  I seek peace;
  and people take care of their own problems。
  I do not meddle in their personal lives;
  and the people become prosperous。
  I let go of all my desires;
  and the people return to the Uncarved Block。


  If a government is unobtrusive;
  the people become whole。
  If a government is repressive;
  the people become treacherous。

  Good fortune has its roots in disaster;
  and disaster lurks with good fortune。
  Who knows why these things happen;
  or when this cycle will end?
  Good things seem to change into bad;
  and bad things often turn out for good。
  These things have always been hard to comprehend。

  Thus the Master makes things change
  without interfering。
  She is probing yet causes no harm。
  Straightforward; yet does not impose her will。
  Radiant; and easy on the eye。


  There is nothing better than moderation
  for teaching people or serving Heaven。
  Those who use moderation
  are already on the path to the Tao。

  Those who follow the Tao early
  will have an abundance of virtue。
  When there is an abundance of virtue;
  there is nothing that can not be done。
  Where there is limitless ability;
  then the kingdom is within your grasp。
  When you know the Mother of the kingdom;
  then you will be long enduring。

  This is spoken of as the deep root and the firm trunk;
  the Way to a long life and great spiritual vision。


  Governing a large country
  is like frying small fish。
  Too much poking spoils the meat。

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