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  How bland and insipid are the things of this world when one compares them with Tao!
  One tastes; but the sweetness turns bitter
  One sees; but the colours grow faint
  One hears; but the sound fades into silence
  One may look for fulfillment in this world but his longings will never be exhausted
  The only thing he ever finds is that he himself is exhausted


  Contraction pulls at that which extends too far
  Weakness pulls at that which strengthens too much
  Ruin pulls at that which rises too high
  Loss pulls at life when you fill it with too much stuff
  The lesson here is called 揟he wisdom of obscurity??br》 The gentle outlast the strong
  The obscure outlast the obvious
  Hence; a fish that ventures from deep water is soon snagged by a net
  A country that reveals its strength is soon conquered by an enemy


  Tao does not act yet it is the root of all action
  Tao does not move yet it is the source of all creation
  If princes and kings could hold it everyone under them would naturally turn within
  Should a doubt or old desire rise up
  The Nameless Simplicity would push it down
  The Nameless Simplicity frees the heart of desire and reveals its inner silence
  When there is silence one finds peace
  When there is silence one finds the anchor of the universe within himself


  To give without seeking reward
  To help without thinking it is virtuous ?therein lies the great virtue
  To keep account of your action
  To help with the hope of gaining merit ?therein lies no virtue
  The highest virtue is to act without a sense of self
  The highest kindness is to give without condition
  The highest justice is to see without preference
  When Tao is lost one must learn the rules of virtue
  When virtue is lost; the rules of kindness
  When kindness is lost; the rules of justice
  When justice is lost; the rules of conduct
  And when the high…blown rules of conduct are not followed people are seized by the arm and it is forced on them
  The rules of conduct are just an outer show of devotion and loyalty ?quite confusing to the heart
  And when men rely on these rules for guidance ?br》 Oh; what ignorance abounds!
  The great master follows his own nature and not the trappings of life
  It is said; 揌e stays with the fruit and not the fluff?揌e stays with the firm and not the
  flimsy?揌e stays with the true and not the false?br》

  From ancient times till now the One has been the source of all attainments
  By realizing One Heaven becomes clear; Earth becomes still spirits gain power and hearts fill up with joy
  By realizing the One kings and lords become instruments of peace and creatures live joyfully upon this earth
  Without the One Heaven ahs no clarity and would crack Earth has no peace and would crumble spirits have no power and would lose their charm
  Without the One hearts would dry up; empires would fall; all things would go lifelessly upon this earth
  Long ago kings and lords called themselves 搊rphaned;?搇onely;?and 搖nworthy?br》 What honour can there be without humility?
  What heights can be reached without being low?
  The pieces of a chariot are useless unless they work in accordance with the whole
  A man抯 life brings nothing unless he lives in accordance with the whole universe
  Playing one抯 part in accordance with the universe is true humility
  So whether you抮e a gem in the royal court or a stone on the common path
  If you accept your part with humility the glory of the universe will be yours


  The movement of Tao is to return
  The way of Tao is to yield
  Heaven; Earth; and all things are born of the existent world
  The existent world is born of the nothingness of Tao


  When the best seeker hears of Tao he strives with great effort to know it
  When an average seeker hears of Tao he thinks of it now and again
  When the poorest seeker hears of Tao he laughs out loud
  Tao is always becoming what we have need for it to become
  If it could not do this it would not be Tao
  There is an old saying;
  The clear way seems clouded
  The straight way seems crooked
  The sure way seems unsteady
  The greatest power seems weak
  The purest white seems tainted
  The abundant seems empty
  The stable seems shaky
  The certain seems false
  The Great Square has no corners
  The Great Vessel is never filled
  A beginner may be clumsy but after practice ?what talent!
  A large drum may sit silently but when banged ?what noise!
  Tao lies hidden yet it alone is the glorious light of this world


  Tao gives life to the one
  The one gives life to the two
  The two gives life to the three
  The three give life to ten thousand things
  All beings support yin and embrace yang and the interplay of these two forces fills the universe
  Yet only at the still…point; between the breathing in and the breathing out; can one capture these two in perfect harmony
  People suffer at the thought of being without parents; without food; or without worth
  Yet this is the very way that kings and lords once described themselves
  Who knows what fate may bring ?one day your loss may be your fortune one day your fortune may be your loss
  The age…old lesson that others teach; I also teach ?揂s you plant; so you reap?揂s you live; so you die?br》 Know this to be the foundation of my teachings


  The most yielding thing in the world will overcome the most rigid
  The most empty thing in the world will overcome the most full
  From this comes a lesson ?br》 Stillness benefits more than action
  Silence benefits more than words
  Rare indeed are those who are still
  Rare indeed are those who are silent
  And so I say;
  Rare indeed are those who obtain the bounty of this world


  One抯 own reputation ?why the fuss?
  One抯 own wealth ?why the concern?
  I say; what you gain is more trouble than what you lose
  Love is the fruit of sacrifice
  Wealth is the fruit of generosity
  Be content; rest in your own fullness ?br》 You will not suffer from loss
  You抣l avoid the snare of this world
  You抣l have long life and endless blessings


  The Great Perfection seems imperfect yet this world it creates is never impaired
  The Great Fullness seems empty yet this world it creates is never lacking
  Great truth seems false
  Great skill seems clumsy
  Great eloquence seems like babble
  Keep moving and you抣l miss the cold
  Keep silent and you抣l beat the heat
  Be tranquil like the rain of spring
  Be pure like the sheen of silk
  Then the Great Perfection will be perfect and the Great Fullness will be full


  When Tao is present in the empire men follow their own nature and riding horses work the fields
  When Tao is absent from the empire men go astray and war horses breed on sacred ground
  There is no greater loss than losing Tao
  No greater curse than desire
  No greater tragedy tha
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