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  When people are carrying out their projects
  They usually blow it at the end。

  If you are as careful at the end
  As you were at the beginning;
  You won't be disappointed。

  Therefore the sage desires non…desire;
  Does not value rare goods;
  Studies the unlearnable
  So that she can correct the mistakes of average people
  And aid all things in manifesting their true nature

  Without presuming to take the initiative。


  The ancients who were skillful at the Tao
  Did not illuminate the people
  But rather kept them simple。
  When the people are difficult to rule
  It is because of their cleverness。
  If you use cleverness to rule the state
  You are a robber of the state。
  If you don't use cleverness to rule the state
  You are a blessing to the state。

  If you understand these two points; you know the proper norm for governingTo be continuously understanding the proper norm is called
  Mysterious Virtue。
  How deep and far…reaching Mysterious Virtue is!
  It makes all return

  Until they reach the Great Norm。


  The reason the river and sea can be regarded as
  The rulers of all the valley streams
  Is because of their being below them。
  Therefore they can be their rulers。
  So if you want to be over people
  You must speak humbly to them。
  If you want to lead them
  You must place yourself behind them。

  Thus the sage is positioned above
  And the people do not feel oppressed。
  He is in front and they feel nothing wrong。
  Therefore they like to push him front and never resent him。

  Since he does not contend

  No one can contend with him。


  The reason everybody calls my Tao great
  Is because there is nothing quite like it。
  It is exactly because it is great
  That there is nothing quite like it。
  If there were something that were consistently like it

  How could it be small?

  I have three treasures which I hold and cherish。
  The first is compassion;
  The second is frugality;
  The third is not daring to put myself ahead of everybody。

  Having compassion; I can be brave。
  Having frugality; I can be generous。
  Not daring to put myself ahead of everybody
  I can take the time to perfect my abilities。
  Now if I am brave without compassion
  Generous without frugality; or
  Go to the fore without putting my own concerns last;
  I might as well be dead。

  If you wage war with compassion you will win。
  If you protect yourself with compassion you will be impervious。
  Heaven will take care of you;

  Protecting you with compassion。


  The best warrior is never aggressive。
  The best fighter is never angry。
  The best tactician does not engage the enemy。
  The best utilizer of people's talents places himself below them。

  This is called the virtue of non…contention。
  It is called the ability to engage people's talents。
  It is called the ultimate in merging with Heaven。


  Strategists have a saying:
  〃I prefer to be able to move; rather than be in a fixed position
  Prefer to retreat a foot rather than advancing an inch。〃
  This is called progress without advancing;
  Preparing without showing off;
  Smashing where there is no defense;
  Taking him without a fight。

  There is no greater danger than under…estimating your opponent。
  If I under…estimate my opponent
  I will lose that which is most dear。
  When opponents clash

  The one who is sorry about it will be the winner。


  My words are easy to understand
  And easy to practice。
  Yet nobody understands them or practices them。
  My words have an origin;
  My actions have a principle。
  It is only because of your not understanding this
  That you do not understand me。
  Since there are few who understand me
  I am valued。
  Therefore the sage wears coarse clothes。
  Yet hides a jewel in his bosom。


  There is nothing better than to know that you don't know。
  Not knowing; yet thinking you know
  This is sickness。
  Only when you are sick of being sick
  Can you be cured。
  The sage's not being sick

  Is because she is sick of sickness。

  Therefore she is not sick。


  When the people do not fear your might
  Then your might has truly become great。
  Don't interfere with their household affairs。
  Don't oppress their livelihood。

  If you don't oppress them they won't feel oppressed。

  Thus the sage understands herself
  But does not show herself。
  Loves herself
  But does not prize herself。
  Therefore she lets go of that

  And takes this。


  If you are courageous in daring you will die。
  If you are courageous in not…daring you will live。
  Among these two; one is beneficial and the other is harmful。

  Who understands the reason why Heaven dislikes what it dislikes?
  Even the sage has difficulty in knowing this。

  The Way of Heaven is to win easily without struggle。
  To respond well without words;
  To naturally come without special invitation;
  To plan well without anxiety。

  Heaven's net is vast。
  It is loose。

  Yet nothing slips through。


  If the people don't fear death
  How will you scare them with death?
  If you make the people continuously fear death
  By seizing anybody who does something out of the ordinary
  And killing them;
  Who will dare to move?

  There is always an official executioner to handle this。
  If you play the role of the official executioner
  It is like cutting wood in the capacity of Master Carpenter。

  There are few who will not cut their hands。


  The reason people starve
  Is because their rulers tax them excessively。
  They are difficult to govern
  Because their rulers have their own ends in mind。

  The reason people take death lightly
  Is because they want life to be rich。
  Therefore they take death lightly。
  It is only by not living for your own ends
  That you can go beyond valuing life。


  When people are born they are gentle and soft。
  At death they are hard and stiff。
  When plants are alive they are soft and delicate。
  When they die; they wither and dry up。
  Therefore the hard and stiff are followers of death。
  The gentle and soft are the followers of life。

  Thus; if you are aggressive and stiff; you won't win。
  When a tree is hard enough; it is cut。 Therefore
  The hard and big are lesser;
  The gentle and soft are greater。


  The Way of Heaven
  Is like stretching a bow。
  The top is pulled down;
  The bottom is pulled up。
  Excess string is removed
  Where more is needed; it is added。

  It is the Way of Heaven
  To remove where there is excess
  And add where there is lack。
  The way of people is different:
  They take away where there is need
  And add where there is surplus。

  Who can take 
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