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  Earth depends on the laws of Heaven
  Heaven depends on the laws of Tao
  But Tao depends on itself alone
  Supremely free; self…so; it rests in its own nature


  The inner is foundation of the outer
  The still is the master of the restless
  The Sage travels all day yet never leaves his inner treasure
  Though the views are captivating and beg attention he remains calm and uninvolved
  Tell me; does the lord of a great empire go out begging for rice?
  One who seeks his treasure in the outer world is cut off from his own roots
  Without roots; he becomes restless
  Being restless; his mind is weak
  And with a mind such as this he loses all command below Heaven


  A knower of the Truth travels without leaving a trace speaks without causing harm gives without keeping an account
  The doors he shuts; though having no lock; cannot be opened
  The know he ties; though using no cord; cannot be undone
  The Sage is always on the side of virtue so everyone around him prospers
  He is always on the side of truth so everything around him is fulfilled
  The path of the Sage is called 揟he Path of Illumination?br》 He who gives himself to this path is like a block of wood that gives itself to the chisel ?br》 Cut by cut it is honed to perfection
  Only a student who gives himself can receive the master抯 gift
  If you think otherwise; despite your knowledge; you have blundered
  Giving and receiving are one
  This is called; 揟he great wonder?揟he essential mystery?揟he very heart of all that is true?br》

  Hold your male side with your female side
  Hold your bright side with your dull side
  Hold your high side with your low side
  Then you will be able to hold the whole world
  When the opposing forces unite within there comes a power abundant in its giving and unerring in its effect
  Flowing through everything It returns one to the First Breath
  Guiding everything It returns one to No Limits
  Embracing everything It returns one to the Uncarved Block
  When the block is divided it becomes something useful and leaders can rule with a few pieces of it
  But the Sage holds the Block complete
  Holding all things within himself he preserves the Great Unity which cannot be ruled or divided


  Those who look down upon this world will surely take hold and try to change things
  But this is a plan I抳e always seen fail
  The world is Tao抯 own vessel
  It is perfection manifest
  It cannot be changed
  It cannot be improved
  For those who go on tampering; it抯 ruined
  For those who try to grasp; it抯 gone
  Allow your life to unfold naturally
  Know that it too is a vessel of perfection
  Just as you breathe in and out
  Sometimes you抮e ahead and other times behind
  Sometimes you抮e strong and other times weak
  Sometimes you抮e with people and other times alone
  To the Sage all of life is a movement toward perfection
  So what need has he for the excessive; the extravagant; or the extreme?


  Those who rule in accordance with Tao do not use force against the world
  For that which is forced is likely to return ?br》 Where armies settle
  Nature offers nothing but briars and thorns
  After a great battle has been fought; the land is cursed; the crops fail; the Earth lies
  stripped of its motherhood
  A knower of the Truth does what is called for then stops
  He uses his strength but does not force things
  In the same way complete your task seek no reward make no claims
  Without faltering fully choose to do what you must do
  This is to live without forcing to overcome without conquering
  Things that gain a place by force will flourish for a time but then fade away
  They are not in keeping with Tao
  Whatever is not in keeping with Tao will come to an early end


  Even the finest warrior is defeated when he goes against natural law
  By his own hand he is doomed and all creatures are likely to despise him
  One who knows Tao never turns from life抯 calling
  When at home he honours the side of rest
  When at war he honours the side of action
  Peace and tranquility are what he holds most dear so he does not obtain weapons
  But when their use is unavoidable he employs them with fortitude and zeal
  Do not flaunt your excellence
  Do not rejoice over victory
  With the loss of others weep with sorrow and grief
  After winning a battle; do not celebrate; observe the rites of a funeral
  One who is bound to action; proud of victory; and delights in the misfortune of others
  will never gain a thing from this world below Heaven


  Tao is eternal; one without a second
  Simple indeed yet so subtle that no one can master it
  If princes and kings could jus hold it
  All things would flock to their kingdom
  Heaven and Earth would rejoice with the dripping of sweet dew
  Everyone would live in harmony; not by official decree; but by their own inner goodness
  This world is nothing but the glory of Tao expressed through different names and forms
  One who sees the things of this world as being real and self…existent has lost sight of the truth
  To him; every word becomes a trap every thing becomes a prison
  One who knows the truth that underlies all things lives in this world without danger
  To him; every word reflects the universe every moment brings enlightenment
  Rivers and streams are born of the ocean
  All creation is born of Tao
  Just as all water flows back to become the ocean
  All creation flows back to become Tao


  One who knows others is intelligent
  One who knows himself is enlightened
  One who conquers others is strong
  One who conquers himself is all…powerful
  One who approaches life with force surely gets something
  One who remains content where he is surely gets everything
  One who gives himself to his position surely lives long
  One who gives himself to Tao surely lives forever


  The great Tao flows everywhere
  It fills everything to the left and to the right
  All things owe their existence to it and it cannot deny any one of them
  Tao is eternal
  It does not favour one over the other
  It brings all things to completion without their even knowing it
  Tao nourishes and protects all creatures yet does not claim lordship over them
  So we class it with the most humble
  Tao is the home to which all things return yet it wants nothing in return
  So we call it 揟he Greatest?br》 The Sage is the same way ?br》 He does not claim greatness over anything
  He抯 not eve aware of his own greatness
  Tell me; what could be greater than this?


  Hold fast to the Great Form within and let the world pass as it may
  Then the changes of life will not bring pain but contentment; joy; and well…being
  Music and sweets are passing pleasures yet they cause people to stop
  How bland and insipid are the things of this world when one compares them with Tao!
  One tastes; but the sw
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