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  And uses this knowledge in a Wu…Wei manner

  As the perfect is the teacher of the imperfect;
  The imperfect is a valuable experience for the perfect。
  Either teacher … either student;
  Not honoring the teacher;
  Not loving and caring for the student;
  Though learned and wise;
  Is deluded and deceived。

  Such is the subtle mystery。



  She …
  Knowing the Yang; yet keeping to the Yin;
  Like a valley stream receives All Things under the heavens。
  Never departing from the eternal Te;
  Returns to the innocence of childhood。

  She …
  Knowing whiteness; lightness and glory; yet;
  Keeping to blackness; darkness and humility;
  becomes an example to the world。
  Never deviating from the eternal Te;
  Returns to the ultimate mysterious
  primordial essence。

  She …
  Knowing honor and glory; yet;
  Keeping to obscurity and humility;
  becomes the receptive valley of the world。
  Being proficient in the eternal Te;
  Returns; as to an uncarved block。

  As uncarved wood is cut …
  The Tao is transformed into myriad things。
  The Sage; in using it; attains awesome power。
  A truly wise ruler is a careful carver;
  Ruling as sparsely and carefully
  as she carves。



  Those who would conquer the world by making humankind and events
  conform to their desire;
  Never succeed …
  For the sovereignty of the world is
  subtle; sacred; spiritual。

  Tampering with it; shaping or changing it;
  Harms; mars; spoils and destroys it。
  Reaching for it; grabbing or grasping at it;
  It is gone … lost。

  There exists constant alternation …
  Advance … Retreat
  Blowing Hot … Blowing Cold
  Strength … Weakness
  Rise … Fall
  The Sage; therefore; avoids all extremes;
  extravagances and excesses。



  The wise leader of people; in following ;the Tao;
  Conquers without using force of arms;
  For it is in the nature of direct force to rebound
  … violence begetting violence;
  repaying the wielder in kind。

  Knowing that forceful conflict produces
  a battleground of thorns and bramble extending far beyond the point of conflict;
  It is inevitable that conflict be followed by great famine and deprivation。
  A wise leader effects the purpose at hand; and stops …
  Not continuing the use of power for its own sake。
  Achieving the purpose:
  … Does not brag about it。
  … Does not boast of it。
  … Does not take pride in it。
  … Considers any conflict an unavoidable and regrettable necessity。
  … Does not delight in domination
  and violence。

  Knowing that loss follows gain;
  decay follows vigor
  and that violence is not consistent with the Tao;
  Then that which is inconsistent with the Tao;
  Must in time; perish。



  Arms and weapons;
  Being instruments of destruction; Are despised by all。
  They are avoided by followers of the Tao。
  As instruments of evil; they are spurned by good leaders;
  Being used with calm restraint only when no other choice prevails。
  A good leader does not regard victory with rejoicing;
  For to delight in victory is to delight
  in the slaughter of people。
  To delight in slaughter is to fail
  in one's purpose。

  In ancient social custom …
  The left is the place of honor
  for ceremonies at home。
  At war; the place of honor is at the right。
  Good omen and happy occasions favor the left。
  Ill omen and such sad occasions as
  funeral rites; favor the right。
  Observe then with grief and sorrow the slaughter
  accompanying victory of arms; for;
  Victory of arms and funeral ceremony
  truly share the same rite。



  The Tao; eternal and nameless;
  Is as an uncarved block …
  Seemingly simple and insignificant;
  Is inferior to nothing under the heavens。
  If leaders were to embrace it within their own true natures;
  Loyalty would come to them as effortlessly as
  heaven and earth send the rains and dew。
  There being no compulsion;
  All would be in harmony。

  Carving the block creates identity。
  Identity causes names。
  Names cause differentiation and distinction …
  Harmony ceases。
  As names are perceived …
  As distinctions among people arise …
  Knowing when to stop; danger may be avoided。

  Tao in the affairs of the world is as natural as the rivers seeking the seas。



  To know and understand others; Is to have wisdom。
  To know and understand oneself; Is to have wisdom and enlightenment。
  To conquer others; Is to have physical force。
  To conquer oneself; Is to have physical force as well as internal strength。

  To be content with what one has; Is to be rich indeed。
  To act with perseverance; Is to be strong willed。
  To preserve one's natural essence; Is to endure。
  To die; Is not to perish。
  One's eternal presence is true longevity。



  The great Tao; flowing everywhere;
  May go this way or that;
  To the left or to the right。
  All Things depending upon it for existence;
  It is generous; no grace is withheld。
  Silently and freely fulfilling its purpose and destiny;
  It lays no possessive claim。
  Nourishing and protecting All Things;
  It has no desire to be master over them。
  Without desire; asking for nothing;
  Some may call it 〃The Small〃。
  However; All Things belonging and returning to it …
  Tho' it lays no claim to master them;
  It is called 〃The Great〃。

  Thus the Sage
  Never making a show of greatness …
  Manifests true greatness。



  Tao presence in mind;
  Quietude; comfort and harmony appear。

  As music pleasures the soul …
  As fine food delights the senses …
  Passing strangers take note; pause to enjoy。
  Compare then the Tao …
  Flavorless to the taste。
  Unseen to the eye。
  Unheard to the ear。
  Tho' using it … it is inexhaustible。



  Expansion grows from contraction。
  Strength grows from weakness。
  Construction grows from destruction。
  Receiving grows from giving。
  Being the subtle law of nature;
  Softness and gentleness overcome the hard and the strong。

  As fish are preserved by hiding in the deep;
  Preserve your weapons of survival from the view of the Idle Curious。



  Tao never does; Yet through it; All Things are done。
  If leaders observed this; All would develop naturally。
  Desire for active doing would be restrained by the inherent simplicity of Tao。
  Being free of desire; Stillness and tranquility reign。
  Of itself; All Things are at peace。



  The person known to have superior Te;
  Has it as a result of natural instinct。
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