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  Display his lightness to the world?
  To be light is to be separated from one's root;
  To be restless is to lose one's self…mastery。


  GOOD walking leaves no track behind it;
  Good speech leaves no mark to be picked at;
  Good calculation makes no use of counting…slips;
  Good shutting makes no use of bolt and bar;
  And yet nobody can undo it;
  Good tying makes no use of rope and knot;
  And yet nobody can untie it。

  Hence; the Sage is always good at saving men;
  And therefore nobody is abandoned;
  Always good at saving things;
  And therefore nothing is wasted。

  This is called 〃following the guidance of the Inner Light。〃

  Hence; good men are teachers of bad men;
  While bad men are the charge of good men。
  Not to revere one's teacher;
  Not to cherish one's charge;
  Is to be on the wrong road; however intelligent one may be。
  This is an essential tenet of the Tao。


  KNOW the masculine;
  Keep to the feminine;
  And be the Brook of the World。
  To be the Brook of the World is
  To move constantly in the path of Virtue
  Without swerving from it;
  And to return again to infancy。

  Know the white;
  Keep to the black;
  And be the Pattern of the World。
  To be the Pattern of the World is
  To move constantly in the path of Virtue
  Without erring a single step;
  And to return again to the Infinite。

  Know the glorious;
  Keep to the lowly;
  And be the Fountain of the World。
  To be the Fountain of the World is
  To live the abundant life of Virtue;
  And to return again to Primal Simplicity。

  When Primal Simplicity diversifies;
  It becomes useful vessels;
  Which; in the hands of the Sage; become officers。
  Hence; 〃a great tailor does little cutting。〃


  DOES anyone want to take the world and do what he wants with it?
  I do not see how he can succeed。

  The world is a sacred vessel; which must not be tampered with or grabbed after。
  To tamper with it is to spoil it; and to grasp it is to lose it。

  In fact; for all things there is a time for going ahead; and a time for following behind;
  A time for slow…breathing and a time for fast…breathing;
  A time to grow in strength and a time to decay;
  A time to be up and a time to be down。

  Therefore; the Sage avoids all extremes; excesses and extravagances。


  HE who knows how to guide a ruler in the path of Tao
  Does not try to override the world with force of arms。
  It is in the nature of a military weapon to turn against its wielder。

  Wherever armies are stationed; thorny bushes grow。
  After a great war; bad years invariably follow。

  What you want is to protect efficiently your own state;
  But not to aim at self…aggrandisement。

  After you have attained your purpose;
  You must not parade your success;
  You must not boast of your ability;
  You must not feel proud;
  You must rather regret that you had not been able to prevent the war。
  You must never think of conquering others by force。

  For to be over…developed is to hasten decay;
  And this is against Tao;
  And what is against Tao will soon cease to be。


  FINE weapons of war augur evil。
  Even things seem to hate them。
  Therefore; a man of Tao does not set his heart upon them。

  In ordinary life; a gentleman regards the left side as the place of honour:
  In war; the right side is the place of honour。

  As weapons are instruments of evil;
  They are not properly a gentleman's instruments;
  Only on necessity will he resort to them。
  For peace and quiet are dearest to his heart;
  And to him even a victory is no cause for rejoicing。

  To rejoice over a victory is to rejoice over the slaughter of men!
  Hence a man who rejoices over the slaughter of men cannot expect to thrive in the world of men。

  On happy occasions the left side is preferred:
  On sad occasions the right side。
  In the army; the Lieutenant Commander stands on the left;
  While the Commander…in…Chief stands on the right。
  This means that war is treated on a par with a funeral service。
  Because many people have been killed; it is only right that survivors should mourn for them。
  Hence; even a victory is a funeral。


  TAO is always nameless。
  Small as it is in its Primal Simplicity;
  It is inferior to nothing in the world。
  If only a ruler could cling to it;
  Everything will render homage to him。
  Heaven and Earth will be harmonized
  And send down sweet dew。
  Peace and order will reign among the people
  Without any command from above。

  When once the Primal Simplicity diversified;
  Different names appeared。
  Are there not enough names now?

  Is this not the time to stop?
  To know when to stop is to preserve ourselves from danger。
  The Tao is to the world what a great river or an ocean is to the streams and brooks。


  HE who knows men is clever;
  He who knows himself has insight。
  He who conquers men has force;
  He who conquers himself is truly strong。

  He who knows when he has got enough is rich;
  And he who adheres assiduously to the path of Tao is a man of steady purpose。
  He who stays where he has found his true home endures long;
  And he who dies but perishes not enjoys real longevity。


  THE Great Tao is universal like a flood。
  How can it be turned to the right or to the left?

  All creatures depend on it;
  And it denies nothing to anyone。

  It does its work;
  But it makes no claims for itself。

  It clothes and feeds all;
  But it does not lord it over them:
  Thus; it may be called 〃the Little。〃

  All things return to it as to their home;
  But it does not lord it over them:
  Thus; it may be called 〃the Great。〃

  It is just because it does not wish to be great
  That its greatness is fully realised。


  HE who holds the Great Symbol will attract all things to him。
  They flock to him and receive no harm; for in him they find peace; security and happiness。

  Music and dainty dishes can only make a passing guest pause。
  But the words of Tao possess lasting effects;
  Though they are mild and flavourless;
  Though they appeal neither to the eye nor to the ear。


  WHAT is in the end to be shrunken;
  Begins by being first stretched out。
  What is in the end to be weakened;
  Begins by being first made strong。
  What is in the end to be thrown down;
  Begins by being first set on high。
  What is in the end to be despoiled;
  Begins by being first richly endowed。

  Herein is the subtle wisdom of life:
  The soft and weak overcomes the hard and strong。

  Just as the fish must not leave the deeps;
  So the ruler must not display his weapons。


  TAO never makes any ado;
  And yet it does everything。
  If a ruler can cling to it;
  All things will grow of themselves。
  When they have grown and te
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