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  Generation after generation carries out the ancestor worship withoutbreak。

  Cultivate it in yourself and virtue will be real。
  Cultivate it in the family and virtue will overflow。
  Cultivate it in the town and virtue will be great。
  Cultivate it in the country and virtue will abundant。
  Cultivate it in the world and virtue will be everywhere。

  Therefore; take yourself and observe yourself。
  Take the family and observe the family。
  Take the town and observe the town。
  Take the country and observe the country。
  Take the world and observe the world。

  How do I know the world as it is?

  By this。


  One who remains rich in virtuous power
  Is like a newborn baby。
  Bees; scorpions and venomous snakes do not bite it;
  The wild beasts do not attack it;
  Birds of prey do not sink their claws into it。
  Though its bones are weak
  And muscles soft;
  Its grip is strong。
  Without knowing of the blending of male and female
  S/he is a perfect production;
  The ultimate in vitality。
  S/he cries all day without getting hoarse。
  S/he is the ultimate in harmony。

  Understanding harmony is called the Constant。
  Knowing the Constant is called illumination。
  Nourishing life is called blessing。
  Having control of your breath is called strength。

  After things blossom they decay; and
  This is called the non…Tao。

  The non…Tao expires quickly。


  She who knows does not speak。
  She who speaks does not know。
  Close your holes; shut your doors;
  Soften your sharpness; loosen your knots。
  Soften your glare and merge with the everyday。

  This is called mysteriously attaining oneness。

  Though you cannot possess it; you are intimate with it
  And at the same time; distant。
  Though you cannot possess it; you are benefitted by it;
  And harmed by it。
  You cannot possess it; but are esteemed through it
  And humbled by it。

  Therefore the world values you。


  *** Use fairness in governing the state。
  Use surprise tactics in war。
  Be unconcerned and you will have the world。
  How do I know it is like this?
  The more regulations there are;
  The poorer people become。
  The more people own lethal weapons;
  The more darkened are the country and clans。
  The more clever the people are;
  The more extraordinary actions they take。
  The more picky the laws are;
  The more thieves and gangsters there are。

  Therefore the sages say:
  〃I do not force my way and the people transform themselves。
  I enjoy my serenity and the people correct themselves。
  I do not interfere and the people enrich themselves。

  I have no desires

  And the people find their original mind。


  When the government is laid back
  The people are relaxed。
  When the government is nitpicking
  The people have anxiety。
  Misfortune depends upon fortune。
  Fortune conceals misfortune。
  What has a definite delimitation?
  Or abnormality?
  The normal reverts to strangeness。
  Goodness reverts to perversion。

  People certainly have been confused for a long time。

  Therefore the sage squares things without cutting。
  Edges without separating。
  Straightens without lining up。

  Shines but does not glare。


  In governing the country and serving Heaven
  There is nothing like frugality。
  Only by being frugal can you recover quickly。
  When you recover quickly you accumulate virtue。
  Having accumulated virtue;
  There is nothing you can't overcome。
  When there is nothing you can't overcome
  Who knows the limits of your capabilities?
  These limits being unfathomable
  You can possess the country。

  The Mother who possesses the country can be long…living。
  This is called 〃planting the roots deeply and firmly。〃

  The way to long life and eternal vision。


  Ruling a large country is like cooking a small fish。
  When you govern people with the Tao
  Demons will have no power。
  Not that they don't have power;
  But their power will not harm people。

  Since the sage doesn't harm people;
  The two will not harm each other。

  Here their power merges and returns。


  The great state should be like a river basin。
  The mixing place of the world;
  The feminine of the world。
  The feminine always overcomes the masculine by softness
  Because softness is lesser。
  Therefore if a large state serves a small state
  It will gain the small state。
  If a small state serves a large state
  It will gain the large state。

  Therefore some serve in order to gain
  And some gain despite their servitude。

  The large state wants nothing more
  Than to unite and feed its people。
  The small state wants nothing more
  Than to enter into the service of the right person。
  Thus both get what they want。

  Greatness lies in placing oneself below。


  The Tao is hidden deeply in all things。
  It is the treasure of the good
  And the refuge of the not…so…good。
  With skillful words you can be successful。
  With honorable actions you can be included。

  People may not be so good; but how can you deny them?

  Therefore; even though there are great jewels brought in by teams ofhorses at the coronation of the emperor and the installation of the threeprinces;
  This is not as good as staying where you are
  And advancing in this Tao。

  Why did the ancients so value the Tao?

  You can't say that it was for seeking gain
  Or to have punishments to deter crime。

  Therefore it is the most prized in the world。


  Do without 〃doing。〃
  Get involved without manipulating。
  Taste without tasting。
  Make the great small;
  The many; few。
  Respond to anger with virtue。
  Deal with difficulties while they are still easy。
  Handle the great while it is still small。

  The difficult problems in life
  Always start off being simple。
  Great affairs always start off being small。
  Therefore the sage never deals with the great
  And is able to actualize his greatness。

  Now light words generate little belief;
  Much ease turns into much difficulty。
  Therefore the sage treats things as though they were difficult;

  And hence; never has difficulty。


  That which is at rest is easy to grasp。
  That which has not yet come about is easy to plan for。
  That which is fragile is easily broken。
  That which is minute is easily scattered。
  Handle things before they arise。
  Manage affairs before they are in a mess。

  A thick tree grows from a tiny seed。
  A tall building arises from a mound of earth。
  A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step。
  Contriving; you are defeated;
  Grasping; you lose。

  The sage doesn't contrive; so she isn't beaten。
  Not grasping; she doesn't lose。
  When people are carrying out their projects
  They usually blow it at the end。

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