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  Reversals are the way of this Path; and weakness is it's strength。

  All creatures are born of Being;?Being is born from Nonbeing。


  THOU gave birth to Unity;
  Unity gave birth to Duality;
  Duality gave birth to Trinity;
  Trinity gave birth to the myriad creatures。

  The myriad creatures bear IN on their backs;
  and embrace ANKH to their bosoms;
  they unify these subtleties; and thus achieve harmony。

  That which everyone in the world hates most
  is to be orphaned; destitute and hapless。。
  yet Hierarchs call themselves thus!

  Things may be diminished by being increased;
  or increased by being diminished。

  Therefore; that which people teach;
  after some reflection; I also teach people。

  They say; 〃A tyrant does not die a natural death。〃
  I take that as my Guide。


  The subtlest thing under Heaven
  gallops triumphantly over the most 'solid。'

  The 'dead' have gone to nowhere 'solid。'
  Thus I know the advantage of Doing Nothing Much Personal。

  The Discourse Beyond Personalities…
  The advantages of Doing Nothing Much Personal…
  few indeed can grasp these!


  Name or Person;
  which is nearer?!
  Person or Flesh;
  which is dearer?!
  Gain or Loss;
  which is drearier?。。

  Many loves entail great costs;
  Many riches ential heavy losses。

  Know contentment and you will not be disgraced。
  Know satisfaction and you will not be endangered;
  then may you long endure。


  Great perfection appears 'defective;'
  but it's usefulness is not diminished。
  Great fullness appears 'empty;'
  but it's usefulness is not impaired。

  Great straightness seems crooked。
  Great skill seems clumsy。
  Great attainment seems bashful。

  Bustling…about vanquishes cold;
  standing still vanquishes heat。

  Pure and still; one can straighten…out the Universe。


  When DEI…ty prevails under heaven;
  swift horses are prized for their fertilizing of fields;
  but when DEI…ty has been forgotten under heaven;
  war…horses are bred even in the suburbs!

  No guilt is greater than Egoic motivations;
  no disaster is greater than Egoic discontent;
  no crime is greater than the Egoic desire for gain。

  Therefore; Contentment that derives from knowing when to be Content
  is Eternal Contentment。


  Without going out of doors;
  one may know all under heaven。
  Without peering into windows;
  one may know the secrets of the Universe。

  The farther one goes;
  the less one knows!

  For this reason;
  the Sage knows without needing to journey;
  understands without needing to look;
  and accomplishes without needing to act。


  The pursuit of learning results in daily increase。
  Hearing DEI…ty results in daily decrease!
  Decrease and more Decrease;
  until you reach Doing Nothing Much Personal。
  Through this; no action is left undone。

  Should one aspire to attain the Cosmos;
  one should remain ever free of Ego…involvements;
  just as surely as one becomes Ego…involved;
  one becomes unfit to attain the Cosmos。


  Sages never have a mind of their own;
  they consider the minds of the common people to be their mind。

  Treat well those who are 'good。'
  Also treat well those who are 'not good。'
  This is Goodness ATTAINED。

  Be sincere to the sincere。
  Also be sincere to the insincere。
  This is Sincerity ATTAINED。

  Sages are self…effacing in their dealings with all under heaven;
  and bemuddle their own minds for the sake of others。

  The common people all rivet their eyes and ears upon them;
  and Sages make them giggle like children!


  A person comes forth into Life and passes into Death。

  Three out of ten are partners of Life;
  Three out of ten are partners of Death;
  And those whose every act leads them to Death
  because they cling desperately to Life are also three in ten。

  Now; what is the Reason for this?!
  It is because all of these CLING。

  Indeed; I have heard it said that those who can save life
  do not avoid tigers or rhinoceroses
  when out walking in the hills;
  nor do they put on armor and take up weapons
  when they approach a battlefield。
  The rhinoceros has no place to jab it's horn;
  the tiger has no place to fasten it's claws;
  and weapons have no place to put their blades。

  Now; what is the Reason for this?!
  Because in them there is no remaining Mortality。


  THOU gives birth to them; and DEI nurtures them。
  Matter forms them and functionality completes them。

  Because of this; the myriad creatures respect THOU and esteem DEI…ty。
  Respect for THOU and esteem for DEI…ty are by no means 'conferred'on them;
  but always occurs naturally。

  THOU gives birth to them;
  nurtures them
  rears them
  shelters them
  toughens them up
  sustains them
  protects them。

  It gives birth but does not 'claim' them;
  acts but does not 'intend;'
  rears but does not 'control。'

  This is 〃Mysterious DEI…ty。〃


  Everything under heaven has a beginning
  which may be thought of as the mother of everything。
  Having realized the mother; you thereby know her children。
  Knowing her children; go back and abide with the mother:
  To the end of your days; you will not be imperiled!

  Quiet the orifices of your heart; stop beckoning at that door:
  and for the rest of your days you will not suffer。
  Arouse your passions; meddle with affairs:
  and your life will be beyond helping。

  Seeing what is small is called 'insight。'
  Abiding in serenity is 'strength。'

  Use ANKH your light to return to 'insight。'
  Be not an inheritor of personal calamity!

  This is 〃remaining constant。〃


  If Ego had even the slightest knowledge of traveling the Path;
  it's only 'fear' would be of going 'astray。'
  The Path is quite level; but Egos LOVE mountain trails!

  The court may be thoroughly deserted;
  the fields all choked with weeds;
  the granaries; totally empty;

  YET there may still be some who wear bright; fancy clothing;
  sharp swords hanging at their sides;
  they walk around gorged with food
  and overflowing with possessions and wealth:

  This is surely NOT the Path!


  What is firmly established cannot be uprooted;
  what is tightly embraced cannot slip away。

  Thus; the prayers of sons and grandsons will never end!

  Cultivated in the person; DEI is true。
  Cultivated in the family; DEI is ample。
  Cultivated in the village; DEI lasts long。
  Cultivated in the state; DEI is abundant。
  Cultivated everywhere under heaven; DEI is vast。

  Observe other people through your own person。
  Observe other families through your own family。
  Observe other villages through your own village。
  Observe other states throu
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