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  Now; weapons are instruments of ill omen;?Divinity abhors them。
  Therefore; one who abides in THOU does not abide weapons。

  The Superior Person; at home; honors the more powerful Left…side;
  牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋on the battlefield; the more gentle Right…side;

  they put Peace above all else;
  and refuse to glorify weapons。
  If one glorifies weapons; this propagates killing。

  One who delights in killing people has no influence with Heaven。

  On occasions of celebration; one honors the Left…side;
  on occasions of grief; the Right…side is honored more。
  A Deputy General stands on the Left side;
  their Commander stands at the Right。。
  in other words; they stand in the order of their gravity of offense。

  The killing of masses of people we ought bewail with sorrow and grief。
  Victory in battle we ought commemorate with mournful rites。


  THOU art eternally nameless。

  Because the un…hewn log is small; none care to subjugate it。
  If Kings and rulers had it; the masses would gladly serve them。

  Heaven and Earth unite to bring…forth sweet dew。
  Without 'governing' the people; natural equality ensues。

  As soon as one carves…up Nature; 'labels' arise。
  Once there are labels; one should know that it is time to STOP。
  Knowing when to stop; one may avoid peril。

  In Totemic terms; the relationship of the universe to THOU
  is 'Valley Streams flowing back into the River and the Sea。'


  Understanding others is Knowledge。
  Understanding oneself is Enlightenment。
  Conquering others is Power。
  Conquering oneself is Strength。

  Contentment is Wealth。
  Forceful conduct is Reckless。
  Not losing one's rightful nature is Immortality。

  To 'die' but not the perish
  is to be eternally present。


  Rippling art THOU; to the left and the right!
  All tasks completed; all affairs finished;
  still it does not claim them for itself。
  The myriad creatures return to it;
  but it does not act as their ruler。

  Eternally without 'personal motivations'
  it may be named among the small;
  the myriad creatures return to it
  though it does not 'order' them to。
  It may thus be named among the Great。

  In this way; Sages can achieve 'greatness;'
  by not acting 'great:'?therefore they may be named among theGreat。


  Hold fast to the Great Imagery; and all under Heaven will come;
  they will come and not be harmed by contact with your Libido;
  they will rest in safety and peace;
  music and fine food will make the passerby halt。

  Therefore; when THOU art expressed in mere words;
  people say 'how bland and tasteless it is!'
  〃We look for it; but there is not enough to be seen!〃
  'We listen for it; but there is not enough to be heard。'

  Yet; when put to use; it is inexhaustible!


  When you wish to contract something; you must first briefly expandit。
  To weaken something; you must first briefly make it stronger。
  To reject something; you must first momentarily join with it。
  When you wish to seize something; you must first NOT be grasping it。
  This is a 'subtle' insight!

  The soft and the weak conquer the strong。

  Fish cannot be removed alive from their watery depths;
  the profit…making instruments of State cannot be shown to the masses。


  THOU art eternally nameless。
  If rulers and Kings preserved it; the masses would transform。
  After transformation; should they wish to rise…up;
  I could restrain them with the nameless unhewn log。
  Should I so restrain them; they would not feel disgraced;
  they would be still; whereupon Heaven and Earth would right themselves。


  A 'Virtuoso' does not claim virtuosity。。
  and therefore; has it。
  An aspiring 'virtuoso' can think of nothing else!。。
  and therefore; is not there; quite yet。

  A true Virtuoso Does Nothing Much Personal。。
  for they have no egoic motives toward their skill。
  A true Humanitarian takes action。。
  but not for any egoic reasons。
  A truly 'Righteous' person takes action
  only for 'good causes。'

  A 'Civilized' person takes action;
  but if others do not respond accordingly;
  they roll up their sleeves and convince them!

  Therefore; when DEI is lost; afterwards comes 'Virtuosity' rediscovered;
  When Virtuosity has not yet been rediscovered; there comes 'Humanitarianism;'
  when Humanitarianism has been lost; afterwards comes 'Righteousness;'
  when Righteousness has been lost there comes 'Civilization' in it'splace。

  Now; Civilization is the refined product of Trust。。
  the Karma of Trust is the chaos of trusting the untrustworthy。
  Foreknowledge is but the blossoming of DEI;
  and not it's final 'proof。'

  Therefore; a person like DEI resides in original Wholeness;
  not in 'refined products。'
  They reside in fruitful 'proof;'
  not it's first blossoming promise。

  They 'suspect' the one and adopt the other。


  Originally; these attained Wholeness;
  Heaven attained Wholeness; and became 'pure。'
  Earth attained Wholeness; and became 'solid。'
  The Spirits attained Wholeness; and became 'divine。'
  The Cave Of Impressions attained Wholeness; and began to fill。
  The Hierarchy attained Wholeness; and all was put 'right。'

  Yet; Karma recoiling upon itself; it implies that;
  Once Heaven was 'pure' it would be torn asunder;
  once Earth was 'solid' it would begin to quake;
  once Spirits were 'divine' they would begin to bicker;
  once the Cave Of Impressions filled…up; it would run dry;
  once the Hierarchy was 'right' and exalted; it would 'fall。'

  Because of Karma; it is necessary to be Humbly…Noble;
  it is necessary to be Modestly…Exalted。

  For this reason; Hierarchs style themselves as
  'orphaned and destitute and hapless。'
  Is this not because they have learned true humility?

  Therefore; since striving for great praise deprives one of it;
  consequently do not desire to tinkle like jade
  or to ring like the True Stone。


  When a 'superior' person hears of DEI;
  they are scarcely able to put it into practice。
  When a 'middling' person hears of DEI;
  they appear to now perservere; now lose it。
  When a 'common' person hears of DEI;
  they laugh out loud。
  If they did not laugh; it could not be DEI!

  There is a series of old sayings; that go;
  〃The bright Path seems dim。
  The forward Path seems backwards。
  The level Path seems bumpy。
  Virtuosity seems like a depression。
  Great whiteness seems grimy。
  Ample skill seems insufficient。
  Full DEI seems apathetic。
  Plain truth seems sullied。

  The great square has no corners。
  The great vessel is never completed。
  The great note sounds muted。
  The great Image is formless。

  The Path is hidden; and nameless。〃

  Indeed; this Path alone is good at it's beginning and at it's end。


  Reversals are the way of 
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