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  Therefore; the Sage's way of governing begins by

  Emptying the heart of desires;
  Filling the belly with food;
  Weakening the ambitions;
  Toughening the bones。

  In this way he will cause the people to remain without knowledge and without desire; and prevent the knowing ones from any ado。
  Practice Non…Ado; and everything will be in order。


  THE Tao is like an empty bowl;
  Which in being used can never be filled up。
  Fathomless; it seems to be the origin of all things。
  It blunts all sharp edges;
  It unties all tangles;
  It harmonizes all lights;
  It unites the world into one whole。
  Hidden in the deeps;
  Yet it seems to exist for ever。
  I do not know whose child it is;
  It seems to be the common ancestor of all; the father of things。


  HEAVEN…and…Earth is not sentimental;
  It treats all things as straw…dogs。
  The Sage is not sentimental;
  He treats all his people as straw…dogs。

  Between Heaven and Earth;
  There seems to be a Bellows:
  It is empty; and yet it is inexhaustible;
  The more it works; the more comes out of it。
  No amount of words can fathom it:
  Better look for it within you。


  THE Spirit of the Fountain dies not。
  It is called the Mysterious Feminine。
  The Doorway of the Mysterious Feminine
  Is called the Root of Heaven…and…Earth。

  Lingering like gossamer; it has only a hint of existence;
  And yet when you draw upon it; it is inexhaustible。


  HEAVEN lasts long; and Earth abides。
  What is the secret of their durability?
  Is it not because they do not live for themselves
  That they can live so long?

  Therefore; the Sage wants to remain behind;
  But finds himself at the head of others;
  Reckons himself out;
  But finds himself safe and secure。
  Is it not because he is selfless
  That his Self is realised?


  THE highest form of goodness is like water。
  Water knows how to benefit all things without striving with them。
  It stays in places loathed by all men。
  Therefore; it comes near the Tao。

  In choosing your dwelling; know how to keep to the ground。
  In cultivating your mind; know how to dive in the hidden deeps。
  In dealing with others; know how to be gentle and kind。
  In speaking; know how to keep your words。
  In governing; know how to maintain order。
  In transacting business; know how to be efficient。
  In making a move; know how to choose the right moment。

  If you do not strive with others;
  You will be free from blame。


  As for holding to fullness;
  Far better were it to stop in time!

  Keep on beating and sharpening a sword;
  And the edge cannot be preserved for long。

  Fill your house with gold and jade;
  And it can no longer be guarded。

  Set store by your riches and honour;
  And you will only reap a crop of calamities。

  Here is the Way of Heaven:
  When you have done your work; retire!


  IN keeping the spirit and the vital soul together;
  Are you able to maintain their perfect harmony?
  In gathering your vital energy to attain suppleness;
  Have you reached the state of a new…bom babe?
  In washing and clearing your inner vision;
  Have you purified it of all dross?
  In loving your people and governing your state;
  Are you able to dispense with cleverness?
  In the opening and shutting of heaven's gate;
  Are you able to play the feminine part?
  Enlightened and seeing far into all directions;
  Can you at the same time remain detached and non…active?

  Rear your people!
  Feed your people!
  Rear them without claiming them for your own!
  Do your work without setting any store by it!
  Be a leader; not a butcher!
  This is called hidden Virtue。


  THIRTY spokes converge upon a single hub;
  It is on the hole in the center that the use of the cart hinges。

  We make a vessel from a lump of clay;
  It is the empty space within the vessel that makes it useful。

  We make doors and windows for a room;
  But it is these empty spaces that make the room livable。

  Thus; while the tangible has advantages;
  It is the intangible that makes it useful。


  THE five colours blind the eye。
  The five tones deafen the ear。
  The five flavours cloy the palate。
  Racing and hunting madden the mind。
  Rare goods tempt men to do wrong。

  Therefore; the Sage takes care of the belly; not the eye。
  He prefers what is within to what is without。


  〃WELCOME disgrace as a pleasant surprise。
  Prize calamities as your own body。〃

  Why should we 〃welcome disgrace as a pleasant surprise〃?
  Because a lowly state is a boon:
  Getting it is a pleasant surprise;
  And so is losing it!
  That is why we should 〃welcome disgrace as a pleasant surprise。〃

  Why should we 〃prize calamities as our own body〃?
  Because our body is the very source of our calamities。
  If we have no body; what calamities can we have?

  Hence; only he who is willing to give his body for the sake of the world is fit to be entrusted with the world。
  Only he who can do it with love is worthy of being the steward of the world。


  LOOK at it but you cannot see it!
  Its name is Formless。

  Listen to it but you cannot hear it!
  Its name is Soundless。

  Grasp it but you cannot get it!
  Its name is Incorporeal。

  These three attributes are unfathomable;
  Therefore they fuse into one。

  Its upper side is not bright:
  Its under side not dim。
  Continually the Unnameable moves on;
  Until it retums beyond the realm of things。
  We call it the formless Form; the imageless Image。
  We call it the indefinable and unimaginable。

  Confront it and you do not see its face!
  Follow it and you do not see its back!
  Yet; equipped with this timeless Tao;
  You can harness present realities。

  To know the origins is initiation into the Tao。


  THE ancient adepts of the Tao were subtle and flexible; profound and comprehensive。
  Their minds were too deep to be fathomed。

  Because they are unfathomable;
  One can only describe them vaguely by their appearance。

  Hesitant like one wading a stream in winter;
  Timid like one afraid of his neighbours on all sides;
  Cautious and courteous like a guest;
  Yielding like ice on the point of melting;
  Simple like an uncarved block;
  Hollow like a cave;
  Confused like a muddy pool;
  And yet who else could quietly and gradually evolve from the muddy to the clear?
  Who else could slowly but steadily move from the inert to the living?

  He who keeps the Tao does not want to be full。
  But precisely because he is never full;
  He can always remain like a hidden sprout;
  And does not rush to early ripening。


  ATTAIN to utmost Emptiness。
  Cling single…heartedly to interior peace。
  While all things are stirring together;
  I only contemplate t
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