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  Cling single…heartedly to interior peace。
  While all things are stirring together;
  I only contemplate the Return。
  For flourishing as they do;
  Each of them will return to its root。
  To return to the root is to find peace。
  To find peace is to fulfill one's destiny。
  To fulfill one's destiny is to be constant。
  To know the Constant is called Insight。

  If one does not know the Constant;
  One runs blindly into disasters。
  If one knows the Constant;
  One can understand and embrace all。
  If one understands and embraces all;
  One is capable of doing justice。
  To be just is to be kingly;
  To be kingly is to be heavenly;
  To be heavenly is to be one with the Tao;
  To be one with the Tao is to abide forever。
  Such a one will be safe and whole
  Even after the dissolution of his body。


  THE highest type of ruler is one of whose existence the people are barely aware。
  Next comes one whom they love and praise。
  Next comes one whom they fear。
  Next comes one whom they despise and defy。

  When you are lacking in faith;
  Others will be unfaithful to you。

  The Sage is self…effacing and scanty of words。
  When his task is accomplished and things have been completed;
  All the people say; 〃We ourselves have achieved it!〃


  WHEN the Great Tao was abandoned;
  There appeared humanity and justice。
  When intelligence and wit arose;
  There appeared great hypocrites。
  When the six relations lost their harmony;
  There appeared filial piety and paternal kindness。
  When darkness and disorder began to reign in a kingdom;
  There appeared the loyal ministers。


  DROP wisdom; abandon cleverness;
  And the people will be benefited a hundredfold。

  Drop humanity; abandon justice;
  And the people will return to their natural affections。

  Drop shrewdness; abandon sharpness;
  And robbers and thieves will cease to be。

  These three are the criss…cross of Tao;
  And are not sufficient in themselves。
  Therefore; they should be subordinated
  To a Higher principle:
  See the Simple and embrace the Primal;
  Diminish the self and curb the desires!


  HAVE done with learning;
  And you will have no more vexation。

  How great is the difference between 〃eh〃 and 〃o〃?
  What is the distinction between 〃good〃 and 〃evil〃?
  Must I fear what others fear?
  What abysmal nonsense this is!

  All men are joyous and beaming;
  As though feasting upon a sacrificial ox;
  As though mounting the Spring Terrace;
  I alone am placid and give no sign;
  Like a babe which has not yet smiled。
  I alone am forlorn as one who has no home to retum to。

  All men have enough and to spare:
  I alone appear to possess nothing。
  What a fool I am!
  What a muddled mind I have!
  All men are bright; bright:
  I alone am dim; dim。
  All men are sharp; sharp:
  I alone am mum; mum!
  Bland like the ocean;
  Aimless like the wafting gale。

  All men settle down in their grooves:
  I alone am stubborn and remain outside。
  But wherein I am most different from others is
  In knowing to take sustenance from my Mother!


  IT lies in the nature of Grand Virtue
  To follow the Tao and the Tao alone。
  Now what is the Tao?
  It is Something elusive and evasive。
  Evasive and elusive!
  And yet It contains within Itself a Form。
  Elusive and evasive!
  And yet It contains within Itself a Substance。
  Shadowy and dim!
  And yet It contains within Itself a Core of Vitality。
  The Core of Vitality is very real;
  It contains within Itself an unfailing Sincerity。
  Throughout the ages Its Name has been preserved
  In order to recall the Beginning of all things。
  How do I know the ways of all things at the Beginning?
  By what is within me。


  BEND and you will be whole。
  Curl and you will be straight。
  Keep empty and you will be filled。
  Grow old and you will be renewed。

  Have little and you will gain。
  Have much and you will be confused。

  Therefore; the Sage embraces the One;
  And becomes a Pattern to all under Heaven。
  He does not make a show of himself;
  Hence he shines;
  Does not justify himself;
  Hence he becomes known;
  Does not boast of his ability;
  Hence he gets his credit;
  Does not brandish his success;
  Hence he endures;
  Does not compete with anyone;
  Hence no one can compete with him。
  Indeed; the ancient saying: 〃Bend and you will remain whole〃 is no idle word。
  Nay; if you have really attained wholeness; everything will flock to you。


  ONLY simple and quiet words will ripen of themselves。
  For a whirlwind does not last a whole morning;
  Nor does a sudden shower last a whole day。
  Who is their author? Heaven…and…Earth!
  Even Heaven…and…Earth cannot make such violent things last long;
  How much truer is it of the rash endeavours of men?

  Hence; he who cultivates the Tao is one with the Tao;
  He who practices Virtue is one with Virtue;
  And he who courts after Loss is one with Loss。

  To be one with the Tao is to be a welcome accession to the Tao;
  To be one with Virtue is to be a welcome accession to Virtue;
  To be one with Loss is to be a welcome accession to Loss。

  Deficiency of faith on your part
  Entails faithlessness on the part of others。


  ONE on tip…toe cannot stand。
  One astride cannot walk。
  One who displays himself does not shine。
  One who justifies himself has no glory。
  One who boasts of his own ability has no merit。
  One who parades his own success will not endure。
  In Tao these things are called 〃unwanted food and extraneous growths;〃
  Which are loathed by all things。
  Hence; a man of Tao does not set his heart upon them。


  THERE was Something undefined and yet complete in itself;
  Born before Heaven…and…Earth。

  Silent and boundless;
  Standing alone without change;
  Yet pervading all without fail;
  It may be regarded as the Mother of the world。
  I do not know its name;
  I style it 〃Tao〃;
  And; in the absence of a better word; call it 〃The Great。〃

  To be great is to go on;
  To go on is to be far;
  To be far is to return。

  Hence; 〃Tao is great;
  Heaven is great;
  Earth is great;
  King is great。〃
  Thus; the king is one of the great four in the Universe。

  Man follows the ways of the Earth。
  The Earth follows the ways of Heaven;
  Heaven follows the ways of Tao;
  Tao follows its own ways。


  HEAVINESS is the root of lightness。
  Serenity is the master of restlessness。

  Therefore; the Sage; travelling all day;
  Does not part with the baggage…wagon;
  Though there may be gorgeous sights to see;
  He stays at ease in his own home。

  Why should a lord of ten thousand chariots
  Display his lightness to the world?
  To be light is to be separated from one's root
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