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  Observe other families through your own family。
  Observe other villages through your own village。
  Observe other states through your own state。
  Observe all under heaven through all of these。

  How do I know the nature of all under heaven??By LOOKING!


  One who fully embodies DEI is like a ruddy infant。

  Wasps; spiders; scorpions and snakes
  do not sting or bite them;
  Rapacious birds and fierce beasts
  do not seize them。

  Their bones are weak and their sinews; soft
  yet their grip is tight。
  They have not known the joining of male and female;
  yet they are sexually aroused!
  Their Libido is at it's peak。

  They can scream all day long without becoming hoarse;
  Their harmony has reached it's perfection。

  Striving to increase one's life is ominous;
  to control one's vital breath with the mind entails force。

  Something that grows old in it's prime
  is said to not be in accord with the Path。
  Not being in accord with the Path leads to an early demise。


  One who knows does not label with words;
  one who labels with words does not really know。

  quiets the portals of their heart;
  stops beckoning from that door;
  diffuses their light;
  mingles with dust;
  files away their sharp edges and
  unravels their tangles


  Because of it;
  neither can one be fully 'intimate' with them
  nor can one remain distant from them;
  neither can one profit from them
  nor can one be harmed by them;
  neither can one achieve honor though them
  nor can one be dishonored through them。

  Because of this; they are esteemed by all under heaven。


  Rule your state with uprightness;
  deploy your troops with craft;
  gain all under heaven through noninterference。

  How do I actually KNOW this is right?


  the more 'taboos' or prohibitions under heaven
  the poorer the people are。
  The more clever the devices the people have
  the more confused the state and the ruling house。
  The more scientific knowledge there is
  the stranger the anomalies that spring up。
  The more laws there are in the land
  the more bandits and thieves。

  Therefore; Sages say:
  〃I Do Nothing Much Personally
  yet the people transform themselves。
  I am fond of stillness
  yet the people correct their own ways。
  I do not interfere in affairs
  yet the people enrich themselves。
  I desire not to 'desire' it
  yet the people of their own accord
  are become as simple as un…hewn logs。〃


  When a society is composed of free; self…governing individuals;
  the people are honest;
  when there is a 'legalistic' government 'ruling' the people;
  a true society is lacking。

  Disaster brings…forth the best in people; and new innovations;
  having more than one's own share is that wherein Disaster lurks!
  Who knows where this will end?!

  When there is no uprightness;
  correctness reverts to craftiness;
  goodness reverts to the gruesome。

  The delusion of mankind;
  how LONG has been it's Reign!

  For this reason; be:

  Solid but not abrasive;
  Pointed but not agressive;
  Right…On but not arrogant;
  Bright but not dazzling。


  To organize mankind and serve heaven;
  there is nothing like 'thrift!'

  Now; only through thriftiness
  can one be prepared;
  being prepared
  means having a large store of DEI。
  With a large store of DEI
  one can overcome anything。
  Being able to overcome anything;
  爊o one knows your limits!
  If no one knows what you are capable of;
  you may have your Kingdom。
  Being the Mother of a Kingdom;
  one can long endure。

  This is called 〃planting your roots firm and deep;
  the Path of long life and lasting vision。〃


  Properly ruling a big kingdom is like cooking a small fish。

  If one oversees all under heaven in partnership with THOU;
  'monsters' do not exist。
  Not only that; but
  their 'existance' could not harm anyone!
  Not only could they not harm anyone;
  but the ruling Sage does them no harm either。

  Now; when neither scorches the other;
  merit in nourished in both: (and the fish is DONE!)


  A large state is like a great river valley;
  the Mother of all under heaven。
  In the union of all under heaven
  she conquers her ravisher by stillness。
  Because she is still;
  it is fitting for her to lie low。

  By lying beneath a small state;
  a large state can take over the smaller。
  By lying beneath a large state;
  a smaller one can take over the larger state。

  Therefore; one may either take over or be taken over; by lying low。

  Thus; a large state wishes only to annex and nurture others;
  a small state wishes only to join…with and serve others。
  Now; since both get what they seek;
  it is fitting for the larger state to lie low。


  The Path is the Alembic of the myriad creatures;
  it is the treasure of the good person;
  and that which is treasured BY the 'bad。'

  Beautiful words can be traded;
  Noble deeds can be used as gifts of honor。
  Why should we reject even the 'bad' others offer us?!

  Therefore; when a Child Of Heaven is enthroned;
  or a Triune Ministry installed;
  although they may have large and valuable ornaments
  and be preceded by teams of four horses;
  it would be better for them to sit down
  and make progress in THIS!

  Why did the ancients value THIS so highly?
  Did they not say;
  〃Seek and ye shall find;
  Repent and thou shalt be forgiven〃?

  Therefore THIS is valued by all under heaven。


  Act by Doing Nothing Much Personal;
  handle affairs through noninterference。
  Taste what has no flavor;
  regard the small as great; the few as many。
  Repay resentment with DEI…ty's virtues。

  Undertake difficult tasks
  by appreciating what is easy about them。
  Do great deeds
  by focusing on their little details。

  All difficulties under heaven arise from what is simple;
  all great things under heaven depend upon little details。

  Thus; Sages never strive to do what is great;
  therefore they can achieve greatness。

  One who lightly agrees
  is seldom believed;
  One who thinks everything is going to be easy
  encounters many problems!

  Consequently; even Sages consider things difficult;
  and thus; find them easier than they thought; in the end。


  What is secure is easily grasped;
  what has no omens is easily forestalled;
  what is brittle is easily split;
  what is diffuse is easily dispersed。

  Act before need arises;
  Bring order before disorder begins。

  A tree you could barely wrap your arms around
  began as a downy shoot;
  A terrace nine layers tall
  began with a single basketful of earth;
  An ascent of a hundred steps
  begins beneath one's foot。

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